6-min walk from Exit C1, HKU MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
Level4 2021-12-05
野晚黎到好多人 坐滿唒😮D人唔係打邊爐就係食煲仔飯我地有時間 就烚下烚下啦!揀左蟲草花排骨湯 清清地配菜份量正常生菜 南瓜 算幾新鮮😊芝士腸同扎肉味道正常但墨魚丸好粉 唔彈牙 竟然仲有芫荽味😥我地食完再睇返餐牌發現佢地無俾日式餃子😞亦無俾其他野黎代替 唔太滿意 有D失望😣 肥牛肥肉比例佔多 完全無牛肉味🧐 唔得掂豚肉就瘦D 亦都有豬味個人鍾意豬肉多D😄烏冬估唔到俾我地驚喜😝唔粉 仲好彈牙 比得上唔少日本餐廳😋以黎個價錢 質素都可接受☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-04-22
晚餐嗌左個越南火車頭米粉,睇個樣好似好吸引咁,本身以為好大碗,但點知係一個細嘅外賣碗的份量,真係少得濟喎🤣🤣 但味道都算唔錯,再加埋啲辣椒同青檸汁,係幾好味嘅。佢有牛柏葉同一粒牛丸,份量真係少嘅,但都算好味,但仲有啲牛筋同牛面肉,就唔算太啱食。講真一個女仔食完都唔飽,份量真係太少了!不過可以加埋佢個小食拼盤,就應該會飽多少少。🤣🤣但值得一讚就係加$3有一杯青檸梳打,真係幾好飲,呢個係必嗌!好fresh 🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-09-27
話說天氣開始轉涼,突現想打個邊爐,咁岩岩經過大快活有人打緊邊爐,就想入去試下,大快活係一間快餐店,本來對佢無乜大期望,於是我點左一份豕肉火鍋,叫左麻香雞湯,一開始聞到個湯底都幾興奮,因為真係幾香。火鍋料包括娃娃菜,南瓜片,cheese sausages,肉丸,金菇,烏冬,同埋重點嘅兩份豕肉。火鍋醬料是自助的,有火鍋醬油,蒜蓉,辣椒。個火鍋醬油都幾香,應該係有煮過。一開始食其他配料時都幾滿意,但係準備落豕肉時,發現根本痴實晒起隻碟度,完全係無解過凍,冰實左。我等左勁耐都無辦法落到啲豕肉落去,最後我用火鍋嘅水蒸氣蒸左起碼5分鐘,先開始解到少少凍。。。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-06-02
just a quick review on this restaurant, fairwood. 大快活 ,as I have not much time for the dinner and also doing this. due to doing project on hand and kind of busy for things.so it is,  now just a quick dinner section and cant be staying a good restaurant for too long. I ordered a pumpkin chicken fillet meal and it comes with rice. it is plain and ordinary. Not so seasoning and marinaded. rice is a bit hard. and waiter wasn't in mood for serving. but it is ok. I am not sitting too long for enjoying as I just here to fill myself up.so to conclude the experience...Décor is kind of standard...nothing much can tellHygiene...I wont comment too muchValue...if go for quick eat, should be ok. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-04-03
其實我好少幫襯大快活,因為佢嘅水準始終不及大x樂同美x,而今次幫襯,全因為見廣告個吉列牛吸引,加再上我本身係牛控,更係吉列牛控,所以點都要嚟冒死一試!脆爆厚切吉列牛飯 $47🥢🥢—————————————阿sir本身都想試,但我驚中伏,如果唔好食咪攬炒......所以只叫咗一份吉列牛,店員送餐上枱時我呆咗😧,點解個牛唔係紅色嘅,仲要件牛唔係所講嘅"汁多肉嫩"囉,係似我個荷包咁"乾",好彩咬落去又唔韌,味道就似豬扒,外層反而炸得鬆化可口,未致於全軍覆沒啦。至於咖喱,我認為係超乎想像嘅,真係好日式咖喱味道,算挽回整個飯少少分數。一人共消費:$47 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)