5-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
97371168 (WhatsApp)
This brand from Korea specializes in stone grill wagyu patties. It uses 100% Australian wagyu made patties, and customers can cook it by themselves. Besides, it offers beef donburis. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay OpenRice Pay
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Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (354)
去咗旺角嘅福岡漢堡扒食晚餐👍🏻呢度嘅二人套餐價錢超值🤑自己燒自己食😳😳店員仲好親切咁樣教點樣去燒🔥🔥食得好滿足😋首先講下佢哋嘅菠蘿煙肉韓牛漢堡扒🍔呢個漢堡扒真係好有驚喜🎉煙肉煙香四溢🥓配上韓牛嘅肉質鮮嫩🐄多汁到不得了💦而且菠蘿嘅甜味同煙肉嘅鹹香完美融合🍍咬落去嘅每一口都係幸福嘅滋味😍再嚟就係芝士蛋蒜韓牛漢堡扒🍔呢個就真係芝士控嘅天堂🧀🍳芝士嘅濃郁香味加上蛋黃嘅滑潤🥚口感豐富得嚟又唔會太膩👌🏻蒜香味提升咗整體嘅層次感🧄每一啖都係享受🤤唔可以唔提芝士泡豚丼飯🧀🍚呢個丼飯真係夠晒味👃🏻泡菜嘅微辣帶出豚肉嘅鮮美🌶️而且芝士嘅香濃令人一試難忘🧠係一個好滿足嘅選擇👍🏻飲品方面🥤份量豐富嘅百香果特飲同金橘檸檬特飲都係餐後嘅好夥伴👫🏻百香果嘅酸甜配上檸檬嘅清新感覺🍋真係令人精神為之一振🌟金橘檸檬特飲嘅味道都好特別👀好適合夏天嘅時候飲🌞最後套餐仲包咗麵豉湯🍲沙律🥗同埋泡菜🥢麵豉湯嘅鮮味好提神👃🏻沙律清新爽口🍃泡菜嘅酸辣又係另一種享受😌總括嚟講📝福岡漢堡扒嘅食物質素同價錢真係成正比📊呢度嘅食物同服務都令人好滿意😊下次有機會一定會再嚟🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🇭🇰 Mong Kok 旺角 | Fukuoka Hambageu 福岡漢堡扒 We have been tempted 👀 to try this restaurant out because they always display their hamburger 🍔 steaks set at the front of their store. I got the chance to try it today 🤩 and it was such a unique experience, hear me out! 👂They have combo sets for 2️⃣ people which include 2️⃣ different flavours of hamburger steaks, 🥩 a bowl of cheesy rice 🍚 with kimchi and pork, some side dishes 🥗 and a drink. 🥤 We got the combo set for $366 HKD, which includes: 🍍 Pineapple Bacon Hamburger Steak 🥩 🧀 Cheesy Egg Garlic hamburger Steak 🥩 🥬 Cheesy Pork Don 🍚🥤 Two drinks 🥤 You get to grill ♨️ the meat for yourself on an extremely HOT 🥵 rock. The waiters will patiently instruct you how to cook the steak perfectly. 😁 She instructed us to flip 🔄 the meat every 2 to 3 seconds to avoid getting it burnt. 🔥I personally really enjoyed 😄 the steaks with pineapples 🍍 in which the pineapples balanced out the oiliness from the patty. 😋 I love the combination of egg, 🥚 pineapple and steak in one bite. 😌 For the don, I think the combination of kimchi, cheese and pork was satisfying. 😚 It’s also good to eat the steak with the rice. 🍚 It is a big set 😜 and we couldn’t finish all the food with the side dishes. 🥺📍Shop 7, G/F, Hung Wai Building, 3-5 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok💲Price per person: $196 + 10% service charge continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
終於等到佢哋減價啦,依家比之前平左一半,真係超抵,對上一次食係佢哋做緊放題嘅時候,估唔依家會減價質素都依然保持得好好,非常有水準!店員服務亦很好,主動幫我哋換石頭,等我哋唔使凍住咁燒而且石頭嘅溫度肉啱啱好,又唔會太快煮燶,唔識煮嘢食都超快可以上手 ,自己燒俾自己食真係好有新意好有創意,出面暫時都未搵到同類型可以自己燒俾自己食嘅舖頭。之前都介紹咗幾個朋友去試,大家都一致好評,超好食! Yummy 非常之推介大家去試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-20
#20240919 📝📍 福岡漢堡扒 旺角花園街3-5號鴻威大廈地下7號舖 🍽️深水埗深旺道28號V Walk 2樓L2-17號舖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖#兩人套餐Set2 $355 🥢 #前菜💭 個前菜menu無寫所以尼果陣有啲驚喜😛比左碗麵豉湯同埋芝麻醬椰菜絲沙律,仲有少少泡菜,全部都係開胃野,食住等主菜都唔錯🥗. 🥢 #墨西哥辣椒韓牛漢堡扒 🥢 #芝士蛋蒜韓牛漢堡扒 💭 第一次玩呢隻自己煎既漢堡扒🐮雖然佢大大舊咁上枱,但其實係要切開一啖既份量落塊石度煎,壓一壓之後每2-3秒就要反反佢,唔係好快會燶,店員姐姐都好好service,時不時就過尼換舊熱石🪨按個人喜好可以燒到佢外脆內軟,肉質軟熟而且牛味好充足,簡單點燒汁食已經非常好味😋兩個扒最大分別係一個有墨西哥辣椒,另一個有芝士,少少野唔同個風味就截然不同🧀 最尾一定要食埋個索晒牛油香既蛋,煎到尾仲有燶邊既效果好正🍳. 🥢 #韓牛乒乒乓拌飯💭 呢個飯係超級大碗!兩個人食都差啲食唔晒,開頭仲驚個拌飯醬太多,懶醒落得一半點知唔夠味,發現全部落晒岩岩好喇,隻蛋都係精粹,吉穿左佢撈埋啲蛋汁食好似食緊石鍋飯咁,唔使擔心唔夠飽🍚. 🥢 #可樂 🥢 #雪碧💭 有好多野飲可以揀,連茶記凍檸茶果啲都有啲嗌,不過個鐵板熱辣辣真係會想飲返啲有汽既野gur下佢,罐裝反而唔使加錢仲使乜諗丫🥤. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-09-18
漢堡扒分為120g、160g、180g尺寸,可以按照個人食量而選擇早前推出☀️夏日清涼套餐分兩款,一樣跟前菜、麵豉湯、飯,主要係漢堡扒款式同小食唔同食嘅過程可以用熱石控制返漢堡扒生熟程度,其實都幾過癮,餐廳仲好貼心咁提供圍裙👍🏾 預防油脂彈到周身都係若燒到中途熱石唔夠熱力都可以叫店員幫手換,換完即燒甚至做到微燶同外脆內軟嘅效果🤤 加上本身牛味出,油脂感好豐富,撈埋白飯食一流😋另外餐廳嘅水冷麵以食用冰磨到刨冰咁幼細,麵入口彈牙重麥香味❤️ 配搭埋微酸嘅梨汁,完全解到韓牛嘅油膩感可能因為之前喺其他韓國餐廳食過係直接用完塊冰放上面,湯汁又淡味,所以呢度食完都幾滿意 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)