6-min walk from Exit C, City One MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (21)
A hugely popular Japanese yakiniku restaurant with branches worldwide, offering high-quality Japanese Wagyu and ingredients from around the globe. It features grills, allowing diners to enjoy an authentic Japanese yakiniku experience. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
*Last Order: 22:00
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Review (5)
Level1 2025-01-24
我地拎左B飛(3-5人),當時經理已經分別叫左A跟B飛入,當時已經飛左我地前面個張枱,啫係下一張係我地入,個經理入左一張A既2人枱,然後見執緊張6人枱(都執左好耐),之後有個同事出黎叫返個經理之前飛左個d枱號,我已經話個d過哂架啦喎,佢當時先叫B飛再叫A飛,咁本身佢叫B先,所以係應該俾我地入,但又無啦啦走左去俾2人坐張6人枱,個經理都叫佢俾我地入先,佢仲要解釋話跟飛叫,之後仲叫我地5個人坐4人枱,太奇怪了吧?最後我地要求坐5人枱才安排叫返岩岩張2人去坐4人枱,搞著d客🙂‍↕️其實間唔中都會食,第一次搞到咁混亂,肉係好食既,但真係搞到嬲。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-01-04
逢星期一中午,牛角就係我嘅食堂,因為會員有88折優惠。呢間牛角係半自助餐形式,午市套餐有四個價錢,由88至168蚊,呢個午餐除咗價錢好優惠,食品質素都好ok。只要點一份主食,就可以無限享用佢自助區裏面嘅前菜,小食,少量燒烤配料, 我最喜歡嘅係,鮑魚菇,粟米和洋蔥,沙律都好新鮮, 飲品有好多選擇和甜品,有我喜歡的雪米糍, 佢有兩部雪糕機可以提供四個不同口味嘅雪糕。 我一定會飲一杯餐後咖啡,呢度咖啡,係即磨嘅而且很有質素。我每次都吃得飽飽和非常滿足! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-08
呢度附近冇咩燒肉店,好開心呢度開左牛角!呢間雖然唔係buffet但係啲定食嘅質素唔錯~我哋每次嚟都會叫八選五品燒肉定食,可以揀五款肉~今次叫咗牛胸腹,豬頸肉,牛舌,牛肋肉同肩脊肉!牛肉有得揀原味或者有汁,可以自己選擇幾好!個人覺得呢間嘅牛肉質素好過沙田好運中心嗰間!每次叫牛角飯都會加溫泉蛋,最正係用啲蛋漿嚟撈飯~成個set牛肉有得揀原味或者有汁,可以自己選擇幾好!仲會有沙律同紫菜湯添! 平時可以用定會員app拎定位先就唔使排太耐啦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-17
Every time when I walked past by this restaurant, I was temped to go in and have a grill beef meal. Knowing it’s scrumptious but too evil, I ‘suppressed my desire’. 😂 Today, my partner suggested coming here for lunch without grill beef and off we went.😳 A nice clean place, the ventilation must be very good here that I could not feel smoke nor smell barbecue meat. I scan the code for ordering, scrolling up and down the lunch menu, thinking what I can have for lunch without grilling beef here (sigh…) and I suddenly realized that there are indeed lunch combos without ordering grill beef. Oh wow!We’ve ordered Stone Pot Rice with Japanese Beef umami, Gyu-Kaku Cold Noodle and Parma Ham Cheese Salad in Balsamic Vinegar (I thought I have taken a photo of the salad but I didn’t. You can still see a piece of Parma ham on the top left corner of the photo above😂😂). We shared the food and they were surprisingly delicious, especially the cold noodles. 😋😋 The salad was good, I like the cheese. However, the stone pot rice is a little burnt. Maybe we should have finished it quicker, so that the scorching heat of the stone pot won’t make it burnt. 😅Anyway, I am not expecting these dishes in a yakiniku restaurant like this and yet they are tasty. 😋😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-02
一坐低就可以用手機掃QR Code 落單😋上菜都好快手佢哋嘅和牛二品同四品燒肉盛盒包含咗日本九州黑毛和牛牛肋肉、黑毛和牛一口牛,仲有美國上級牛頸脊同厚燒牛舌等等😋😋除咗有前菜同昆布湯,仲有牛角飯同飲品,豐富到讓人滿足。牛角飯依舊保持住好味,配上燒肉一齊食真係絕配。而且,你仲可以額外加追唔同嘅食材,例如車海老同牛油廣島蠔,都好鮮甜美味,可以滿足唔同嘅口味喜好😝餐廳環境舒適,服務態度細心周到,令用餐體驗更加完美😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)