HABIBI is an authentic Middle Eastern restaurant that offers a focused yet broad ranging menu of authentic Egyptian specialities prepared using only the freshest, highest quality all-natural ingredients. Holding five stars where attention to detail is concerned, the restaurant’s interior, ambience and hospitality are as refreshingly genuine as the menu’s succulent meats, marinated fish, fresh cheeses, spiced legumes and aromatic grains. Adding to the traditional taste of Egypt, Raq Sharki (belly dancing) performances take place weekly on Friday and Saturday evenings. Habibi means “my beloved” in Arabic.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
近年前買了一張團購卷,想不到未到到期日之時,那所印度餐廳已經關門大吉,不過店子都很有良心,用上另外兩所餐廳補上,其實也是同一個集團的店子,兩所也是位於蘇豪區的埃及餐廳Habibi,年多前已經吃過在威靈頓街的分店,是日就來試試在老蘭的另一分店好了。團購冇好東西?沒錯!這個是普遍現象,所以本人也買少了很多,因為食店的質素真的良莠不齊,而且有些店子甚或是出蠱惑招,不過是次本人買的,是午餐自助餐卷,或是當現今一百二十元在晚餐用,雖然後者肯定要補貼費用,但想起這等自助餐未必有好東西時,本人寧可是付一點額外的費用,跟唔太吃好一點更好。在復活節長假期的最後一天的晚上,此店人客不多,甫走到店內,已經是見到人那麼高的水煙,可惜現時室內禁煙,沒有得吃這一味玩意兒,不然,先在吃飯前吞雲吐霧一番,也真的甚為不錯,在此聲明,本人是非吸煙人仕,不過含在口中而不下肺的水果煙,相信偶爾一試也無妨吧。說了那麼多癈話,都是時候點吃的了,一本餐牌有四頁都是介紹鹹吃,分別有沙律、冷盤小吃,熱盤小吃及主菜,而當中主菜也有烤肉系﹝亦即Kebab﹞、清新派及焗製類,想起來真的有點似香港人的小菜,也有分煎、炒及煲仔菜,認真是各有特式。先來吃點麵包,麵包籃內有比德包﹝即Pita﹞及中東包,前者香脆而帶頗濃小麥的香味,脆脆的但又帶如酥皮的感覺;後者則有點像吃Naan的感覺,可能是店家做得不夠好吧,吃起來不太鬆軟,予人有點死實的感覺,不過吃起來也蠻有麥香,也帶點點芝麻的香味。開首當然是吃沙律好了,由於本人真的不懂埃及菜,所以點什麼吃,最好就是看廚師推介,這個唯一一個被廚師推介的沙律Fatoush,其實是一款當地人的麵包沙律,當中除了沙律菜之外,就是麵包粒了,聽起來感覺真的像極凱撒沙律呢!不過它們當然是有很大的分別。麵包用上了當地人的吃的扁麵包比德包﹝即Pita﹞,然後菜也是司空見慣的了,主要也是爽脆的生菜及清新的青瓜,不過味道就當然跟西式的沙律很不一樣了,混入了漆樹籽做成的沙律汁,吃起來有種清新的酸味,帶淡淡薄荷及香草的味道,夾雜一點吸收了這酸汁的麵包,吸了汁雖然腍了一點,不過配上蔬菜來吃,也是清新開胃的一道。也點了一個熱盤小吃Fatima’s Fingers,而它也沒有令我失望,果真的是如需要的那麼熱,何解我如此說?原因很簡單,本人點的是芝士條,當然是熱吃,當中的芝士半融才會最好吃,遺憾的是份量很少,只有兩條而已,而旁邊的沙律,就正正是Fatoush,我們心想,那我們倒不吃另外一款的沙律!說回這個芝士棒,不是一般真的是炸的芝士,而是用上酥皮包着芝士來焗製,所以吃起來毫不油膩,酥皮輕輕的帶點香脆,然而裡頭的芝士更是精彩,原來是用上當地大路的羊奶芝士,而且由於當中的水份頗高,吃起來不會如吃Pizza般拉絲出來,反之就是在口中有淡淡然的芝士香,不過就吃不到店家所謂混入了的菠菜,不這這已經是夠好吃了,又或是想開胃一點,再蘸一點Tsatsiki Sauce,充滿奶酪的味道,也是非常好吃。這個時候才是開始吃主菜了,先來的是清新派系的Samak Bel Rada,其實就是一種先漬後炸的魚,另配有薑黃飯及茄醬蔬菜,所謂的蔬菜,其實也是外國人常吃的紅蘿蔔及青瓜,煮得軟腍的跟濃稠的茄醬混在一起,吃起來倍感開胃。而主角當然是那炸魚吧,魚先用上胡荽、蒔蘿及檸檬汁等混成的醬汁醃過,然後沾上以玉米粉開成的炸漿炸,吃起來先是予人鬆脆的口感,及後就是魚肉的細緻嫩滑,這也拜店家用上黑鱸魚,天生就是細嫩幼滑,其味道有點點酸,多多鹹,不過當中帶有很濃重的香料味,再而吃得出有一點點小茴香籽的味道,如果不是那麼鹹,感覺會更為不錯。伴來的米飯是當地人會吃的薑黃飯,但比起印尼人也是吃這一味,是回的就有點重外表多於一切了,看起來橙橙黃黃的又如何!吃起來沒有什麼香料的味道,而且米飯本身很腍,不甚有咬口,最令人感意外的,就是那米飯根本看來不是中東人吃的米,難怪口感方面,跟原先以為的差那麼遠,究竟這是在遷就本地人的口味,還是沒有入貨而已。另外一味菜式名為Fatera Dani,其實就是用上洋蔥、青豆、薯仔及紅蘿蔔一起來燉煮羊肉粒,之後再加上酥皮焗製而成,宛如酥皮羅宋湯一樣,另外旁邊又跟來了薑黃飯。面層的酥皮熱騰騰,夠酥軟又有牛油香,混雜點羊肉及湯汁來吃,是沒有難吃的道理。打開酥皮後的羊肉又如何羊肉在以蕃茄汁與及其他中東香料所燉煮之後,羊肉雖然有點嚡口,但肉質纖維至少不韌,吃起來帶肉味及香料之味,其餘的材料洋蔥、青豆、薯仔及紅蘿蔔,全都被煮得軟腍腍,吸收了湯汁來吃,味道略鹹但豐富,很合重口味的我。那薑黃飯也不好說了,跟之前的那些味道一模一樣,不過當中加入了一堆烘烤過的洋蔥絲,入口鮮嫩,而且帶天然清新香甜的感覺,用來混飯吃,味道勝多了。