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Review (10)
Level4 2011-11-27
天氣開始轉冷,又唔係成日有湯水飲!行完潮流特區,無心水野買之下,行經見到......雖然主打MANGO,但都好想試一試,就佢啦!玫瑰蜜燉蘋果$324分:出到嚟見到個蘋果唔散,讚! 通常燉既甜品都唔會太濃,清清地, 呢個都一樣, 飲落又幾潤口,真係有玫瑰花香,正!服務就一般,坐低左一陣先有人同我地落柯打呢點就有少少唔得!好,食完行得! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The last time I had the fondue was in February, ten months later, HLS have introduced a better fondue, and the fondue items were slightly better than last time.This time, there are two chocolate flavours for the fondue, white chocolate and strawberry and chocolate and orange.The white chocolate and strawberry was sweeter than the chocolate. The strawberry flavouring was not as fake as expected.As for the fondue elements there were: melons, cantaloupe melons, kiwis, strawberries, bananas, marshmallow, finger biscuits and frozen mango cream cake.The finger biscuits were slightly soft and stale.As usual I think its weird to put melons and kiwi’s into fondue, but maybe its Asian style or the availability of fruit, usually it is berries and banana’s.The chocolate fondue was not as sweet compared to the strawberry, and there were pieces of orange rind, which gave it some orange flavouring.The chocolate fondue was nice with the banana, and the rest tasted nice with the strawberry fondue especially the strawberry because the sweetness of the fondue took away the sourness of the strawberry.The marshmallows were better than last because there was no colour in it.Lastly there was the frozen mango cream cake, I would have preferred more fresh fruit instead or the cookie cake because the cream was just tasteless and not really a cake if it was just plain frozen cream and mango.It is similar to the serradura, but just made with fake cream.The candle beneath the fondue was not that strong because the chocolate did not become hot after sitting there for a while, and I tried to burn the marshmallow by placing it close above the flame nothing happened! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
