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Review (60)
Level2 2011-04-17
First time in "First Cup Coffee" in Tsim Sha Tsui with a friend.English breakfast is my all-time favourite. The place was not luxuriously furnished.It's casual.Customer could see the street from sitting inside the restaurant.Personally I like this more than cubicle cafe in malls.When I entered the cafe, there were tables with finished cups and plates.There were an Asian and a (kind of) Caucasian staff. The Asian was responsible for cooking and the Caucasian for serving.The Caucasian seemed new to the restaurant.He was not confident taking orders nor responsive to customer's request.He seemed not sure what he should be doing.Waited for over 20 minutes for an omelette, an English breakfast, one iced hazelnut latte and a hot mocha.The iced latte turned out to be hot latte without a clue. Thus we didn't complain.My hot mocha was too creamy. I don't like too much milk in coffee.The English breakfast was excellent, as well as the omelette.Bacon was not greasy. The bread was a very tasty type. the crust was crispy and the bread was soft.Overall the taste of food was fine. The waiting time for food could be shorten. Hoping for better coffee and better staff. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2011-04-08
舊年朋友介紹一試呢度的All day breakfast, 抵食!!!! $50!!! 大份, 服務員有耐性講解, 本來想叫Bacon & Egg($38) 再另加一條腸(另加$8), 服務員笑笑口說加腸已$46, 點解唔食English Breakfast, 多貼心!!! 一試之下已知她真的沒有介紹錯, 有煙肉, 香腸, 茄汁豆, 麵包, 蘑姑, 蕃茄及雙蛋, 不油不膩! 十分正!! 上月途經此地, 打算再回味一下, 殊不知是惡夢的開始!!!! 不知是否上次的女生放假, 這次遇到的是一個外藉侍應, 我與女友坐下已十數分鐘, 他還像是發呆連我與女友坐下也不知道, 見他沒反應便自己拿菜單, 點了English Breakfast, 奄列, 凍咖啡及凍Mocha.當時只有我, 女友及其他兩台外藉人士, 但是那位外藉侍應不知為何, 等了20分鐘還未煮好, 一問之下, 原來一早已忘了我們的order, 終於在點菜後45分鐘才到, 一看................與我上次吃的完全兩碼子事, 蛋還是水汪汪的, 腸還未熟, 但煙肉竟燶得不可再燶. 凍咖啡只有甜味沒有咖啡味, 女友的凍Mocha更差, 超濃朱古力, 甜得不可再甜, 沒有咖啡味, 共$183!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!還想介紹女友到此hea, 想不到換來的是難受!!!!!!!!!! 下次再來的話還是看看是那位主理才好!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
前身在漢口道時已光顧過,那時不太懂喝咖啡,不過記憶中的iced mocha還不錯。之後因為附近的另一間咖啡店結業而少到尖沙咀,不過幾個月前也有幫襯過。可是上次點的espresso已沒有太大印象,只記得還可以。事隔多月,對espresso認識多了,亦剛有事要到附近,所以再來品嚐一下。若不是曾光顧過,又或有人推介,此店實難令人聯想到是咖啡店。因為從外觀上,此店徹頭徹尾是一間酒吧的格局。而且,店子招牌上的"Coffee"亦用紅紙遮蓋著。進入店後更是不堪入目,殘舊桌子與椅子的東拼西湊,再加上微弱的燈光,像是到了夜冷店的感覺。向店員點了一杯espresso後,才發覺原來自己打擾了他上網的時間。不用三分鐘,我的espresso已經煮好,可惜由磨豆到沖煮咖啡期間,我完全嗅不到咖啡的香味,自己還在猜測是否因坐近行人路邊的關係而嗅不到,不過事實是咖啡真的有問題。還未看清杯內的液體前,已被破爛的杯口吸引了,再仔細一看,更發現杯的外面黐了一些沖煮過的粉渣,而小茶匙也有一些。杯內的境況也是不堪入目,點點的咖啡猶如紅酒掛杯似的掛在杯上,這是沖煮的手法而造成,還是咖啡流速不均所致?crema薄得可看到底下的咖啡,將鼻子靠近杯子才嗅到咖啡苦澀的味道,喝了一口,感覺咖啡的溫度頗低,而在口腔內翻滾的,就只有苦味。我覺得恭x堂的涼茶比它還要好喝,至少會有回甘。往事是否真的只能回味? 其他的不敢說,對此店卻一定是! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-11-14
看到看飯的特集介紹對呢間餐廳的早餐頗有興趣就同女朋友來到覓食很明顯的就是夜晚這裡是間酒吧佈置像cafe但好像亂了點桌面也沒抹乾淨總的來說食物的賣相味道不錯缺少的是環境 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-07-08
That night after meeting a client around 9-ish... really fancy an English breakfast... So i went...Their Eng breakfast is serve all day long and their pasta is not bad either~Full Eng Breakfast doesn't come with drinks... i think it cost $55... and the taste is good, good portion sizePasta dish about $65... very creamy and just the way i like it...Long island about $75... okDrinks are little on expensive side... about 40-50 on smoothies...is a place for smoker although i quit over a year but many of my friends are still smoking... haha~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)