吃得飽飽就再吃不下甜點了,但倒想喝一口美味的埃及咖啡,宛若土耳其咖啡一樣,也是以一個小銅壺來煮,咖啡粉及糖一起預先混好了再加水煮,煮好了就在食客跟前注入小杯之中。嗅起來不是單純的咖啡味了,當中多了分很濃香的香料味,感覺不像印度人的馬沙拉,而是有點點肉桂及豆蔻的味道,本來想向店員求証的,不過店員也說不知道,說這個咖啡,是由在埃及當地人的調好了,再磨好成細粉之後才運到香港,不過這杯咖啡也充滿了土耳其咖啡的特色,入口香濃,喝到滿口也是細碎的咖啡屑,而且很甜兼帶香料的味道,喝起來感覺也蠻爽的。爽就是爽了,但喝得人滿口也是咖啡渣就都是事實,看看杯子底部就知道是什麼一回事了。整體感覺很不錯,價錢略貴,但在香港吃異國菜,也是預期的了,加上用了團購劵,實際就是兩個人也不用四百元,以在老蘭吃頓有質素的晚飯而言,也是預算之內的價錢,不過有點奇怪的是,本人細閱店家的餐牌,怎麼店家的冷盤當中,看來沒有太多有關豆醬的菜式呢?埃及中東菜是離不開它的啊!但坦然如果人在港島區,要吃埃及菜,此店相信也是首選了。
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因友人想吃特別的菜式, 所以去了這間店。推介:不"蘇"的烤羊, 很好味~~!!! 有味的飯質感很好, 一定要食~~!!! 但, 不明白為何烤牛肉熟得太過份了... 不建議吃牛牛...服務由頭到尾也很好, 我們飲很多清水, 通常也會自動來為我們添水~另外, 最窩心的是... 我那晚咳得很厲害, 侍應突然遞上一杯放了兩片鮮檸 + 薄荷葉的清水, 做了一個掃喉嚨的動作, 示意讓我舒緩喉嚨的~微少的招待, 但顯出餐廳員工對客人的細心~
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I bought a group buy coupons for dinner for 2, it's impossible to call to make a reservation first of all, you leave them a voice message, no one calls you back, and when you finally reach them, somehow they're full booking! They claimed they'd call back, but they never did, I called 5 nights in a roll and every single time it rang for a few times and straight to voice message. Food was ok, but the service is TERRIBLY SNEAKY! They are so crowded that they intentionally give you the wrong kind of food so that they don't have to prepare any "hot" appertizer, instead they gave us something we didn't even know what it was - before we ate it, we thought it was one of those complimentary snacks they offered because we had been there before w/o using coupon, and every single time, we get free pita bread with basic hummus, so that's why we ate it without realizing it was the wrong food!! But when we ordered the appetizer, we specifically ordered one from cold plate, and one from hot plate, and pointed right on the menu, the server repeated what we ordered too with the name (the hot plate was falafel), the falafel didn't come, when we finished both plates (one of the "supposedly" free one), we asked where was the fafael, he said we didn't order it. We felt that it's extremely sneaky, because making a falafel will require more time to amke then some cold plate hummus, the hummus, all the need to do is to scope something out from the fridge and put it on a plate with pita bread whereas they have to deep fried the falafel. with the amount of people and literally 3 staff serving the whole restaruarnt, it's not suprised that they don't want to make the falafel and they never admitted their mistake and walked away, we cannot even argue with them because it's extremely loud in the restaurant!!Moving onto the desert, we could have choose from 5 