Exit F2, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
來自法國的朱古力及macaron continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
Level3 2014-04-05
Dark cho & almond éclair - 70%朱古力杏仁Éclair($68): 口感偏濕軟, 不是我愛的口感, 內餡的朱古力味很濃, 有點小甜, 外表只有很少的杏仁, 不香亦不脆, 表面fauchon的標示不是用朱古力做的, 而是卡紙, 在Éclair上放卡紙, 實在令人失望, 食完一條的感覺很膩, 而且味道亦不特別, $68有點貴了, 不會再試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-08-31
早前行Jason's時見到冇人排隊, 突然macaroon癮發作, 於是就買左幾粒, 同朋友分甘同味包裝算精美不過衰在冇內涵 味道好假 啲人造味道好明顯 甜亦詌得過火咬一啖成粒macaroon就散晒以佢$22一粒既價錢 我寧願加1蚊食L字頭嗰間好過 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-04-08
每次經過都想買黎試,今日見無人排隊,所以買左 one box of 12 !今日有11種味,當然我要左個11隻味,加上多件我最仲意嘅hazelnut la!! 😉😉由於我好仲意食macaroons ,所以今次對間店有好大嘅期望,但係...😅😅我試左caramel, hazelnut, vanilla n raseberry !! 雖然,hazelnut 嘅味道我幾仲意,因為好似金沙,但係口感唔係太外脆內軟,又冇好似laudree 咁有杏仁粒,有d失望😱😱其他味都ok,但唔會有個種令我難忘嘅味道,所以我應該唔會再買,除非佢有出一d新味!😎😎雖然味道唔係太出眾,但係佢可以擺5日,5日內食用,都幾好ge!!😗😗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-03-18
I was around cwb area and wanted to satisfy my macaron cravings so decided to give Fauchon a try. I had the praline chocolate and chocolate (obviously I love chocolate). I picked the praline one because of the shiny shimmery coating on top of the macaron. I thought that was interesting. My first thought on both of the macarons r just very crunchy compared to other shops. Also the texture isn't as smooth, so u can feel the small grinded up pieces of almonds. Both of the flavors weren't very memorable. Just mediocre and very typical as to how it's supposed to taste. I probably wouldn't spend $22 on the macarons from here again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-03-04
馬卡龍熱潮持續,我倆絕不是什麼甜魔,但偏偏愛上馬卡龍這法式甜點純純個人喜好,在試過的品牌中,首選Jean Paul Hevin Chocolatier(也是全港最貴的),還有Paul Lafayet,LGB,Hami和Laduree的也不錯是日試的,是來自法國的百年老店Fauchon記得數月前曾到過希慎廣場地庫的Jasons,那裡已有Fauchon的馬卡龍發售是日Fauchon在海港城的Chocolate Trail佔了其中一個Pop-up store,再遇這百年老店,趁還未是晚飯時間,便小試牛刀,買了其中兩款口味試試香草|開心果單看裙邊,賣相十分不錯可是馬卡龍的表面卻不夠平滑,特別是開心果那款,較為粗糙先咬一小口,餘下的部份已盡裂開,脆身程度可想而知兩款餅底同樣做得太脆,失去了本身應有的煙韌口感餡料過甜,開心果味更是非常薄弱,質地和味道也挺令人失望表面平滑程度一般,餅有點脆口,但比起開心果味,仍可接受 香草味道芳香,以馬卡龍來說,甜度適中馬卡龍是對濕度相對較敏感的甜點,也許,店方應針對香港的天氣而作出改良我們知道,要做一個出色的馬卡龍並非易事除了吃盡各大名店,也上過數次馬卡龍製作班,希望終有一天能在我們未來的家成功自家製作馬卡龍給各位親朋好友品嚐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)