6-min walk from Exit A3 , Sha Tin MTR Station
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An on-the-ground Italian and Spanish Restaurant. It provides lots of choices and sufficient size. Almost dishes are using fresh seafood as ingredients. The delightful desserts like Dutch baby pancake are fresh out of the oven.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
和朋友相約在沙田午飯,好多食店都有不少食客候位,唯獨Gochiso還有好多座位早前試過Gochiso尖沙咀的分店,覺得晚餐食物味道都幾好滿心以為可能是午餐價錢略貴,所以沙田分店沒人等位吧?大家都餓了而不想等位,就決定光顧Gochiso由於食客不多,環境都相對寧靜而且沒有時限,和朋友可以慢慢聊天~我們選了份二人餐,$348看內容都勉強夠3個女生分吃有湯﹑沙律﹑小食﹑意粉﹑pizza﹑甜品及飲品不過還是有追加一份小食及一份意粉啊!香草雞肉凱撒沙律,雞肉份量不算多,肉質尚可,不算很嫩加入了脆麵包粒,增加口感澆上沙律醬及芝士粉,味道普通~法式芝士洋蔥湯放了一片芝士法包在洋蔥湯內洋蔥都多,算香但味道並不夠濃郁!意式炸魷魚圈配他他汁,這款是跟餐的小食魷魚圈有4件,好厚粉,厚到已不是圈的形狀.....追加的炸雞,$38有3件價錢雖貴,但都算幾好食~~外層香脆不油膩,帶有肉汁,擠些檸檬汁,味道更清爽一些!照燒雞蛋黃醬pizza (10吋),批底及批邊焗得夠香脆芝士及雞肉份量幾多,再灑上紫菜,配蛋黃醬味道香而不膩~~芝士煙肉帶子忌廉意粉,意粉滑溜彈牙忌廉汁香滑,配上芝士和煙肉,都不會太膩帶子的size不算太大隻,質感嫩滑,每人都分到一粒!蕃茄醬雜菌雞肉意粉,選了意粉增量上桌時也不覺得特別大份~~不過蕃茄醬味道濃郁,味道夠酸吃完忌廉意粉再吃這款,酸味不會令人覺得膩~跟餐的甜品是Tiramisu,質素一般蛋糕質感綿密,但咖啡香不重~~對於整份午餐,人均消費近$180,但食物並不算特別出色僅屬平平無奇的質素覺得不太值呢!
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諗左好耐都未諗到食咩,結果行到地下個層比較入既位置,見到呢間餐廳,二話不說即刻衝入去,位與位之間好寬敞,成間餐廳位置又夠靜,坐落好舒服南瓜湯好味道個人黎講成餐最深刻係個南瓜湯,真係比爆星再加皇冠特別推薦鐘意飲南瓜湯既你!口感綿滑,濃郁南瓜味配上少少香草點綴,飲到想再叫侍應姐姐添湯蒜味芝士雞翼好味道.5加配小食一碟4隻,醬汁好似係芥末蜜糖味,個人唔太好雞翼,不過蒜香味好出,芝士味唔太濃,朋友覺得唔錯食肉獸可以一戰蒜香白酒汁海蜆意粉好味道本人超鐘意食蜆,呢個意粉煮得岩岩好al dente,蜆肉新鮮份量足,起碼都有8隻,個汁好香蒜味,不過白酒就唔係幾覺意粉仲可以免費升級1.5倍,我就冇升級費時浪費,大食之人可以開心食多啲!鮭魚牛油果忌廉焗飯好味道.5一開始食個飯底有少少燶味,可能師傅焗耐左少少,不過飯底有驚喜,係好香濃既蕃茄飯如果鐘意食酸酸地既飯可以試下,個人黎講不過不失凍奶茶好味道係我鐘意既調配,茶味濃過奶味,唔死甜齋啡好味道聞落超級香,不過我唔飲齋啡,朋友話喜出望外
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I visited this restuarant with my family at lunch time and I was quite excited since Italian is my favorite cuisine. The restaurant was quite spacious and I had high expectations. I ordered the pepperoni pizza, my daughter ordered the carbonara and my wife ordered the salmon and avocado cream doria. The service was quite good so I was happy about that. We started out the lunch with a pumpkin soup, the soup was quite creamy and we all enjoyed it, but then the main dishes came. The carbonara came first, I just say that the presentation was absolutely outstanding, but the taste is where it fell short of my expectations. When I took my first bite, it was a lot more bland than I had expected. I had to add a lot of pepper and spicy sauce to add back some flavour into this bland dish. And from the price of this dish, it was definitely not worth it. The salmon and avocado cream doria was only acceptable. There was a lot less food then I had expected since the price for it was quite high. The taste lacked the flavour of the avocado. Overall, this dish was just a mere pass from the presentation to the taste. Last but not least was the pepperoni pizza. After such a horrific experience with the other dishes, I really didn't have high expectations for the pizza. When I first looked at it, it looked quite appetizing and I was getting some hope back, but the pizza shone it's true colors when I took a bite. The dough was soft for some reason and was not crispy at all, and not to mention, the bottom of the pizza was very soggy. Overall, my experience here was disappointing and I would not come back here again.
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呢間餐廳睇門面同裝修都好似幾高級咁 原本以為啲嘢食會好貴 點知lunch set又幾平‼️set會配沙律同嘢飲😋個沙律份量勁細😂得幾塊生菜同埋啲雜豆~真係有啲孤寒🙈不過睇落幾colourful幾得意 似兒童餐嗰啲沙律😛-Rice set🍚安格斯牛肉粒牛肝菌濃汁燴飯 $93三款入面最鍾意呢個🥰啲牛肉得三四舊...真係好少😪不過肉質好嫩滑 牛肉味都好香濃🤤佢個飯燴得好入味 牛肝菌味好香😋佢飯嘅口能唔係意大利飯咁淋身 佢口感偏硬好有咬口🥰-Pizza set🍕和風照燒雞披薩 $68呢個pizza十吋 六十幾蚊真係好平‼️不過我個人就唔太鐘意食照燒汁嘅味🙈佢加埋紫菜同埋沙律醬落去 成個feel好似大板燒🤣我自己麻麻地~但係咁嘅價錢 係勁足料✨鋪左好多芝士同埋勁多雞肉😚啲雞肉都幾嫩滑嘅 唔乾身💓如果鐘意食和風野~呢個係好抵食嘅😝-Pasta set🍝 和風蒜香白酒汁蜆肉意粉 $88蜆都有幾多隻 唔會有沙幾鮮甜😛個意粉聞落勁香 但係食落好淡冇乜味😣呢到啲意粉炒得好乾身好爽口 可能有人會嫌佢冇乜汁 但係我自己就好鐘意😍
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我哋叫咗兩個lunch set,香草醬雞柳意粉&辣肉腸芝土焗飯。Lunch set 配沙律或南瓜湯加一杯飲品。南瓜湯不錯,沙律酸酸的很開胃。香草醬雞柳意粉:賣相好靚!意粉不太乾不太濕啱啱好。配上香草醬及油炸的葉子,很清新可口。辣肉腸焗飯:辣肉腸及芝士蕃茄焗飯真是非常夾,芝士有拉絲但飯份量就比較小。飲品我叫咗蘋果茶茶壺好有趣茶杯好大不過飲落比較似桃茶多啲
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