1-min walk from Exit D1, Tai Koo MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:30
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (97)
Level4 2024-09-08
呢日早咗少少放工,約咗朋友嚟太古城食飯。大概18:30踏入呢間餐廳,望到佢仲有happy hour嘅套餐😮 即刻嗌咗份嚟試吓,之後再嗌咗其他食物,食咗個好豐富嘅晚餐。Happy Hour套餐呢個套餐包括咗兩杯啤酒同埋一份薯條🍟 King in Yellow 清啤 本地手工啤5%同埋Old Blood 烘烤黑啤 本地手工啤5%,兩款啤酒各有特色🍻 個人比較鍾意清啤,不過黑啤嘅味都好香🌾 薯條方面有三款口味選擇,我地揀咗香辣芝味嘅crazy fries,店員已經預先幫我地shake好咗,調味都幾惹味。慢煮番茄肉醬溫泉蛋意大利闊條麵呢個係晚餐嘅其中一款,番茄肉醬味道唔會好酸,而且份量啱啱好可以撈晒成份意大利闊條麵🍝 闊條麵好適合我呀,因為佢好掛汁,每一啖都可以食到開胃嘅番茄肉醬🙂自選沙律一份自選沙律全日都係$68咋,見到唔少人都買外賣返去食🥗 一份standard嘅自選沙律可以揀五款配料,一款醬汁同埋菜底,菜底可以揀混合沙律菜定係羅馬生菜🥬 我呢份揀咗混合沙律菜同埋煎胡麻沙律醬,想食得再健康啲,醬汁可以另上👍🏻 如果想食得豐富啲,都可以額外加多幾款配料。自家製烤雞肉同埋德式烤豬手呢兩款肉類都好出色,雞肉唔會太乾,豬手就帶點黑椒味🐷 日本蛋沙律同埋吞拿魚沙律都係個人好鍾意嘅選擇,店員仲要俾勁多我,係食過返唔到轉頭嘅選擇🤩 烤甜粟米、紅腰豆同埋青瓜則係健康天然之選🥒 是日餐湯呢日嘅餐湯係羅宋湯,呢個帶點辛辣,入面嘅配料有洋蔥、番茄、西芹等嘅蔬菜,都算幾足料🍅甜品♦️焦糖牛乳軟雪糕芭菲呢個係幾抵食嘅甜品,勁大杯雪糕,仲要牛奶味好香濃🥛 面頭有焦糖脆餅、焦糖醬、水果乾、穀麥脆脆,更可以增加口感🍨♦️Tiramisu 咖啡味道幾香,蛋糕嘅質地雖然較企身,但入口依然creamy,更加以用優惠價加配牛乳雪糕🍦飲品期間限定冰茶同埋黑咖啡都只係加$10就可以飲到☕️ 兩款都係無糖嘅選擇,係健康飲食嘅新趨勢啊😆呢間餐廳嘅菜式選擇好闊,有好健康嘅沙律,又會有邪惡啲嘅啤酒薯條,無論係咩喜好都揀到啱食嘅嘢啦🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
想食個健康晚餐,今次就揀咗哩間清新感滿滿嘅西餐。餐點加$10就可以配沙律+飲品/餐湯+飲品。✨ 精選穀飼安格斯牛扒沙律 $128擺盤唔錯,大大塊牛扒配沙律感覺唔會太膩,有菜有肉營養均衡。牛扒食落唔會太乾,咬落夠腍又有牛味😋 就連伴菜都一樣咁出色👍🏻✨ 燒烤三文魚柳.普羅旺斯雜菜燴.奶油薯蓉 $168三文魚柳即叫即做,外皮夠哂脆卜卜,魚肉香嫩有鮮味🤤 薯蓉好creamy,食落有香濃奶油味,仲超軟滑😍 配雜菜酸酸地更開胃。✨慢煮番茄肉醬溫泉蛋意大利闊條麵 $118肉醬食落好清新,唔同一般肉醬咁濃味,所以食哂感覺都唔會太油膩。再加埋溫泉蛋更香蛋味,闊條麵有咬口👍🏻 ✨ 是日餐湯(野菜湯)期間限定冰茶(檸檬伯爵茶)蜜桃梳打 (套餐價再另加$12)野菜湯味道濃郁夠足料。今次期間限定冰茶係檸檬伯爵茶,冇平時嘅伯爵茶咁濃味,帶有微微酸味更清新。蜜桃梳打正常味道,桃味幾香。🔍整體感覺:餐廳地點近地鐵站出口,好易搵。裝修風格簡約清新,環境整潔乾淨衞生。食物質素幾好,份量亦唔少,性價比好高🔥 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
收工去左太古城搵食,係地鐵站附近,見到一間環境簡潔明亮,灰白主調既既餐廳🩶🤍· - - · - - · - - · - - ·🔹餐湯 🔸 香烤慢煮加拿大豬鞍架•烤時令雜菜•奶油薯蓉 $198 🔹 忌廉白酒煮青口•薯條•香脆法包 $168🔸 朱古力𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐨牛乳軟雪糕芭菲 $32🔹 洋甘菊薰衣草茶(熱)🔸 蜜桃薑茶(熱)· - - · - - · - - · - - ·加左𝐒𝐞𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 有餐湯蕃茄洋蔥湯🍅同埋飲品~個豬鞍幾𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞,真係用左靚豬鞍燒到好𝐉𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐲,口感很好🐷忌廉白酒煮青口•薯條•香脆法包🥖估唔到薯條份量咁豐盛,澱粉質控表示好開心🍟 青口好入味,好香既忌廉汁同洋蔥+香草香味🧅🌿最後仲有非凡既𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐨,有咖啡同朱古力味,我哋簡左朱古力🍫,真係好滑,岩曬而家天氣咁熱,雪糕可以係今餐完美作結🍨呢到環境寧靜舒適係太古食飯睇戲都係幾好既選擇🎬· - - · - - · - - ·個人整體評價📝/巧吃:8.3/10✨/價錢:7.5/10 🌟/服務:8/10 💫/打卡able:7.5/10✨/清潔度:8/10⭐️/人均: $243/1· - - · - - · - - · continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-28
