96641021 (WhatsApp)
Filled with holiday vibes, Harvest Beachside is a brand new alfresco seaside restaurant specially equipped with leisurely style tables and seats. Guests can indulge in chill-out moments with a culinary journey alongside the breathtaking views of Tsing Ma Bridge during day and night. Other than offering special dining services such as barbecue feast, the restaurant is also a perfect venue for wedding and private party. The restaurant is delighted to launch the self-served “Chill & Grill Seaview BBQ Feast” that will definitely satisfy your taste buds. Feel free to hang out together alongside the stunning views for more incredibly happy moments! continue reading
Opening Hours
13:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
13:00 - 21:00
*In-advance reservation is required
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (39)
Level4 2024-02-26
最近天氣凍,放假專程預訂咗挪亞方舟度假酒店旗下Harvest Beachside嘅燒烤套餐,可以感受大自然嘅同時又圍著烤盤同一眾好友燒烤👍🏻一路望住青馬大橋嘅美景同餐廳精心設置嘅藤椅,田園風感覺再配合風景感覺好舒適而且呢個套餐超抵食,呢個四人套餐價錢$1,388包括有多樣抵食高質食材:蜜糖茄醬燒的原隻緬甸野生海虎蝦鮮嫩多汁,日式大葱醃的鹿兒島無激素雞肶肉味道純正,越式香茅醃的西班牙杜洛克無骨豬肉眼和美國穀飼安格斯肉眼牛扒則各自展現了肉質的鮮美和細嫩。松露醬牛油雜野菌和德國紐倫堡腸的加入,性價比極高。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前上網見人介紹話馬灣挪亞方舟度假酒店 Harvest Beachside可以叫套餐嘆BBQ今次4個人去叫左個Chill極致海陸空活海鮮燒烤套餐,人均$500唔洗就可以食到高質BBQ要讚下個景真係不得了,坐擁180度青馬大橋及沙灘海景,不用就角度都可以打到張靚卡,冬天黎都唔會話好大風,真心推介多款尊尚美饌大滿足! 一坐底就食左個手造迷你澳洲和牛漢堡,和牛多汁又juicy! 之後仲有越式香茅醃澳洲保濕豬鞍、有機露絲瑪莉醃紐西蘭羊扒、日式大葱醃鹿兒島無激素雞肶肉、美國穀飼安格斯肉眼牛扒等等,肉靚就唔洗講,調味好正好入味,質素好高海鮮推介香料蕉葉烤紐西蘭海鱸魚柳同蜜糖茄醬燒原隻緬甸野生海虎蝦,魚柳厚肉嫩滑,虎蝦大大隻好彈牙,唔夠仲可以額外自費添選燒烤美食及飲品,下次會再來 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
最近天氣凍凍地最岩約埋班FD BBQ,今次就去左位於馬灣既挪亞方舟度假酒店 Harvest Beachside燒烤,個環境好大好靚,無遮擋青馬大橋同沙灘海景真係不得了,打卡一流野食方面,今次我地叫左個4人份既Chill極致海陸空活海鮮燒烤套餐,$1888 4個人都唔算好貴! Package有好多好野食,越式香茅醃澳洲保濕豬鞍大大塊厚身好juicy,有機露絲瑪莉醃紐西蘭羊扒冇羊羶味,肉味濃口感不錯經典款有日式大葱醃鹿兒島無激素雞肶肉、美國穀飼安格斯肉眼牛扒,雞肶肉好滑,肉眼牛扒大理石紋豐富有彈性另外仲有好多高質海鮮,包括魚柳、野生海虎蝦,全部都好新鮮,推介! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
冬天最適合就係BBQ,上網睇發現挪亞方舟度假酒店搞左「Chill饗海景燒烤盛薈」 🎉可以一邊望海景一邊燒嘢食,環境仲幾啱打卡,一家大細或者朋友聚會都幾啱👨‍👩‍👧‍👦套餐有兩款,貴啲個款有成十幾款美食,主要多咗以下食物,如越式香茅醃澳洲保濕豬鞍、有機露絲瑪莉醃紐西蘭羊扒、手造迷你澳洲和牛漢堡🍔香料蕉葉烤紐西蘭海鱸魚柳,價錢相差只係$500,難得黎到就食好少少🤑羊扒油花分布均勻,沒有一般羊隻的腥羶味, 肉質軟嫩不會乾柴💯肉汁都好多,幾欣賞餐廳提供韓式梨蓉醬,風味獨特,可以解一解油膩感,另外豬鞍帶有油脂,所以煎耐左都唔會好乾,配越式香茅調味都幾惹味,成個套餐好豐富,大家都食到好飽😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-13
一到冬天寒風陣陣,就會好想圍爐取暖,同一班親朋戚友一齊BBQ吹吓水睇吓星星喇。挪亞方舟度假酒店露天餐廳 Harvest Beachside,見佢再推出「Chill饗海景燒烤盛薈」就吸引我地去book位嚐鮮!最中意係大家可以一邊享受青馬大橋嘅美景,一邊享受即燒即食嘅樂趣。今次這個4人套餐,包含多款高質食物同海鮮,如日式大葱醃鹿兒島無激素雞肶肉、香料蕉葉烤紐西蘭海鱸魚柳、有機露絲瑪莉醃紐西蘭羊扒、蜜糖茄醬燒原隻緬甸野生海虎蝦、手造迷你澳洲和牛漢堡、越式香茅醃西班牙杜洛克無骨豬肉眼等,味道豐富、賣相吸引。每份都以唔同醃料調製,食物燒烤過後,非常惹味。再加埋青馬大橋壯麗嘅日落美景,坐喺餐廳嘅籐椅同梳化度,真係令人好放鬆。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)