1-min walk from Exit C1, Choi Hung MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (104)
Opening Hours
08:30 - 21:30
Mon - Fri
07:30 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
08:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday
08:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay
Other Info
Eco-Friendly Details
Sustainable Seafood
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (6)
Level4 2020-10-01
我本來想把星期一晚餐裡面,有關「白飯」那一部分的食品,隨便在街上買一兩件「糯米卷」食完了事。我還一直以為「鴻福堂」裡面有「糯米卷」售賣,至少當年「鴻福堂」在「西貢」墟設立分店時還是這樣。當年「鴻福堂」曾經在「西貢墟」小巴總站旁邊,「金寶閣」樓下舖位設立分店,只是西貢分店「鴻福堂」沒有在「開飯喇」裡面建立戶口,所以隨著西貢分店「鴻福堂」結業,事情就逐漸被淡忘而不了了之。直到今日我光顧位於「彩虹港鐵站」大堂裡面的「鴻福堂」,才知道現在「鴻福堂」已經沒有售賣「糯米卷」,只有體積比較大的「糯米雞」而已。於是我買了一件「糯米雞」,馬上坐小巴返回「西貢」,充當晚餐裡面的「白飯」。不過「鴻福堂」外賣自取「糯米雞」實際餡料,竟然比我預計來得更少,少到連一般的豬肉碎也不是太能夠找到。其實「彩虹」分店「鴻福堂」旁邊還有食店提供到「糯米卷」,甚至也有提供一般「蒸飯」食品,可惜我有點執著於想食「鴻福堂」的「糯米卷」,結果我被直覺蒙蔽理智,購買了價錢比較昂貴,體積也比較大的「糯米雞」。我本來還想購買樽裝「楊枝金露」飲品,可惜「彩虹」分店「鴻福堂」店員說「楊枝金露」已經售罄,我被迫放棄購買「楊枝金露」。至於「鴻福堂」的外賣自取「糯米雞」食品,我覺得「糯米雞」實際份量不見得很豐富,除了找到少許鹹味肉碎,和一隻肉質偏瘦,食不到很多軟嫩雞肉的甜味「雞中翼」之外,就什麼都沒有了。所以從整體角度評價「鴻福堂」的「糯米雞」,「糯米雞」裡面的餡料不算很多,「糯米雞」裡面的雞肉份量也偏少,鹹甜味道醬汁也無法完全滲透整隻「糯米雞」。我回家本來想食「糯米雞」當晚餐,結果食完「糯米雞」裡面的鹹味雞肉餡料和少許糯米,食到剩下三分一,就已經開始厭倦,不想再食下去了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-03-13
有時忙到都冇咩機會去間餐廳坐低好好咁食餐飯......想食得健康啲,唔想食得太油,鴻福堂就提供咗一個好好嘅選擇,分店又多,好方便~~~買一個湯要成$50就真係貴咗啲,不過如果連埋飯一齊買,當lunch or dinner,一個套餐咁買其實都只係$50😂😂😂😂所以我每次都會買個set,咁樣好似抵玩啲🙈今日買嘅時候,店完叫我買張儲值卡,即係類似八達通咁,首次增值要比$300,然後多送$15,買嘢就九五折咁橫掂都係會繼續食,就緊係買張儲值卡抵啲是次買咗潤肺生津海底椰合掌瓜百合雪耳豬腱湯 +南瓜馬蹄肉餅紅米飯食完感覺健唔油膩,繼續有下次😆😆😆🤗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-02-23
收工在呢間買外賣返家同肥髀食!光猛乾淨!食物款式好多!獨立包裝乾淨企理,食物都寫清楚成份材料!小食、甜品、飲品都好多!揀好晒攞去收銀處!店員推銷一下折扣卡後!就袋好比我!回家拆開包裝,跟包裝上指示加熱(隔水或微波加熱都可以)指示都好清楚,肥髀都識做!靈芝茶葉蛋($15/2隻)蛋白幾彈牙,其中一隻仲係雙黃!不過蛋白就太老,好粉,所以無食,湯汁茶香唔算香,好在幾滑身!幾好鮑汁雞髀($22)雞髀肉唔算滑,鮑汁太鹹,煮好唔好浸住啲肉,會太鹹!粟米南瓜瘦肉粥($26)金黃色幾靚,粥底幾綿,粟米粒甜,南瓜味唔夠濃!味道清淡芝麻醬燒豚肉飯糰($18)長條形,呢個用微波爐加熱,真空包裝膠袋較難剪開!飯團🍙煙韌,餡料肉台灣肉鬆,食唔出芝麻醬!簡單似鹹肉鬆飯團!味道幾好!四紅補血糖水($15) 女人要識保養,呢款加熱後顏色幾深,食材都打到爛晒,睇包裝上寫有紅豆、紅棗、紅薏仁、紅糖,食落微甜,似有紅棗味嘅紅豆沙!好味!店員有禮爽手!八達通比錢方便!食物選擇多,可以滿足不同人嘅要求!健康一點嘅選擇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-09-20
平時都幾注重身體,又覺得得閒飲下系幾養生嘅時候,我就會去依間買返d野飲啦,我經常飲嘅就系廿四味,佢仲會幫我加返熱,都算系咁上下啦,屋企冇湯飲,有時都系到買,飲個個雞湯落都系足料,系俾相像中淡味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-19
Working was quite tough and used up all my energy so it should be the time to get something to eat.Passing through the mtr station, saw Hung Fook Tong, therefore I decided to get 8 pieces of siu mai.  There was a really long queue outside the shop, I thought it might because every one was off work so it was the PEAK moment of the day.  The service that I received was quite good and the staff was really efficient.  When I got the siu mai, I was not super hot, it was only a bit warm. When I tasted it, it was quite different from the one I had before as it produced a hard texture, so strange... Although I did not add the spicy oil, I think its soya sauce did help to level up the siu mai, it helped to cover the bad fishy taste, quite nice!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)