8-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
17:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sat
17:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (85)
Level4 2025-01-19
之前都有曾經推薦過嘅Gishiki原來最近轉左menu每隔一段時間佢地有有menu update相當有誠意趁住weekend當然要放肆一下 試多d佢地新cocktail Take a napCHAMOMILE INFUSED SPICED RUMMANGO REDUCTION | HONEY | CITRUS第一啖落去: 係楊枝甘露!!充滿芒果熱帶果香及甜味再配上一塊芒果乾令芒果香更突出後帶柑橘清爽酸香 味道更balanceT.G.YTIE GUAN YIN INFUSED GIN l SHERRY | YUZU | CITRUS第一眼就比質感輕盈泡沫吸引左以鐵觀音infused gin配上sherry味道較strong 後帶柚子清香 Watermelon Sugar HighMEZCAL | CLARIFIED WATERMELON VERMOUTH | HONEY | CITRUS主打西瓜口味嘅cocktail清澈通透 簡單優雅好易入口 味道清甜Lemon tea-baggedCITRUS INFUSED GIM l CHA CHAAN TENG SECRET BREW l PERFUME LEMON同樣係相對易入口嘅一杯cocktail主打檸檬柑橘香氣 味道好fresh同時帶住茶餐廳獨特秘方 好似飲緊凍檸茶Yuzu cream pieCHEESE CAKE WHISKY YUZU | TROPICAL MIX面層以柚子芝士製成奶蓋foam質感綿密而且香甜配上底下充滿熱帶果香嘅cocktail Neverland HONEY COGNAC | RUM l WINTER HERBS帶點草本香嘅一款cocktail面上配上一粒朱古力士多啤梨味道係以上咁多杯最strong continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
前排去左呢間好有feel既bar,真心推薦比大家🥰飲左咁多杯都覺得好好飲,有啲仲好特別✨feel到佢哋真係用心❣️啲staff仲好nice Yuzu Cream Pie 🍰 好中意呢杯,好似柚子甜品咁有層奶蓋,再磨左啲青檸皮on top,令成杯酒既香氣同味道都提升左,配上柚子加whisky,簡直係成人版廢水🥰 Appetite 💋超啱女仔飲,酒味唔濃,而且成杯酸酸甜甜仲有啲梅粉係杯邊🥰好特別 Neverland 🏞️飲落非常清爽順口,酒味唔會好濃,取而代之係檬檬同香草既香氣同味道 Watermelon Sugar High 🍉好特別,真係有西瓜味!非常清新脫俗而且旁邊有燒過既rosemary,透過嗅覺提升成杯酒既層次✨飲落都有陣smoky味😂 T.G.Y 🍵好似分子料理咁,啲泡泡食落係龍眼杞子味架!勁得意🤣而酒方面係以用鐵觀音浸漬既gin,雪莉酒,柚子,柑橘而成,所以會先有茶香,再有柚子味,但酒味相對會濃啲 Take a Nap 💤 以洋甘菊spiced gum,蜂蜜同柚子做成,邊飲邊食芒果乾意外地又smooth又light,好順滑易入口,成個感覺好温柔,係咪要哄我訓🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
喜歡呢度既氛圍帶點神秘感,環境舒服,有吧枱位置可以欣賞調酒師調酒,亦有舒適既梳化位置可以同朋友傾偈。呢度嘅Menu 款式都成日轉換同改良,無論係清新、甜蜜定係濃郁都有提供,迎合不同口味嘅客人,我自己就鍾意佢清新嘅cocktail!The ambiance here is so relaxing; sitting at the bar and watching each cocktail being crafted is truly a feast for the eyes and the palate.These cocktails each have unique characteristics, whether refreshing, sweet, or rich, providing a distinctive tasting experience🤎Strawberry Milky Way A rich blend of chocolate and fresh 🍓 strawberry creates silky sweetness, reminiscent of a dreamy dessert.🌟Watermelon Sugar HighFeatures refreshing watermelon flavor,kinda like cucumber , with smoky mezcal, sweet honey, and tangy citrus, evoking summer’s coolness.