1-min walk from Exit B, Tung Chung MTR Station
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Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
今日同巴士迷朋友專程坐車入東涌行,成個東薈城都好多人,野食又貴,平民冇乜錢食,好彩頂層有food court,殊不知都係好貴。我地好大食,驚就咁單叫豬扒飯會唔夠,於是就叫左個鰻魚吉列豬扒蛋包飯,都要$106呀!雖然個飯好似好大咁,但竟然唔係炒飯底!只係普通白飯,真係好失望!炸豬扒都幾食件,加上係非常乾,冇汁比你送飯。鰻魚就唔好提,非常之乾又細,都唔知食緊乜野。百幾蚊又冇跟野飲。唔係因為附近唔識搵野食,都會過黎食。搵位難,又嘈。門口食物好似好吸引,但買之前真係要三思。
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went to try the japanese omelette rice because it's a favourite, however after receiving the order, I realised the omurice is not anything like the real thing. what was supposed to be the japanese omelette was just a piece of flat pan-fry scrambled egg on top and the rice is just plain white rice. this was disappointing as the visual looked good but unfortunately is misleading, this store should not be called "japanese omelette rice" as it is definitely not the same thing. they should really rethink about calling themselves something they are not. so misleading. even cafe de coral who don't specialise in japanese omelette rice made it the traditional way better than this fake restaurant who's supposed to special in this cuisine.
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今次嚟東薈城試咗個吉列豬扒咖哩蛋包飯咖哩好普通, 有啲過甜, 唔太好食個吉列豬扒好夠脆, 但係舊肉係塊皮嘅一半🤣下次可以試吓其他餐廳🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧
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生平第一次寫食評,有錯唔好見怪,但係如果蛋包飯都可以整錯,我唸佢算係唯一一間1)個咖喱汁….我唔知點講,唔完全算係咖喱汁,應該係咖喱水2)芝士漢堡扒,係有芝士同漢堡扒3)餃子,係正常既,可以放心叫滿心期待簡簡單單叫個蛋包飯,正常應該好難錯,個收銀姐姐都好有禮貌,我都無唸到,坐低第一啖,已經想放棄,但係叫左唔好嘥嘢,我老婆食Pepper Lunch, 我撈左啲汁落去食埋佢,完完整整就算,但係真係忍唔住一定要寫一寫。
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