3-min walk from Exit N2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station; MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Exit A2
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Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
18:00 - 23:30
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
人越大,食量越細。去食放題都要集一集氣先,仲要認真揀,唔想哂quota。早排就揀左去尖沙咀一樂,完全滿足我想食得精既願望。平日晚市放題,同朋友係第一枱客。食第一輪,等嘅時候見加$48就有任食生蠔,就追加任食。坐低左,侍應介紹用QR code 落單,非常方便。落左單就去排生蠔。拎嘅過程都好簡單,放低寫住枱號嘅紙,轉頭就有人送上。賣相幾好,入口屬creamy質地,好新鮮。略嫌被清水沖得太耐。再嚟就熱葷。有即炒服務,叫了炒菜,有鑊氣,味道不楚。食放題當然唔少得刺身!味道鮮甜,誠意推介活赤貝!天婦羅炸漿唔太厚,亦唔會太油膩,入口香脆。飲品嘅選擇都好多,都有d唔常見嘅罐裝飲品。整體而言,用餐環境舒適,服務不錯。喜歡食生蠔嘅,一定要追加任食生蠔,食半打都已經回本喇!
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約咗幾個朋友諗住去食餐好嘅,本身抱有十分大的期望,晚市光顧要超過300多元位,相比起同區的放題還要貴,以為午市的質素應該唔差的。今次試咗12點開始嘅午市放題,只有小貓三四台都可以有miss order嘅情況,有d野無黎,刺身亦上小左種類,但都幾新鮮嘅,亦有啲比較新穎嘅選擇。但其他食物都好一般,比起旺角200元的質素更差。日式燉蛋係凍嘅,手卷紫菜是腍的,唯一可以讚賞的係比一般放題寧靜 ,位置是舒服好多,大好多,同埋12點可以坐到3點。
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平安夜大餐後,當然是食聖誕大餐。不過,今次就有點中伏,失望。聖誕節大餐,選了位於尖沙咀的一樂日本料理,形式是放題。預先全數付款,就可以免加一,但當晚六點半時段,每位仍需308元。我一行四人,準時去到,由待應帶路的中途,我亦四周打量環境,中間是蠔吧,可加錢享用,餐廳四周擺置了一些雪櫃,放置各種飲品,但種類不多,另外還有一部橙汁機,可以放置鮮橙,即榨即飲。還有一些冷麵,以及一些自取食品。依照慣例,第一輪刺身為主。等候其間,先試自取食品,味道較佳的,只有兩樣,滷水五花腩,以及即叫即制的卡邦尼意粉,有臘肉的甜味。刺身,有點令人失望,新鮮度不足,特別是蝦類刺身,更腥,劣評,其他熟食,包括羊架,壽司,手卷,天婦羅等等,基本上沒有值得一提,只有兩款食物,比較有印象 醬油流心蛋,及苦瓜炒蛋,炒得很滑。中途還有一些小插曲,有幾張桌,埋單時,投訴還有好多食物沒有上齊,甩單情況嚴重。另外還有一張桌,埋單時服務員不知道他已經預付了。還有一張桌,在上壽司時,服務員用不友善的語氣,叫客人不要每次只叫一件壽司,一件天婦羅,因為要洗多幾個碟子,真有趣的服務態度。一樂日本料理 (尖沙咀) 人均消費 300-350元尖沙咀寶勒巷6-8號A盈豐商業大廈2樓初心為本,喜歡簡單用文字及相片分享我的味覺之旅,有興趣請follow~緣食魔宮。抵玩指數最高為三星,所有不用自掏錢包者, 將不給予任何指數。
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The title of this review may look a bit exaggerating, but if you have ever visited this restaurant, then you'd know that it's just a reflection of the reality(grin)It only costed us $248 for 2 hours of endless food ordering and scrambling as we booked the earliest session on weekdays~You could also add $48 for unlimited orders for oysters, but we didn't try it out this timeWhat I'd first look for in these restaurants would be the varieties of food & drinksIt has a huge drink barThere's even a fresh orange juice machine tooIt also offers different kinds of icedropsThe restaurant uses WeChat to place orders, so as to be more environmentally friendlyBut it would still be ok if you don't have that app on your phoneYou can still order with these order sheetsThere's a sheet given by the waitress when we just entered the restaurantIf you LIKE their FB page, you could get 1 free oystersThe waiter said it would take longer time to place ordersbut I think the time needed is still comparable to the Wechat methodWe started out with the cold platesI'll give a ABOVE AVERAGE for the sushi and sashimi dishesIt's raw, fresh and thickly slicedThe highlight of the meal would definitely be the hot dishes!! I'd say the skewers, tempura, fried stuff... are all of high qualityI like this deep fried golden egg soft shell crab dish a lotUncovering the thin layer of golden egg batter, reveals the soft, creamy soft shell crabIt was a ideal match for the both!!Highly recommended!!The food presentation shocked us! It was just like those served in a fine restaurant )I enjoyed this seafood congee too~I liked how they used the stone pot to keep the congee hot as people usually order a few dishes and won't be able to eat it immediatelyThis broiling-hot pot of congee has a thick textureAnd there's handful of clams with 2 huge shrimps in it, making the broth extra fresh and giving it that distinctive flavourEveryone's got a Haagen Dazs Ice Cream before they check out~2 hours definitely not enough to dine out in this superb place:""( Gonna revisit this restaurant again~
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食放題其實除左睇佢D刺身好重要之外熟食既質素都好重要嫁!!!係講食物之先而到既點餐系統係掃瞄QR code點餐的,真係好特別餐廳D熟食其實種都好多,多到唔知食咩先好啦!!! 首先係黎到係放題必有既牛油粟米,牛油味重,食落去會係有油香味!!!!而到會有自助拎野食的,自助吧位的職員好親切的,比滿分佢地呀!!自助吧位有小牛角包,雞球,小多士等等好多選擇之後到點左既熟食啦,玉子串燒一定要試下,蛋味好足,食落去陣陣玉子味充滿係口到,而到D串燒味道中上可以一試。燉蛋雖然比玉子燒既蛋味冇咁重,但係佢配埋其他材料,味道夾出黎都OK。至於各款雞翼味道就食唔到冰鮮味同埋送黎時重熱騰騰的,好正。最後重會有雪糕做甜品!!!!
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