🌟T.G.YCombines tea aromas with fruity acidity, interweaving 🫖 Tie Guan Yin tea’s fragrance and yuzu sweetness for a refreshing flavor 🍃 Take a NapSweet chamomile and spiced rum create warmth, complemented by tropical mango flavor for relaxation 🧘‍♀️ 🌟NeverlandThis is my favourite cocktail in GHISHIKI! Rich cognac pairs with 🍯 honey sweetness, while winter herbs add depth, transporting you to a warm dreamscape.🌟Lemon Tea-Bagged Is a twist of 手打檸檬茶~Bright citrus 🍋‍🟩 blends with tea aromas, and the secret brew adds depth, offering a refreshing and memorable experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-03
成日見啲人好chill咁喺裡面happy hour,都好想試一次原來落一層有一間好有mood嘅日式酒吧,裡面嘅調酒師會好專業咁介紹唔同嘅cocktail,為客人調配高質嘅調酒第一杯想飲啲light啲嘅酒熱吓身,調酒師推介呢杯Appetite呢杯特別在於有柑橘同昆布味,酸甜同鹹香交融,鹹甜之間帶出既溫且醒嘅格調另一杯warm up嘅推介就係呢杯檸檬茶調酒,極具茶餐廳風味嘅土炮調酒,用柚子Gin做base,加入香水檸檬,果香混然一杯,自然得嚟又醒胃開咗個頭就可以嚟杯勁嘢,呢杯西瓜味調酒,聞起嚟已經好覺有果香嘅清新,飲落refresh嘅感覺更突出,蜂蜜同柚子香襯托到西瓜香,另外以燒香過嘅迷迭香做點綴令杯酒更有層次呢一杯以Rum做底嘅調酒,都加咗蜂蜜,味道因而變得更順口溫和,仲有啲草本香氣,係一杯令人好放鬆嘅選擇最後想飲啲令人更calm嘅酒,用鐵觀音Gin調嘅酒就最好不過,有點帶剛嘅雪莉酒,但茶味本身,加上柚子嘅香氣同埋以桂圓杞子打出嚟嘅泡泡,令人享受階梯式嘅鬆弛仲有一杯一聽酒名就知好啱埋尾嘅酒,現場好多酒客都嗌返一杯以雛菊微辛Rum炮製,帶有柚香同蜂蜜,topping仲有塊芒果乾,好香甜,好似進入夢境嘅淺層睡眠咁帶點起伏,果然味如酒名 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-02
after idek how many bar posts yes heres another one BC ITS FRIDAY TMR !!!! this marked my 3rd visit to gishiki lounge they offer a different menu every time — so much creativity in exploring the ritualistic art of mixology through contemporary cocktails!!!𖦹 take a nap $158chamomile-infused spiced rum, mango reduction, honey, citrusv tropical & mangoey, an easy drink to start with.𖦹 lemon tea-bagged $158citrus-infused gin, cha chaan teng secret brew, perfume lemonits simply bao da lemon tea, fragrant & citrusy.𖦹 yuzu cream pie $118cheesecake whisky, yuzu, tropical mixit came w a lovely cheese foam on the top & the whole drink is rather sweet like a dessert.𖦹 neverland $158honey, conac, rum, winter herbsthis one a bit undefined i cant rly tell how it tasted LOL a bit like a herbal drink ??? frd: tasted like my candle at home LMFAO (mainly bc of the herbs.𖦹 t.g.y. $158 🉐🉐🉐tie guan yin infused gin, yuzu, citrusMY FAV !!! AS A PROUD lover of tea cocktails the tgy flavour was prominant & you could taste the citrus, yuzu flavours afterwards. the best part was the longan & goji foam, 養生!𖦹 strawberry millky way $158milk chocolate washed whiskey, strawberry reductionthe chocolate-coated dried strawberry paired SUPER well with the smooth whiskey !!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)