The award-winning Guangdong style restaurant Golden Valley offers more than traditional Guangdong cuisines. Their Sichuan dishes are equally popular. The White Pepper Fried Prawns are highly recommended. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2015-2017)
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 16:30
18:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 16:30
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 16:30
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB Others
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (39)
Level1 2017-11-15
I used to be a big fan of this restaurant, however, since the change of chef, the only word to describe my feeling is disappointment! First of all, the food taste far from good. The wasabi beef was far too spicy to the point that I can’t even eat it without tears coming out from my eyes!! I had it in the same restaurant before and I swear, it’s far less spicy! We complaint to the staffs about the beef and our feedback was, it’s mix with wasabi!! Then ignore us, not even apologize!! That’s call poor service!! I m sorry, but with a lunch that cost 400 per head, I expected far better service than that! My advice is, don’t go!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-07-11
聽到這是米芝蓮星級餐廳,本寶懷著興奮的心情去的,上去地方就是普通酒樓,偏小。重點來了,就是食物:我們吃的是晚餐,叫了一桌🤷🏻‍♀️老實說,可能就是食物比較....普通,部分還是很特別,但我覺得沒去到能好吃到我想再去一次😂價格較高,主要是名聲響,食物雖然普通但也算偏中上,辣椒等輔助食料是真的上等,味道很香,而且口味不重😲但是爆什麼雞那個,我覺得....🤷🏻‍♀️不值得吃,那個什麼水煮龍躉,也....🤷🏻‍♀️沒外面水煮魚好😂性價比低😑麻婆豆腐也只是普通,吃不出個什麼😂😂等等,總的來說沒有失望但也沒有驚喜🤷🏻‍♀️食物都很大份,不用搶。不過還是可以去嚐嚐der,沒怎麼拍照片,當時太餓,所以沒拍完,湊合著看吧😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-06-08
都已經唔係第一次嚟到呢間米之蓮餐廳。雖然地點就唔算好方便,但由於佢嘅四川菜太出色,所以點樣都會嚟食嘅。今次就同兩個朋友一齊食,食得辣嘅朋友即刻就叫咗胡椒蝦同水煮魚。另一位朋友做完手術唔食得辣野同海鮮,就揀咗杏汁白肺湯,蜜汁子薑雞煲,冰梅骨,蒜蓉炒芥蘭。上次來都有叫嘅胡椒蝦,今次水準一樣,全窩滿是原粒白胡椒,一上枱已經芳香撲鼻!蝦唔係好大隻,所以係超級入味。呢間嘅胡椒蝦係我暫時食過最好食嘅!今次一鍋有七隻,兩個人食剛剛好!水煮魚亦都非常出色!麻椒花椒夠多夠香,魚身夠肥夠滑,甘香豐胦,四川辣椒夠刺激,好過癮!加埋薯粉芽菜一齊食,口感豐富。佢呢個時候就飲杏汁白肺湯舒緩下喉嚨先。飲得出好足料,每一啖都有杏仁香味,豬肺煮得軟淋,好飲。子薑雞雞肉冇雪味,煮得幾嫩。冰梅骨酸酸甜甜好開胃,出奇地又煮得好淋,骨肉分離!正炒芥蘭蒜蓉落得豪爽,菜炒得青綠爽脆!真係相當出色嘅中菜館!已經同朋友約好九月再嚟。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-04-20
