6-min walk from Exit F2, Tuen Mun MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Habib’s is a Middle Eastern Restaurant which is providing different tastes of Kebab. It also serves manakish and salad. continue reading
Additional Information
Halal Restaurant
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash OpenRice Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Spot payment
Certified Halal Food
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (47)
98的羊肉咖喱只有一点点🤏,四块肉左右,这就算了,它特别特别咸,配四块饼都吃不完,还得狂喝半瓶水!98的羊肉咖喱只有一点点🤏,四块肉左右,这就算了,它特别特别咸,配四块饼都吃不完,还得狂喝半瓶水!不会再吃了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-10-28
星期六下午,諗住叫個烤雞肉卷外賣。等咗10分鐘就有得拎。呢一個雞肉卷$72 ,我覺得值回票價。啲雞肉同埋蔬菜非常足料,調味亦都非常有土耳其特色。 大家如果想食異國風情嘅嘢食,可以嚟呢度試吓。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
平日晚上18:30來到屯門food court Gogomall人流不多 位置很多也算舒服 環境衛生很滿意本身試過Habis既觀塘分店 相當好食 見到屯門有要食過返尋味 可惜有少少失望中東食物一般比較重口味 呢間感覺有點淡味叫左個Mixed doner with chip 上面有雞肉牛肉羊肉 下面有份M記1.5份大size即炸薯條 加上靈魂醬汁garlic and mint sauce係一向中東食物完美組合 不過唔知點解我18:30落單 第三張單就係我 之前喺觀塘食都係十分鐘左右就有 今次等左半個鐘 周圍都係美食既香味等得好辛苦以為佢吊我胃口 係準備俾我更大既滿足 結果啲薯條炸好喺入面放凍了唔太好食 可能唔記得落鹽 淡到都食唔落口剩哂喺度煮了半個小時既肉又唔多香口 份量又少 靈魂醬汁既味道周圍食Doner meat都一樣 感覺呢度又改淡左啲 好似失去左靈魂既人一樣 冇左活力一份俾到人希望同精神既烤肉薯條 同一碗維持生命既白飯冇分別 食完不禁令人產生一種遺憾同意猶未盡既失落 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
👍Tasty Habib's Monday Comb Set Chicken curry with rice extra+$10 Nana bread 一直很想遠去屯門逛逛,終於疫情放缓解除社交條例後,店員們非常歡容.之前試過其他分店kebab和招呼都不錯😋今天試吓comb rice set 如何?是日係咖哩雞跟飯+汽水,我額外$10多叫印度薄餅.即叫即做熱呼呼hot hot 印度薄餅加點curry sauce,雞肉惹味唔太辣juice tender,印度米粒粒分明可能食慣軟綿廣東米會唔慣,overall very Tasty!👍哎吔!😉唔記得打咭影印度薄餅忍唔住咬口食咗😋,咁食完影啲餐牌,睇吓下次食咩好?店員笑容滿面 道別Thank you continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
睇食評見人地份卷好靚好乾身,就嘗試買返去食,點知完全係災難級,份卷比的泛濫汁液整到軟塌淋晒,餡料同汁液不斷跌出來,完全唔知食緊咩,用膳體驗極差!非常混亂,唔會有下次! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)