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Review (14)
Level4 2019-05-14
帶埋小朋友DPark 玩就最好啦,玩到攰嘅時候想搵個地方坐下,你到呢間半熟工房。啱晒我哋帶小朋友。俾佢張相吸引左,買咗個牛角包雪糕。$48 真係唔平。牛奶味香濃,雪糕軟滑。真係唔錯...但係牛角包就冇想像中咁好食。而且仲食到好呢hea......唔知係咪因為部機唔夠動呢?定係因為個牛角包本身熱呢?個雪糕攞到已經好溶。食雪糕時真係要同時間競賽,邊食邊滴....將我本來想好優雅咁坐下食下傾下嘅夢想就咁破滅左啦...另外叫咗一個餐,一枝烏龍茶加一個半熟芝士撻加埋真係唔錯! 如果餐飲可以加錢轉咖啡就好啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-05-09
看完電影,想吃些東西,半熟工房未試過,就來一試。點了原味,22元。芝士不過甜,不會膩,略嫌芝士味不夠濃厚。而撻皮香脆的。如果撻能熱一點,更加好吃。若能提供叉/匙羹就更方便,因為一咬,芝士就漏出來,吃得有點狼狽。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-04-23
同阿仔行街行到攰,想搵個地方坐下,就俾我地發現左係戲院隔離嘅半熟工房要小朋友坐定定就唯有靠雪糕咁岩呢期有阿仔最鍾意嘅士多啤梨口味就叫左個set,新地雪糕配烏龍茶都只係$46阿仔食到舐舐脷,雪糕好香濃,有d似雪芭嘅感覺,超解暑!我就俾雪山之戀吸引住,最後揀左個粉紅色靚靚士多啤梨味蛋糕好鬆軟,又重蛋味食到中間仲有乳酪,唔會太甜,配上烏龍茶,感覺勁嘆!呢度仲有sofa位坐,如果有本雜誌睇下就一流啦職員仲送左個代幣俾我地夾公仔,雖然都預左夾唔到,但小朋友有得開心下,過下手癮都幾正 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-10-20
I am not really a palmier person but the box was cute and the palmiers came in lots of flavours like matcha, purple potato etc.Each palmier had generous filling rolled inside.You can buy them individually at $8 each so I got three flavours that I thought I was going to like.Earl Grey: Too sweet and the Earl Grey tasted like artificial oil essence.Purple Potato: It was pretty but that was it, it didn't really impressSalted Egg: This was really disgusting, cloying sweet as well as salty.For savoury flavours, I think they should taste completely savoury because the sweetness kills it.I have tried cheese palmiers before which were just savoury and they tasted damn good. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日下午表姐同表姐夫約咗我們見面兼同兩個表姨甥去玩,所以我們就約咗喺荃灣愉景新城見面,喺安排好兩個表姨甥喺兒童天地玩之後,我們就喺旁邊呢間「半熟工房」買啲甜品一邊食一邊等!我們買咗半熟芝士蛋糕,蛋糕嘅質感香滑軟綿,而且超鬆軟綿密,甜度亦調教得恰到好處,芝士嘅味道雖然係相當濃郁,但完全唔會有膩或滯嘅感覺,就連平日唔係太鍾意食芝士嘅,都可以接受到兼且會覺得好食,同埋蛋糕係有冷藏過,所以食落有一陣冰涼嘅感覺,啱晒而家炎炎夏日嘅天氣食,真係值得一讚! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)