Restaurant: Island Table Grocer Cafe

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

Opening Hours
Mon - Tue
Wed - Fri
10:00 - 17:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 17:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 17:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus Apple Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (128)
今日同🐥仔在坪洲享受慢活生活,在海邊吹完海風後,再慢步去食tea。在網上看到有好多人推薦這間餐廳,於是決定去試試餐廳面積細細,裡面已經坐滿了人,但也有露天座位。好彩我們被安排坐裡面吧位,這位置打卡一流 用餐時限90分鐘,有加一收費。我們點了: double lemonade soda $50 ~ 飲落好清新好開胃,適合夏天飲 orange lemonade soda $50 ~ 🐥仔話飲落好酸,如再加少少甜度會更好。蘋果金寶芝士蛋糕 $50 ~ 蛋糕內有蘋果肉,增加口感,芝士食落不會膩,但略嫌餅底硬了點如鬆化少少口感會更好。總結:本人覺得飲品價錢定位有點偏高。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
只售一款自家配方咖啡,卻令我肅然起敬兩年前的偶遇,令我迷戀上了坪洲!這個看似平平無奇的小島,竟是環境清幽雅靜、空氣純淨沒有污染、水質更是全港頂級的。再發現坪洲那「曲水有情」的海岸線景觀和大利島長堤或小碼頭觀日落乃全港極品級的美景!原來昔日著名的山水畫大師張大千和謝稚柳在居港期間,都喜到坪洲寫生。近月我又找到了坪洲第三個令我迷戀的地方,那就是由「美麗三姊妹」主理的西式食肆 Island Table !這兒的名物:至尊薄餅和肉醬闊麵令我一試難忘,這些肯定位列全港同類食品的前列。然而最吸引我的卻是此店的自家配製的品牌即磨咖啡,這是以70% 坦桑尼亞水洗豆,拼配30% 的雲南日曬豆而成的。雲南咖啡味似「特濃咖啡」 Expresso , (唯容易過於苦澀),然而混合了坦桑利亞咖啡的微酸,出現較多層次的果子味變化;偶爾冒出近似紅酒的萄葡味,還有茶味……令我一喝便立即列入我的至愛咖啡名單之中!然後我留意意到這咖啡乃是一個獨立品牌,取名「三姊妹配方」3 Sisters Blend ; 很明顯此乃Island Table 三姊妹所開發。然而我卻納悶: 為何只開發一款咖啡,便到此為止?究竟是江郎才盡,還是不懂得做生意之道?今天有緣到店午餐時詢問,答曰:本店只有一部「磨豆機」,所以只能開發一款咖啡豆,以免咖啡味道被混淆了。這個意想不到的答案令我一時腦筋被楞住了,反應不過來!這也太老實了吧!這是多麼的不識時務,卻又是那麼理所當然!我終於體會到她們的那股專業精神,而背後是對自家品牌的信心和驕傲,令我肅然起敬!順帶一提,此店的「咖啡雪糕」遠比其他店好吃,我發現原因一方面是其雪糕較為堅實且溶解較慢;這涉及選用雪糕的質素及冷凍技巧。另一方面就是因為用了這種自家品牌咖啡,而且把其濃度加強所致。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-15
如題今日1130想幫襯,cafe根本有位但唔容許客人喺入面等待都算啦居然佢有另外3個客打尖都照比佢坐低飲嘢態度好差咁話我4人肯定坐好耐狡辯話佢1210已經有reservation有5位張咁尊貴既木枱,我地4人係無資格坐(打尖客3人有張bb車但我都有行動不便老人)仲話我地得4個人點都唔駛諗可以安排坐table 枱即使我有老人家都係分開坐bar枱我推薦大家支持社企坪洲edible projects或啡在當下,或者我住喺小島咁耐都成日幫襯的祺森冰室。人地疫情嗰時生意都好好但從來唔會態度咁惡劣對客,唔會講:預咗你地坐好耐真是火都嚟呢一位整咖啡既又覺得我地係1杯咖啡霸佢2個鐘啲客嗎?我地食完飲完就返屋企咖喎咁串咁咪唔幫襯囉祝你生意蒸蒸日上 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-13
We arrived at the restaurant hoping to find a table for four, but unfortunately, none were available. The staff asked us to wait outside while they made arrangements. After about 10 minutes, a table became vacant, and we eagerly anticipated it would be given to us. However, to our surprise, we witnessed another group of people randomly taking the table. Then, we approached the staff to inquire about the situation. Their explanation left us dumbfounded: "Oh, they arrived after you, but they claimed they only needed the table for a quick coffee. However, we assumed you would occupy the table for a longer duration, so we thought you could wait a bit longer." What the mysterious and amusing logic of restaurant staff continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Veggies delight pizza $68🍅🫑🧀素食主義Pizza餅底夠薄夠脆,餡料豐富,一拎起芝士有拉絲😋🧀。芝士份量非常多,即使係全數都絕不失禮,美味。🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🫒Cappuccino $40☕️一入口啡底幾香,有淡淡的果味🍇,幾驚喜,好飲啊!最後忍唔住買了佢包咖啡豆,只係$100/200g,叫Three Sister Blend,應該係佢哋自己併配。🍒Orange coffee $60🍹🍊咖啡層次分明,色澤豐富,打卡一流。店員特別提醒飲之前要攪勻佢。咖啡由新鮮橙汁再加espresso ,幾醒神開胃。橙汁亦唔會喧賓奪主,咖啡依舊突出,行到又熱又攰,入嚟飲返一杯都幾寫意。😎💕餐廳雖然非常旺場,但係幾姊妹勤快落力。我哋坐Bar枱,店員keep住微笑奉上每杯咖啡,又會同食客有簡單交流,充滿小店人情味。🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)