different dessert on the menu, instead they told us that we cannot choose at all, it's not even on the menu at all, and it taste extremely extremely horrible covered with over-sweetened coconut powder. The whole night, we weren't given any service at all, the owner/ manager of the restaurant would not even come or even look at you, the old server treated like really rudely, at one point when we're trying to figure out what to eat he came and said "ok you guys need to hurry we have a lot of people" and make us order right there and annoyed by us because we still havne't decided, it was only 2 mins from when he gave us the menu til he came back to us and made us order again. They never ever give us any water after the 1st pour, we asked the the manager (the black guy), he nodded and walked right pass us to serve another customer! and he'd even picked up other table's dirty dishes than just giving us some water, until I was terrify and speak loudly how they disrespect their customer, another waiter gave us some water, that was after the dessert, their food was spicy, salty, and we finished our water before we completed the appertizer, so no water for the whole night, i was being extremely patient and wait for the water from the begging and ask and wait. This restaurant is simply terrible. the music is extremely loud, even loud when they don't have anyone performing. I don't what what's the deal with that, i can see when people dancing, they turned up music, but even after finishing, the music still goes on like forever and you have to yell across the table!
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原本是想到這棟大廈的一家扒房吃牛排 誰知道沒有book枱,沒有位子! 真是旺場... 算了 唯有轉到樓下的habibi 兩家餐廳的侍應都只會說英文 可是人都很友善 先說回habibi 一問侍應才知道原來是吃埃及菜的 哇,侍應還問我吃過埃及菜沒有 我就回說沒有啊 他就說:那你一定要試試看了 好吧,我就抱著送死的心態,進去試試 裡面環境不錯呢還蠻漂亮的 真的很喜歡這種民族風格的餐廳 原來這種埃及餐廳也有buffet的 侍應見我好像看不明白,還很熱心的幫我講解 雖然他的英文實在是... 不過他的熱誠感動了我選擇不多,想要從看起來是前菜的東西著手 我還真的完全不知道埃及菜是怎麼吃的 那一位侍應又走過來問我會不會吃埃及菜 我就說不會,他很熱心的幫我拿菜,又叫我怎麼吃 真的很感謝他 埃及菜的pita bread,原來是點yogurt吃的 酸酸的配起來都ok 可以無限refill的,我也很不客氣的一直refill... 說真的沒有一道菜我是真正覺得好吃的 可能我吃不慣這種我覺得怪怪的口味吧 侍應開始教我使用碗去裝不同種類的yogurt,有番茄味,也有檸檬橄欖油等等 全部我都覺得怪怪的... 總是想要來點甜的 甜點選擇只有兩種 兩種都是甜死人不償命的椰子蛋糕 雖然我不是太喜歡coconut,不過在吃過那些主菜之後 這個甜點對我來說真的是天堂,用來清清口腔... 過了一會,侍應又走過來不知道說了一堆什麼 我只聽懂他叫我不要吃dessert 我有點傻眼,叫我不要吃是怎樣?過一陣子 謎底終於揭開! 他送了我一個主菜,是烤雞,還有配飯,沙拉等等,分量十足呢 不過吃完這個還是覺得有點不夠,就叫多一份pita bread 所有食物當中,覺得可以放的進口的只有右邊那一坨羊肉 他家了很多香料,我實在是吃不慣,不過算是其中里面比較好的.... 比較近的看甜品,兩種都是很甜的 不過對我這種甜魔來講,就ok 飯後的咖啡很濃郁,我問了一下侍應 他說埃及的咖啡是這麼濃的 因為大部分客人來吃午餐之後都想要精神奕奕的去工作(好像是這樣...) 這個咖啡就可以幫客人提神 吃了這一趟之後,想說不會再來了 實在是吃不慣,跟我最愛的印度咖哩差太遠了 誰知道最近媽媽買了這一家餐廳的團購...
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