Restaurant: | I Tae Won Korean Restaurant |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
8-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 21:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
最近來到尖沙咀一間歷史悠久的韓國餐廳,品嚐了一頓令人難忘的正宗韓國料理。這間餐廳由韓國老闆親自主理,廚房主廚也是韓國人,食物品質非常有保證,絕對是喜愛韓國菜的朋友不容錯過的好去處。韓國活魚生(左口魚)餐廳最吸引人的地方,莫過於其自設的水族館,裡面養着新鮮的韓國左口魚。每當有客人下單,廚師便會即時處理,確保魚生的新鮮度和Q彈口感。我點了他們的魚生套餐,除了主角左口魚生外,還附有多款特色魚類小菜和一碗熱騰騰的辣魚湯。魚生切得薄而均勻,入口鮮甜爽脆,搭配韓式辣醬和蒜片,風味層次豐富。辣魚湯則濃郁鮮美,帶有微微的辛辣感,非常暖胃。冷拌豬手這道菜是韓國釜山的特色小菜,將新鮮蔬菜、海蜇和豬手拌入韓式芥辣,冷食上桌。豬手肉質軟嫩,膠質豐富,搭配清爽的蔬菜和海蜇,口感非常解膩。韓式芥辣的微辣和香氣讓整道菜更加開胃,是一道在其他韓國餐廳難以品嚐到的特色料理。海鮮/泡菜煎餅作為煎餅愛好者,餐廳的海鮮煎餅煎得外脆內軟,海鮮含量非常豐富,每一口都能吃到鮮甜的魷魚和蝦仁。泡菜煎餅則帶有泡菜的酸辣風味,口感同樣出色。兩種煎餅都煎得恰到好處,不會過於油膩。這間餐廳無論是食材的新鮮度還是料理的用心程度,都讓人感受到滿滿的誠意。活魚生的鮮美、冷拌豬手的清爽,以及煎餅的香脆,每一道菜都展現了正宗韓國料理的精髓。如果你正在尋找一間高品質的韓國餐廳,這間位於尖沙咀的餐廳絕對值得一試!博主親食價: 人均$3xx
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經過呢間舖幾次,都見到入邊雅座很多。嘢食價錢中規中矩,價廉物美。我見都有唔少韓國團都會喺度用餐,可能證明韓國人都覺得呢一間嘢比較正宗。👍我叫左個海帶魚湯,可能食唔慣韓國嗰種口感和味道,感覺個海帶有少少「梅」。 overall 個味道係唔差嘅。
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好耐無食韓國嘢 今日約咗個大學同學食dinner 一於就去食韓國嘢 本來想食另一間韓國餐廳 不過嗰間太多人 唔想等位 於是過咗嚟梨泰園食 呢間都係以前中學食lunch嘅飯堂之一 因為好鍾意食韓國啲前菜小碟 🤤 餐廳唔近地鐵站 相對少啲人食 一入去就即刻有位了 睇吓menu先 好多嘢都想食 但怕眼闊肚窄 最後都係叫咗兩樣嘢食 諗住唔夠食再加 😛6款韓國小碟都幾開胃🤤 海鮮炒粉絲比較重麻油味 海鮮就應該係急凍嘅 有青口、蝦、魷魚等等 另外叫咗半份韓國甜辣炸雞 熱食炸雞香味十足 甜辣味夠惹味 🍗另外都要讚下韓國staff主動幫手加茶 🍵
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I recently visited this authentic Korean restaurant on Austin Road with a group of friends, and we had an absolutely wonderful experience. From the moment we stepped through the doors, we were struck by the warm and inviting atmosphere that perfectly captured the essence of Korean culture.The decor had a cozy, traditional feel, creating a comfortable setting for our dining adventure. What really impressed us, though, was the attentive and friendly service provided by a few Korean staff. They made us feel right at home and were more than happy to offer recommendations and explain the various dishes on the menu.Speaking of the menu, it was a true delight for our group of Korean food enthusiasts. We decided to share a variety of dishes so we could sample as much as possible. The spam and sausage hot pot was an absolute hit, with its rich, savory broth and tender, flavorful meat. The hot pig trotter with lettuce basket was a unique and delicious experience, with the crisp lettuce providing a refreshing contrast to the succulent pork.One of the standout dishes for our group was the sweet and spicy grilled dry pollack. The fish was cooked to perfection, with a wonderful char on the outside and a flaky, moist interior. The sweet and spicy glaze added depth and complexity to the dish, keeping us reaching for more.Of course, we couldn't leave without trying the classic Korean dish of gimbap, often referred to as "Korean sushi." The beef gimbap was expertly rolled, with a great balance of flavors and textures that had us all raving.Throughout our meal, we were impressed by the good level of hygiene and the care taken in the preparation of each dish. Everything was beautifully presented, showcasing the skill and dedication of the kitchen staff.As we left the restaurant, we all agreed that this Korean gem on Austin Road is a must-visit destination for anyone seeking an authentic and delicious taste of Korean cuisine. We can't wait to return with more friends and try even more of their tantalizing offerings.
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