1-min walk from Exit C2, Kowloon MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (6)
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
10:00 - 18:00
Mon - Fri
07:30 - 18:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (7)
Level3 2025-01-06
I am no coffee connoisseur. To me, drinking coffee is always about the whole experience. Made a special visit to this famed coffee bar one day in TST and I ordered a cappuccino to try. These are my thoughts after that experience:Looks- the golden colour of the coffee crema looked pleasing to the eye whilst one could not ignore the fact that the latte art didn’t look quite right ! The pattern was lopped sided. Not sure if that was intentional 🤔. Taste and aroma- I chose their Classic Cuvée blend. On first sip, the cocoa powder (being placed on edge of the cup) that coated the mouth helped to accentuate the nuttiness, sweetness and acidity of the coffee. The balance of the coffee was beautifully done and it was indeed a very refined cup of coffee. Environment- despite the high bar lookalike stools and tables and classy interior decorations, I found sitting inside the coffee bar to be rather noisy. It was not full that afternoon when I visited and there were only a few people sitting at the tables but the noise emanating from these people conversing over coffee seems to be amplified in that coffee room. I found it difficult to have my “Me Time” or simply to be completely immersed in the fine coffee in front of me……..Service- It was my first time there and I didn’t know what to look for in terms of the coffee menu nor the type or blend of coffee beans that one could choose. I wanted to know the difference between the Classic and the Dark Cuvée options but the people at the counter were not very forthcoming. I certainly wouldn’t mind paying more to enjoy a refined cup of coffee and I must say their coffee was very good. It’s true that a good product (coffee) will speak for itself but I am still battling internally whether to go back again to try their Dark Cuvée blend…….. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-04
【#思思賢美食推介】 ☕️ Fuel Espresso ICC今日去西九出完event,收工後就去ICC行街嘆杯咖啡☕️ Fuel Espresso出品一向都保持到好好嘅質素,自從冇喺附近返工,隔咗幾年再嚟都keep到一貫水準!同同事各叫咗一杯咖啡,佢哋有兩款咖啡豆選擇,Fuel Classic Cuvée同Fuel Dark Cuvée,都係用意大利北部典型嘅淺度烘焙嚟演繹嘅。我自己就鍾意濃郁啲嘅咖啡,所以就揀咗Fuel Dark Cuvée,呢隻豆用米蘭經典嘅輕中度烘焙風格去烘焙,令到咖啡帶有豐富濃郁嘅朱古力、莓果、柑橘同香料嘅味道。濃郁嘅勃艮第紅酒特有的細膩酸度、柔順纏綿嘅回甘,就係呢隻咖啡嘅靈感泉源。Flat White嘅奶泡比例balance得好好,入口順滑,飲完個人都醒晒!#思思賢 #chillmybabe #咖啡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-06-08
之前有朋友在Fuel Expresso內打工, 得知從他們嚴格訓練下咖啡出品能保持很好的質素。最近才發現圓方內有開設分店, 自從脫離了咖啡師的行業後, 生活也離不開罐裝咖啡。難得這次和朋友逛街, 便帶他來試試。朋友點了coffee mocha, 我則選了coffee latte, 這裡是先點飲品, 付款後店員再送到枱上。未幾兩杯飲品同時間到上, 這反映出出品速度的一致性, 咖啡顏色比較淡, 跟我上次到來中環總店的印象不太一樣。Latte是用玻璃杯盛上, 可清楚看到奶泡的狀態。雖然表面上咖啡的奶打得不錯, 從拉花的紋理知道幼滑度, 不過奶泡層太薄, 目測只有1~2mm左右, 以latte的標准而且略有不足。奶溫也稍微偏熱, 導致奶中的乳糖揮發, 甜味不明顯。主要要這家店的定位是偏向高品質的出品, 而且單杯咖啡一點都不便宜($54) 對他們的期望自然有所提高。起初也有打算跟店員反映意見, 但畢竟只是過路客, 還是和朋友聊聊天好了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-04-06
經過這家 Fuel Espresso, 見酒吧風格,自己仍有点時間,也就進去一試,地方乾淨,坐 high chair,我喜歡,点了 Wellington flat white, 啡味很香很濃,很少 flat white 做得泔有啡味,另一杯cold choco, 我看見他們是用調雞尾酒的不銹鋼壺子來 chok的,嘩,泔型泔有heart 喎。 飲品上檯,表面有一沫朱古力粉,贏,喝下去不甜,偏苦,也合我味道了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-06-30
I am the kind of person that required to drink a up ofcoffee every morning, today I tried the Fuel, and picked Americano, which is thebest part of the day.This is my first time to try the coffee from Fuel, which I chosethe Americano. After the first sip, I could already taste how fruity the bean is.With the perfect coffee smell, the whole cup taste really nice. The espresso isobviously more than the water, which is the reason why this Americano tastedthat strong. It provided me the energy that I needed for the day.The decoration and design of the café is nice, locating nearto the entrance of the Sky100, it will be a bit difficult for customers who arenot familiar with Elements, but no matter what, it worth a try if you reallylike drinking coffee.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)