Today I visited a small western-style casual dining restaurant in Taikoo Shing. The restaurant is located right across the street from the D1 exit of the Taikoo Shing MTR station, so it's very convenient to find. The restaurant has a simple and comfortable decor, making it a nice spot to come with friends for afternoon tea. The portions for each dish are very generous, so we were quite full after the meal and didn't need to have dinner. We ordered:🥗 5 Toppings Salad 自選沙律(5款)💎 Grilled Chicken 自家制烤雞肉 - The tender and juicy grilled chicken pairs perfectly with the fresh vegetables💎 Imitation Crab Sticks 日本仿蟹柳 - The chewy texture adds great layers to the salad💎 Roasted Broccoli 烤西蘭花 - Roasted to perfection with a delightful crunch💎 Raisins 提子乾 - The sweet and tangy raisins add depth of flavor to the salad💎 Tuna Mayo 吞拿魚沙律 - The fresh and moist tuna blends seamlessly with the creamy mayonnaise💎 Yuzu Vinaigrette 日本柚子油醋醬 - The refreshing and tangy yuzu dressing gives the salad a zesty boost💎 Mixed Greens 混合沙律菜 - The nutritious and fresh leafy greens🥪 Croque Monsieur 法式烤芝士火腿三文治- The rich cheese and savory ham make an irresistible combination🍹 Seasonal Iced Tea 期間限定冰茶- The refreshing and thirst-quenching iced tea is the perfect choice for a hot day🍧 Berry Special Milk Soft Serve Ice Cream Parfait 雜莓牛乳軟雪糕芭菲- The creamy and smooth milk soft serve paired with an assortment of fresh berries, creating a delightfully sweet and delectable treat💰 Total: $196 (including 10% service charge). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-12
今日繼續圍住太古城啲住宅周邊揾嘢食。用手機掃二維碼落單。一份主菜加$10就有埋餐湯和飲品。如果想飲龍蝦湯或特別的飲品就要另外再加錢。🔸豆乳雜菜濃湯湯夠熱,入口有濃郁的雞肉香,鹹中帶甜。🔸車打芝士安格斯牛肉漢堡薯條牛肉漢堡的肉質口感結實,肉汁豐富,麵包軟熟,洋蔥圈脆口,煙肉的油分更增加口感,而車打芝士的鹹香令個漢堡味道更豐富。炸薯條香脆,配上松露醬非常好食。🔸黑咖啡味道很香,甘中帶甜味。🔸香烤慢煮加拿大豬鞍架,烤時令雜菜,奶油薯蓉豬鞍架厚身,肉質結實但口感較身,而黑椒和香草味濃烈。翠玉瓜多汁,甘筍爽脆,薯仔外焦,薯蓉軟滑,有奶油的香味。🔸期間限定冰茶伯爵茶加檸檬,又帶少少辛口的味道。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)