Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:30
17:30 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
三文魚 石頭飯 炆牛骨 柚子茶 純鮮搾果汁 辣泡菜海鮮湯烏冬
Review (131)
Level4 2014-03-12
一早book定位, 不過佢話book 左都要等ge。6人台其實都好窄, 似4人台多d。燒ge 野都算多, 豬,牛,雞, 魚 , 蔬菜齊備, 味道都是一般醃過ge味, and curry 味la, 都預左。好彩樣樣都唔會好咸熟食有salmon 魚生, sushi, 各式salad, 仲有豬腳薑, 湯, 糖水etc最中意佢有煎三文魚鮫, 大舊細舊都有, 啖啖肉, 又唔太咸/油膩海帶salad 酸酸地, 怪味.... 難食糖水似雜豆糖水, 唔會好甜, 好味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-05
曾幾何時,韓國燒烤開到成行成市,什麼漢陽苑呀漢和等分店多到梗有一間喺你左右咁滯,但隨住日式燒肉料理竄紅,加上韓燒無論食物定服務質素參差,慢慢地漢字輩既餐廳買少見少。想食燒肉既話,一般會去牛肉種類多啲同靚啲既日式燒肉店,就算而家食韓式燒肉,都考慮到高幾班既韓國餐廳。不過琴晚放工同老公忽然興起想韓燒一番,於是決定到旺角銀城樓上既漢和開餐。去到餐廳,近攞食物既位置已full,所以我地被安排到另一邊既二人卡座,雖然遠左啲,但起碼唔駛搭枱。食物款式唔算好多,大致分為韓式前菜(大概9小碟)﹑熱葷(煎炸野3﹑4款,煮既海鮮2﹑3款,豬腳薑﹑炒飯﹑炒粉絲等)﹑湯兩款﹑簡單壽司3﹑4款﹑大路燒烤生料(雞﹑牛﹑羊﹑豬﹑海鮮﹑蔬菜)﹑甜品(啫喱﹑雪糕﹑生果)。豆漿﹑酸梅湯任飲。食物質素一般,未至於好有驚喜,熱葷中既白灼蝦唔係霉蝦,尚有少少蝦味及彈牙。燒烤食物調味夠,但冇話特別好味,味道大路。唯一驚喜是這裡有我至愛吃既五花腩/三層肉,雖然係薄片,但燒耐啲冇哂肥油後,嗰種邊脆甘香既滋味,真係正到令人忘了五花腩有幾肥呀!又有生菜可包著同吃,如有韓式辣醬更佳!可惜既係這裡沒有未醃既牛肋骨,不能吃出牛既真味。一如以往分時段收費,我幫襯既時候大概晚上8時,HK$168+10%食兩小時左右,店員話如冇其他人等位基本上係唔趕人走既。服務方面,店員尚算勤快,冇特別禮貌唔禮貌,但欣賞佢地幫人換鐵板時唔會俾說話你聽。由於位置好就腳,收費同食物質素可接受,我諗除非租過貴,否則都應長做長有既! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-02-20
I went with my friends totally 4 people, we arrived at after 10pm, because of the discounted price and scare the crowd. The food is just so so, not so many choice, cant demand a lot from this price, but the salmon is REALLY BAD, just frozen taste! it was the worst salmon in my life. Soymilk too sweet, water is best drink in the restaurant. The best is the dessert, ice-cream is good, fruit is nice as well.The waitress service was really bad, their voice was loud and so rude, not helpful as well. When they clean up the table was so messy and made my jeans dirty, so bad experience.This was my first time to try Korean BBQ in HK, I dont know the norm, but I dont wanna come back this shop and not recommendable. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-10-01
來左香港成年了都冇去過烤肉,啱好經過講起就決定去試下肉類好多啦,我都分唔清..反正亂摞一堆..味道其實都算幾唔錯~腌得幾入味,又唔會話太咸哩度仲有熟食,不過建議就唔好食了..因為真系冇邊種熟食系好味嘅...飲品就得兩種,豆漿&山楂水甜品有雪糕,亦系兩種口味.雲呢拿同朱古力,都ok~整體來講,燒野食系主角 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-09-23
話說成班fd出黎食韓燒,見佢冇乜人等位咪入囉,諗住都係自己燒架姐咁佢地好快比左位我地,我地坐低左廿分鐘唔夠,因為有人潮,佢就話換張枱比我地,咁我地係8個人,張枱其實岩岩好係for8個人咁佢話人地有11個,咁我地問可唔可以唔換,個經理係都要叫我地搬,就話入面張枱都係一樣咁大我問佢咁點解唔叫個11個去個張枱,佢無視左個問題咁我當算啦,我問佢咁我地食埋爐入面ge野就搬啦,我地唔加野入去,佢就話:你地過去啦,我幫你地拎過去啦我諗幾好喎,咁我地就過去啦誰不知係要同人搭枱,都算啦,個地下仲要有生ge肉之後佢地又唔知去邊搵左碟生ge咩都有ge肉過黎比我地之後叫佢地換爐又黑面,仲要喝d食客到埋單,未夠鐘個經理已經催我地埋單,仲叫我地食生果就埋左單過去企係到食我地數緊錢又係我地枱邊係咁話每人174丫,快D比啦,你地坐左好耐啦講真,韓燒ED野,食物多,又新鮮,醬汁好,坐得舒服,侍應有禮貌,其實就ok呢間野,冇樣做到,真係唔會再去 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)