八月初(晴)經過了一個體力勞動,卻沒有甚麼東西落肚的晚上,大家都各自散去,只有會坐同一輛車回港島的三人在街頭遛達。士氣低迷,加上肚子空空,需要找間甜品屋補充體力和精神,才再動身回家。凌晨的旺角依舊多人,本來想去的發記居然多人得要等位,也就退而求其次轉到一時打珜的許留山。坐下,大家都像洩了氣的氣球,癱坐在座位上;匆忙點了各自的甜吃後,心中的無限不快與壓力就在這難得的小聚會上爆發。也許是近日工作太繁忙了,每人都開始有點神智不清,不知道自己在做甚麼?三碗以芒果為主題的甜品很快送上,大家都急不及待開動,是因為生活太苦悶,需要一點甜來平衡一下吧。我要的是多芒小丸子,以芒果汁做底,上面有切碎的芒果肉,糯米丸子和一球類似砂冰的東西。份量看似不少,其實盛載的碗壁幾厚,甜品沒有想像中那麼多。芒果汁底質感杰身,味道有滲了水的感覺,天然程度只是一般;芒果肉實在切得太碎,也不是很甜,很普通,感覺也小家;頂部的砂冰物體反而芒果味濃郁,絲絲的質感很討好,冰凍的感覺也清新。糯米丸子煙膩得來偏硬,和芒果味毫無交流,不過放進口裏嚼嚼,那重覆的動作不知怎的有舒緩壓力的感覺,很奇妙。吃了甜品,也輕鬆的談了一會,心情好點才各自回家.這晚吃的甜未必是最好,但起碼能夠振奮一下人心,也是好的. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-05-30
係旺角區突然想食甜品...唔想去五代同糖排隊...又唔想食冰..唔想食滿記0個d...突然叮一聲諗起好耐冇食過許留山...就黎左lee 間食啦!1曾經我好鐘意飲佢既多芒小丸子飲品...不過自從佢加左價之後就好少飲了!!今日就黎食佢個多芒小丸子西米撈...睇佢menu d 野...真係睇到頭都大...好多不同既組合..d 名又差唔多...但想講...太耐冇食...覺得佢價錢貴左好多呢~今次食lee個就不過不失啦!!真係好多丸子....都好多芒...好濃烈的芒果味...但冷氣太凍..好趕客...食完拿拿臨走人 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-03-19
緣起失控的一天。香港人不知道怎麼搞的?這算不算真正的「賤物鬥窮人」?在網上看到許留山推出芒果盛宴系列甜品,只要出示任何商戶印有「芒╱mango」字樣的收據即打七五折 (昨天無巧不巧買了芒果乾,收據沒丟呢 )。在這「盲搶鹽」的一天,我也「反常」一下 (如你看過我以前的文章,應該知道我不嗜甜 ),大吃甜點,辦一場──特盛全芒宴。本欲母女仨同往,不料接大人來電居然先我一步約了別人晚膳,休假的妹妹又與朋友上街去,只好一人出發。偶爾以甜點作晚餐 (其實我沒試過 ),我想……我可以的…… 長話短說。許留山的格局、餐牌等用不著我來介紹吧。是夜點了特盛全芒宴 (*$81,原價 $108),共九款甜品 (註:胃納較少的你可點特選小芒宴,指定甜品三款,見上圖),評價如下: 一品芒糍、芒果凍餅椰絲糯米糍外皮軟而不黏,內餡芒果也甜;惟「橙皮」色澤「明艷」(你明白顏色如此「奪目」可能是…… ),啖之,味道有點不「自然」──勉強打及格分數罷。凍餅乃內藏芒果的木糠布甸。切成條狀的「餅」質感冷硬 (個人不喜歡硬版木糠布甸 ),淡忌廉與馬利餅碎比例不均 (前者太多),稍嫌滯膩。餅甜度適中,但芒果卻酸了,兩者格格不入。別說單點 ($25),就是套餐七五折價錢 ($9),也物非所值。 袖珍芒晶晶、袖珍芒撈河、袖珍芒丸子、袖珍淡奶布丁芒晶晶與芒撈河配料一樣,都是一球芒果雪葩 (好像名叫芒果撈球) 加上芒果茸芒果粒而成。「晶晶」即蒟蒻水晶條,無色無味,爽爽滑滑冰冰涼涼,與酸甜得宜的芒果汁同吃,很不錯 。「河粉」則椰汁味淡,略厚,口感不夠滑溜。個人認為不及前者。芒丸子是最「難吃」的一款。丸子不軟糯 (許是冷凍太久之故 ),且殘留片糖的味道,加上濃濃芒果汁底──形容不來的「怪異」 !曾吃過此店的香芋紫米小丸子,不至於那麼差的;看來小丸子還是熱食和搭配中式甜湯的好……「泡」在淡奶中、比新奇士橙更「橙」的芒果布丁,情況與糯米糍雷同:口感算滑,加上甜美芒果肉,不算好也不太差。 粒粒芒果慕絲、芒果奶凍、滑滑燉蛋上佳慕絲應該入口輕柔,這裡的恍似五六元一件西餅的慕絲層般──粗糙、「膠」感重以及「過量」採用人工香料 。標貼上寫以北海道牛奶所製,但我覺得沒甚奶香,芒果味也不重。底層的芒果茸雖新鮮,惟與慕絲感覺「疏離」,不算好吃。奶凍比慕絲好一點點。滑度是不俗的,奶味卻薄弱,像淡奶多於牛奶 。只用奶做口感始終不夠滑潤,非滲點忌廉不可 (純粹個人口味。見本人食評〈愛甜的人有福了〉)。燉蛋則是唯一不帶芒果味的甜點。嫩倒是嫩的,但蛋香不足,細味下甚至微帶一絲腥氣 (不是變壞那種味道)。蛋面撒了朱古力花瓣,略苦,是那種廉價的不可口的朱古力,與燉蛋風馬牛不相及──僅次於芒丸子「難吃」的一款。總括而言,除了晶晶和撈河稍好以外,其餘均乏善足陳。若你不是「粉絲」(我也不是 ),還是別試的好。飯不能不吃,甜點則少吃一頓無所謂;假如時光倒流,我寧願把這八十一塊捐出去……題外話擱筆之際,「盲搶鹽」風波早已告一段落,亦喜聞核電廠開始局部恢復供電的消息,暫緩一口氣了。諸位福島英雄,您們的英勇足以成為傳奇,願天佑您們,願天佑日本化險為夷…… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)