4-min walk from Exit B2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 17:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus Payme
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (21)
Level4 2022-11-26
𓌉◯𓇋【飲朱古力都要講究啲!🙌🏻😌】朱古力其實同咖啡一樣 都有好多來自吾同產地 各有風味 呢間係香港比較少見到朱古力專門店 利用吾同既朱古力調配出各種飲品一入到去就聞到好香朱古力味 如果中意影相既吾好錯過室外既打卡位!▹◃┄▸◂┄▹◃┄▸◂┄▹◃┄▸◂┄▹◃┄▸◂┄▹◃❀Single origin hot choco🍫🌟🌟($ 72 ) 👉🏻honey, dark malt, fig店員好詳細咁樣向我哋介紹佢哋嘅朱古力叫我哋先試熱既 會偏酸少少🤏🏻 之後攤凍飲 甜味會再突出啲 層次感豐富 朱古力好滑而且帶少少空氣感 完全吾溜 !超級適合而家秋冬天氣飲🙌🏻❀ S.O. Fruity Mocha🌟 ($50)雖然沒有精緻既拉花 但香氣十足😍呢杯揀左用India 既可可豆🍫同咖啡好夾 兩者不會互搶味道屬於高質既mocha🥰🥰雖然份量較少價錢偏貴 但都覺得幾值得一試 第一次去嘅一定要試吓佢哋既朱古力!😌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-11-19
Half & Half.I absolutely love anythg chocolate so it’s no surprise that I have had this place bookmarked for god knows how long. .Was a little surprised by how rustic its interior was, with mainly wooden furnishing and a yellowish wall with a few nice art pieces hung up. The staffs were quite aloof and the space just didn’t feel very welcoming, so I was a little disappointed. .☕️Philippines 72% hot chocolate HKD 72 💭The chocolate drink itself was nice, decadent and smooth with a hint of bitterness. A beautiful texture despite having been made with just water, without adding any butter, cream or milk. It was definitely on the pricier side though and I probably would not revisit. There are other cafes specialising in chocolates where I have had a much better experience. .🍫Chocolate brownie HKD 30 💭I was hoping to try their banana bread with chocolate smeared on top. Unfortunately it wasn’t on the menu that day so I opted for their chocolate brownie instead. Very standard, not particularly buttery and the chocolate flavour was not particularly strong. .📍Half & Half (西環) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-11-15
叫左一個plain bagel with cotted cream & jam 另一個係蔥油餅味bagel好鍾意個bagel嘅質地,個面係脆脆地入面好煙韌嘅質地飲品方面叫咗兩杯都係mocha 一凍一熱相較之下熱嘅可可味更加出同滑可可同咖啡味balance得幾好 不過飲落相比起咖啡嘅酸味 可可嘅酸味會更搶少少呢度環境幾舒服可惜嘅係價錢有啲偏貴另外呢間Cafe主打single origin chocolate見到隔離枱飲嘅朱古力係超濃偏結身嗰種 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我在此咖啡店對面等巴士,見到店內外都係木系設計,吸引到我的目光,我走進去堂食,遇見豆豆喵在熟睡中🐱💤 走的時候,外賣了一個包。不過,此店係10月最後一日出post話「巳結業」,真係好驚訝!我仲諗住遲啲可以再回訪,試吓杯熱朱添😢Tiramisu (HK$68).一隻高身杯,裝咗2層手指餅和2層意大利軟芝士,上面鋪滿朱古力可可粉.creamy嘅意大利軟芝士對比輕巧酥脆的手指餅,但一齊食就好味和不會感覺好膩Latte (HK$40).跟澳洲式的,因為是用玻璃杯裝住杯拿鐵.奶泡打得幼細唔易起泡,拉花圖案都幾好.有咖啡香氣和咖啡味道,不會被牛奶味搶走希臘菠菜芝士軟包 (HK$58).期間限定款,出品自tsukimi.bakery .整返熱嚟食,麵包好鬆軟,微甜的,面頭有焗到金黃色的巴馬臣芝士.內餡有菠菜和忌廉芝士,上面加咗一啲脆口嘅榛子碎碎,豐富口感😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
探店不到1小时,就坐在吧台边跟主理人聊了半个多小时,被这份亲切和真诚深深感动着。·85HKD的手冲虽然不便宜,但味道值得,环境值得,态度更值得。当日主理人金句: coffee culture is lying in language, 好像给迷迷糊糊却又很开心的我上了一堂语言学课。·坐落在斜坡上的原木色系咖啡和巧克力店,原址上德记印务的工具和账簿被保留下来,成为店内一道独特而怀旧的装饰。·西环的咖啡馆更贴近neighborhood,这家店的氛围跟沉稳的色调一样,安静、舒缓,适合聊天和自习,但哪怕就是望着街对面的公交站发呆也很舒服。·正如店名,单一产地精品咖啡和巧克力是主打饮品,手冲选择丰富,也有不少轻食和甜点供应。来的时候正遇上店主忙得团团转,连连跟我说抱歉还蛮可爱的~·等他终于忙完后气定神闲地给我冲了一支【厄瓜多尔手冲】,小众产区就不说了,选这款还因为它是HK不常见的二氧化碳浸渍处理法。·磨粉之后是一股咸甜混合的浓郁酱香,湿香温柔下来,往上冒的热气中带出一缕罗勒的清新。·喝起来更妙,精致的果酸巧妙地平衡着肉桂和胡椒的辛香,酸度和触感都很柔顺,风味特别,也很喜欢。·顺便被主理人安利了一大波以咖啡为主的咖啡馆,感觉探店的热情一下又被唤醒了。能遇到如此认真做咖啡的店,一整天的好心情顿时被点亮。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)