情綿綿,軟綿綿,意綿綿,暖綿綿,愛綿綿,糾糾纏,繞繞纏,綿綿纏,纏纏綿,癡癡纏。寫歌詞咩,哈哈!其實,我只係想勾畫出一碟炒滑蛋嘅風姿綽約,所綻放出來嘅優雅氣質和柔美體態。無論你食滑蛋蝦仁或者滑蛋叉燒或者滑蛋其他, 記住:個主角永遠係炒滑蛋,而唔係叉燒、鮮蝦或者其他。一碟靚嘅炒滑蛋,一定要夠軟,夠嫩,夠滑,夠暖,不可過油,不可過火。仲要一定要夠多,要完完全全掛滿唒隻鮮蝦,先可以展現出滑蛋嘅豐滿身段,體態撩人,貼貼服服,如何將一隻鮮蝦征服!😂😂😂咁我哋去返現場,問吓啲現場觀眾,請問呢碟滑蛋小姐夠唔夠靚女呢? 「靚到暈,冇得頂,未見過咁靚,未試過咁正!」現場觀眾嘅反應係一面倒,睇嚟係眾望所歸嘅大熱門。咁啱見到梁師傅,我忍唔住要即讚:梁師傅好嘢,未食過咁靚嘅炒滑蛋。梁師傳笑逐顏開,帶點自信同我哋講:「 炒滑蛋係龍田師傅親自傳授我的,炒滑蛋係師傅嘅名菜之一,唔可以失禮㗎!」原來係龍田師傅高徒,唔怪得知啦!龍田師傅可謂中菜廚師界嘅傳奇人物。當年,貴為鑽石酒樓總廚,但同時間龍田師傅亦係15間酒樓嘅總廚,一人騎十五間酒樓,厲害嗎?服未?後生一輩可能都未聽過鑽石酒樓,真可惜。當時,鑽石酒樓雖未至係最高級,但其實係禾稈冚珍珠。鑽石酒樓的其中一個創辦人就係鏞記酒家老闆甘穗輝先生,所以識食嘅都知,鑽石嘅燒鵝其實都幾好食,鑽石個燒鵝爐都係有駁煙囪㗎。鏞記行一線,鑽石走二線,玩哂啦。加埋龍田師傅坐鎮,炒滑蛋、柱侯牛腩、炆班腩,直情係經典啦!我記得我好細個,真係好細個嗰陣,成日跟老豆去鑽石酒家飲茶,都係見佢叫斑腩飯,而家知點解啦,細個嗰陣時識鬼欣賞咩!去返現場,原來滑蛋小姐已經攞咗冠軍,頒埋獎,謝埋票,來個美人照鏡,全碟清哂。點解,一啲都唔留番畀我?此時,一個好靚仔嘅榮總,咬住支牙簽撩吓排牙,一副趙完鬆嘅樣子,小小囂咁講:「見到靚女梗係要快手啦,十吓十吓!」😭😭😭😭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-08-06
I love spicy hot pot and I think Golden Valley does one of the best spicy hot pots in town, more than most people realise. Today, the 4 of us came here for lunch, yes, you heard me right, spicy hot pot for lunch - that's how bad our cravings were. Back to the food, I like the spicy hot pot here for the following reasons:- the soup base : the soup base is the soul of the spicy hot pot, the soup base here is not bad, not the best, but still better than many places. If you want to compare it to say San Xi Lou, I guess I would say the soup base here is slightly inferior because they don't put as much sichuan peppercorns here, but would still come close as a second and you could add more sichuan peppercorns / sichuan peppercorn powder on your own (see below) - the sauce and seasoning: hands down the best in town, just look at this - a full selection of sauce andseasoning from fermented bean curd to sichuan peppercorn powder, and not to mention the sesame which you could grind to a fine powder- the food: high quality food across the board and please order the ox tongue - they have done a really good job in marinating it and it was simply tender, succulent with the perfect seasoning; also, don't forget you could order half portions here, which is good if there's only the 2 or 3 of you so that you could order more varietyWe always make a reservation before coming here so i have no clue how long you would have to wait for walk in, though the restaurant seemed quite full with families coming for yumcha when we were there on a saturday lunch time.  We paid HK$400 each which I thought was reasonable for the amount and quality of the food we ate.PS: don't bother trying the other soup base though, we ordered a fish soup base and wild mushroom soup base but they were not so good. Just go for the spicy soup base.   continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)