Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (66)
Level4 2019-07-04
終於搵到腳食素菜,好多香港人無肉不歡,要搵朋友去試都唔係易。環觀周圍亦都係外國人較為多。佢既地方寬敞,亦都幾靚幾舒服。食物好有驚喜,全部都好好味!頭盤係popcorn "chicken"。當然就無雞啦,不過朋友話食落似雞。我就覺得一食就知係菇,不過確實整得好香!蘑菇意粉都幾貴,不過係signature,一定要試。個汁係好!好!味!真係值得一試。佢用腰果打既醬好香好creamy!同其他相比,呢個飯係無咁大驚喜。不過我好食飯,佢係紫米,加上我估係豆做既札肉同埋用茹做既煙肉。個假煙肉稍為乾身,不過個smoke味幾香。甜品都好特別。整體上偏唔甜,兩款蛋糕都好有果香,所以食落好舒服。記得可可mousse要撈一撈下面啲jam先食,如果唔係會太苦!值得注意佢無service charge,不過會有3% carbon tax。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-07-03
Grassroots pantry was an easy favorite for vegetarians and vegans alike. The shop atmosphere is nice, and the food portion is good. It's always quite balanced in terms of leaves and roots ratio, keeping in mind protein carbs and fiber. The glass noodle was good, Indian curry was nice and popcorn chicken is delicious as usual. I am here to talk about the waiter who would not stop nagging us about wine selection that night though. With his condescending tone, unwelcome gesture and sly remarks about a genuine question "what would you recommend?", he has thoroughly beat our appetite and became the new hero to my weight-loss game. Bravo!#hungry #香港美食 #pandaeatshk #hkfoodblogger #hkgoodeats #hkfoodblog #hkfoodie #hkigfood #全力食 #hkfoodstagram #飲食日記 #bestfoodhk #topcitybiteshk #fotdhk #hkeat #hkfood #hkrestaurant #hongkongfoodie #ufoodphoto #foodgasm #foodgasmic #相機食先 #香港美食地圖 #吃貨人生 #popyummy #yesfood continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-06-18
呢間店喺pmq附近,一入到好似去咗外國咁,全店得我一個係亞洲人😂 由於主打外國人,所以meun全部英文,食材都係香港人比較小接觸,而家配搭都好新穎,絕對係新派嘅創意素食!根據外國食素食嘅經驗話我知,餐廳多數著重食材原味,只會落好小調味,比較多係香草,但煮出來都好好味,今次難得試呢間網紅西素餐廳,非常期待呀!叫咗近年好hit嘅acai berry bowl同埋咩都有,類似all day breakfast嘅buddha bowl。唔知點解,兩樣嘢都冇咩味😂 所以我評論唔到係好唔好味。acai berry莓味唔重,唔酸亦唔甜,seed加berry yogurt唔算太夾,可能因為太稀,似飲多過食,所以口感好怪🙈buddha bowl有好多嘢,但冇咩係好食,而中間個綠色醬係勁酸,成盤得蕃薯蓉比較正常😂 其他嘢撈埋一齊又好怪,分開食又冇味,我諗我唔太識欣賞🙈🙈🙈 整體價錢偏貴,如果唔係個環境舒服,都未必會再去食🙈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-06-14
這店在西營盤的年代有試過想入內但因為客人太多要等位, 那次棄權了,一眨眼幾年後發現她以中型店舖在下半山位置開了這間面積頗大的中上路線洋齋鋪, 內裡格局似”cafe + bar” 由於係午餐時段, 所有應該在Cafe出現嘅客人都會在這店見到, 我們沒有訂位只是walk in 所以沒有卡座,被安排上閣樓坐高櫈, 望落整個大廳這樣我們反而覺得更適合, Jpn Gyoza餃子$80 比較特別的是個汁同用來裝飾的紫色迷你香草,但取價又真的比較..., 怎麼說呢, 如果大家有在超市買過日本王將餃子回家煎來吃的話 , 質地跟餡料很類似, 而幾根香草及餃子汁值唔值呢個價?! 或者有人煎埋俾自己食應該俾呢個價啩!招牌沙律 Sigmature Salad $125 沙律份量夠大果然係"招牌" 菜全部新鮮, 最難得的是這裡食到從未食過如此嫩的羽衣甘籃菜葉, 這裡的買手確有一手,Signature Mixed Mushroom Linguine $208 雜菇意粉都係正常好味的, 只要大腦背後不要計算食物成本的話, 這價位將會變得正常同合理, 儘管是這樣, 我估計自己還是會找籍口來試其他菜式! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-05-04
「Grassroots Pantry」位於地段較好的上環區,所以價錢偏貴一點是很正常的,但以這般高質的食物來說,真的是物有所值!第一道小菜 - 餃子 (HKD80),已讓我們非常驚豔!其實我不太能吃得出來裡面有什麼材料,反正就是脆脆的,煎得又非常香!我和葷食朋友最最最... 喜歡的是分別在「Pancit Bihon (HKD158)」和「Tikka Masala (HKD168)」這兩道菜裡的猴頭菇!!!朋友說無論口感或味道,都太像雞肉了,太利害了!有重要約會的話,選這家就對了~"Grassroots Pantry" is located in Sheung Wan, so it is normal for the price to be higher, but for such high quality food, it is really worth the money!The first dish - Pan Fried Gyoza (HKD80), has made us very amazing! In fact, I can't even taste what kind of ingredients in it. But it is crunchy, and it is just taste really delicious! My meat eater friend and I like... the hedgehog mushrooms in the two dishes "Pancit Bihon (HKD158)" and "Tikka Masala (HKD168)" the most! ! ! My friend said that no matter the texture or taste, it is too much like chicken, too good to be true!If you have an important date, come here, I think Grassroots Pantry will never disappoint you~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)