From the decoration to the dishes, you can feel so China here. They offer special Beijing, Sichuan and Shanghai cuisines, including chicken pot, sliced roast duck and grilled fish etc. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (203)
🗳MegaBox呢間川菜餐廳裝修幾有格調,🪟佢除左有個巨型玻璃櫃掛起燒鴨俾大家睇,🍾更有林林總總既靚酒做擺設,真係望下都開心🤩🐷漁牧混豬 - 半隻($308)🐷⌚️呢個需要提前預訂,睇個樣已經知烤得相當唔錯,🛢脆皮充滿光澤同油分,食落亦無令人失望。🤭鴨皮香口,鴨肉淋滑,每一啖都令人回味無窮!😜🐠回味酸辣味烤魚($298)🐠🍲烤魚有爐熱住,魚肉吸曬酸辣汁食夠曬過癮,🤤之後更越煮越入味,令人越食越開胃🤪🦆老北京烤鴨(半隻)($180)🦆💡當有燈打上隻烤鴨到,已見非常肥,識得反光既皮亦見亮麗,🦷食落酥脆酥脆,夾埋餅皮、甜麵醬、京蔥絲、青瓜條食一流!😎🌶毛血旺($168)🌶🧄九格前菜雜錦($168)🧄😋總體 (味道, 性價比, 環境, 服務態度) : 8/10——————————————————————————————🗳This restaurant in MegaBox is serving Sichuan food, 🪟the decoration is stylish and they have a glass cupboard hanging up the grilled duck. 🍾They also display various kinds of expensive alcohol that catches people’s eyeball🤩🐷Roasted Suckling Pig - Half ($308)🐷⌚️This has to be reserved in advance, you can tell it’s grilled perfectly by it’s outlook. 🛢The skin is crispy and shinny while the meat is soft and juicy, 🤭you would enjoy every bite of it!😜🐠Sour and Spicy Style grilled fish ($298)🐠🍲The fish is served hot with the pot, the fresh absorb all the sour and spicy sauce and taste amazing! 🤤Especially when its boiled for some time, it’s so appetising as the sauce become more dense and rich🤪🦆Barbecued Peking duck (Half) ($180)🦆💡When the duck is placed under the light, it’s attractive as the skin look bright and oily, thin and crunchy, 🦷together with the handmade pancake, seafood sauce, scallions and cucumber, it’s tasty!😎🌶Boiled Duck Blood Curd ($168)🌶🧄Supreme Starter Combo ($168)🧄😋Overall (Taste, CP value, Environment, Service): 8/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-01-19
我真係好鍾意食烤魚,之前幫襯過一次,不過已經係幾年前,今日再試下,其實味道都可以嘅,不過我覺得佢嘅調味好似冇之前咁講究,不過環境係幾好,坐得舒服,同舊同事傾咗好耐計,大約1.5小時,職員都好好禮貌,值得一讚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
突然好想食北京填鴨就揀左佢服務唔錯係老牌高級點心館假期都有D午市客飯套餐但諗住難得放假就食好d單點點知野食太伏😢 大家千祈唔好俾佢呃左出黎仲見到好多人排隊🧐三星蔥黑胡椒包 $32完全唔熱辣辣冇汁爆出黎真係食得好安全😅胡椒味唔重包皮唔脆口只係見到個樣金黃色但質地同白包冇分別鎮江小排骨 $48擺盤已經唔靚 一堆堆細細舊仲好多汁hi係碟邊冷盤但係唔凍唔熱肉質勁柴東北蒸大餃子 $28終於食到應熱得熱既野仲出煙既但皮好厚菜肉比較清唔入味咬開亦見唔夠肉汁老北京烤鴨半隻 $188皮薄到穿晒醬跌晒出黎好Lao gao 鴨皮冇鴨油香最過份係連個鴨髀都係柴。。。茶錢 $13 / 位個鐵觀音好澀好似放左全日既茶葉再加返熱水沖熱咁全單加一服務費盛惠$354 二人但完全冇樣野係食得開心😞 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-01-14
平時如果諗唔到去邊度食飯,就會去megabox開餐😆因為呢度實在有好多餐廳選擇,同時又唔使人逼人,正👍今日食咗位於13樓嘅漁牧,不得不提佢嘅環境真係超舒適,裝修靚,樓底高,勁闊落,私隱度又高,真係好適合約埋三五知己一齊嚟👍火熱香辣味烤清江魚揀咗清江魚,貪佢夠肉厚又唔多骨,魚表面煎香過,魚肉嫩滑,香辣汁唔會太辣,但勁香又夠麻,好過癮😋 仲有海帶同薯粉,索完汁再食,好好味😋😋青瓜拌海蜇青瓜爽脆,海蜇爽彈又厚身,配埋醋汁,好開胃👍麻辣腎片呢個腎片真心好好味,腎片醃過帶少少甜,同樣配咗青瓜,個汁酸酸辣辣,食到停唔到口😆魚湯浸生菜魚湯煲到奶白色,好清甜,生菜每片都好大塊,明顯係有用心揀過👍👍茘枝番石榴沙冰勁大杯,番石榴味幾出,唔會過甜,配烤魚一流👍青檸柚子冰味道清新,仲可以叫小甜,解辣啱晒😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-01-13
- 今日同朋友去九龍灣影聖誕燈飾,順便去埋Megabox睇戲同覓食,發現13樓原來開左好多餐廳同擺婚宴既地方。見到有間餐廳有酸菜魚,勁想食🤣,於是決定試下呢間漁牧😜!- 食物方面,我地叫左香甜爽口菜、青瓜拌海蜇、麻辣腎片同濃湯酸菜鯛魚。而飲品就叫左大荔枝番石榴沙冰同泰國椰青。- 我地叫既三個前菜好快就上齊啦,香甜爽口菜係由娃娃菜拌芝麻醬。平時食一啲拌芝麻醬嘅菜色,好多時食完面頭個層已經無哂醬,但係呢個唔會。佢每塊娃娃菜都充滿着芝麻醬,食到底都仲有醬。而且娃娃菜整得好爽口,一啲都唔會有淋既口感,真係要菜新鮮先可以做到。由於我係好鍾意食芝麻醬既,所以我超級鍾意🤣!- 青瓜拌海蜇同埋麻辣腎片都整得好好食,海蜇爽口,麻辣腎片好入味,兩個小食底部都有青瓜,同樣都超級好食,我地全部食清光🤣!- 而兩款飲品都好好飲,我朋友飲椰青,我飲大荔枝番石榴沙冰。個沙冰好有驚喜,裏面有一粒粒嘅荔枝果肉,好好飲之餘又唔會過甜。- 終於到重頭戲酸菜魚啦,酸菜魚裏面有海帶、粉絲同芽菜等等既配料。啲魚好爽口彈牙,個湯係酸辣既,令人忍唔住一啖接一啖咁飲。鍋裏面既所有配料都好入味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)