7-min walk from Exit A2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station
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Opening Hours
08:00 - 18:00
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 18:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 18:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
iced matcha latte
呢間喺上環嘅咖啡店用上簡約日系原木風裝修風格🪵,非常治癒讓人感覺好舒適底層係點餐同埋開放式嘅空間 望住街好寫意上層就係半畫廊半客廳嘅佈局,好有藝術氣質!空間寬敞又舒服,仲有張長枱,星期六嘅下午時間有好多人坐係度做野或者溫書,我哋就唯有轉移到樓下坐🍵凍抹茶拿鐵 ($58)抹茶味道超濃,可以走甜,同奶嘅比例恰到好處🤌🏻 唔會有粉粒抹茶控表示好可以 非常推薦!主要來係為左環境,但係無過飲品都咁高質!下次想坐坐上層同埋試下佢哋嘅hojicha latte!my favourite coffee shop in town yet! located on a quieter street in sheung wan, this cozy aesthetic japanese coffee shop has 2 floors – bottom floor opens to the street, while upper floor is set up like a lounge: super homie & vibey🍵iced matcha ($58)super rich & high quality! perfect matcha to milk ratio! one of the best matcha lattes in town!! only try if you can handle rich earthy matcha ;)—𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗌𝗂𝗍: if in the area💳 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝖼𝖾 $50-60 𝗉𝗉🌟 𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝖺𝗅𝗅 9/10📍 Hara Kako上環皇后大道西77-91號荷李活中心地下B號舖
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🚩Chill Guy之選 週末嘆啡好去處🚩📍 Hara Kako城市人生活節奏急促,就連週末都總是在忙東忙西,好像缺乏些休息靜下來的時光。所以今天介紹這間間位於上環的咖啡店,裝潢走簡約風,店內更有幾座和紙燈,讓人有置身日本小店的感覺。店舖共有兩層,地下那層的座位雖少,但勝在空間感足不會擠逼,坐在那裡看著外頭的人來人往很容易便能渡過一個下午。🍴Flat White ($42)🍴Long Black ($38)先要説這個價錢在上環來說不算貴,加上可以在這閒坐一段時間,絕對物超所值。咖啡口味可以選fruity或nutty,如果你是咖啡新手又不知如何選擇,籠統來説就是前者比較適合喜歡味道偏酸的朋友。個人來說,Long Black配上較fruity的豆,口感層次上會更為豐富。奶啡方面要一讚這裡選用的牛奶跟咖啡非常調和,入口順滑之餘兩者又能取得平衡,十分推薦。環境好,啡好飲,又坐得舒服,這樣的咖啡店你一定不可錯過。
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We went to SW branch in the afternoon on weekend. We tried to order something for lunch but most of the food were sold out, so we just ordered the brownie and a cup of hojicha latte.The food and drink were fine but the reason why we would not recommend anyone to go to this place was the impoliteness of the staff.They were super very unfriendly. I would remember their annoyed face when i asked for the details of the coffee combo (which i did not order it at the end) forever. Also their attitude was super bad. Very unimpressed and disappointed!!I will not visit this shop again.
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朋友们不约而同都推荐我来的harakako爱焙茶人果断选择kako02 triple nutty,清新的焙茶香,搭配可可豆碎口味蛮丰富惊喜的是二楼,舒适的空间,有沙发座也有可办公的座,每个人都能在这里找到最舒服的状态
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上環雙層咖啡店,底層主要是點餐和開放式的空間,相對上冷氣比較弱,夏天時可能會流汗。上層則是一個封閉的室內空間,燈光比較暗,亦因如此比較有氣氛,空間擺放了不少的藝術品和藝術相關的書籍,牆上亦掛着不少的畫作,看得出主理人對藝術的熱愛。食物選擇不多,主要是咖啡、茶,和輕食。咖啡質素不錯,芝士蛋糕是厚實類型,不會過甜同時芝士味亦香濃。咖啡店的地點位置佳,無論想嘆啡、休息片刻,或者工作都十分適合的選擇~-🔘 Flat White | hkd$42🔘 Kako Cheesecake | hkd$48-🍽️ 食物 | Food: 4.2/5🌅 環境 | Environment: 4.2/5💆🏻♂️ 服務 | Service: 4/5💰 價錢 | Price: 4/5📝 總結 | CP Value: 4.1/5-A foodie documentation of dining experience in restaurants based in Hong Kong 🇭🇰.
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