Restaurant: Itamomo Cafe (Tsz Wan Shan Shopping Centre)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

All Branches (44)
Opening Hours
07:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (21)
Level1 2024-12-03
食物質素一般味道一般算過得去,D服務員態度極致惡劣;得幾張臺都可以送錯餐;行過尼同你講;你食錯份餐;講完一次唔夠返轉頭再講多次;重要講佢自己要賠錢;你唔洗同我講,因為我無錯嫁;全程都食得滋無味;無下次;請D伙伴都真係要識講野;本想取消張單走人;但陪同朋友就算啦;不過絕對無下次;好好教下D大媽員工服務態度;賠錢唔洗同客人講嫁;又唔忙送餐睇清楚;要再培訓一下員工的服務態度真係唔得嫁;唔抵食;都幾多跟D牛扒肉算正常野 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前意樂有個安格斯牛排,肉質外脆內軟,很好吃!現在改了餐牌,換了一種紐西蘭優質穀飼牛排,個名就好好聽,食就差都不得了,又切的很薄,還要同之前安格斯牛排一樣價錢,這種貨源在餐廳來講一半都是50-55,貴公司在節約成本同時都都不要賣一D普通茶餐廳的出品,畢竟你們以西餐的價錢來收費 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-01-17
繼續做完針灸過黎食早餐今次揀咗香煎雞扒火腿米粉加辣椒仔加咗辣椒仔能夠為原本嘅菜品帶來更多嘅刺激同辣味。今次啲雞扒唔知係雞胸肉切片定係雞柳..因為唔係原塊雞扒上,唔識分,雞肉煎到金黃酥脆,再加入切碎的火腿片和米粉,最後用高湯或清湯浸泡至米粉軟爛入味。雞肉扒確係煎到外酥內嫩,帶有淡淡的雞肉香氣,搭配著鹹香的火腿片,味道更加豐富。米粉吸收湯汁嘅滋味。湯汁都係正路嘢,湯味能夠滲透入米粉同雞肉中,湯汁嘅唔咸唔淡啱啱好,配合火腿咸味。早餐價錢合理水平 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
僅$150-$160豐盛好味😋🌶️香辣煙鴨胸意粉+白汁煙鴨胸長通粉假期外賣午餐(兩人) cheap & tasty $150-$160 very full holiday by app to(for 2)意樂餐廳 (慈雲山) 非常實惠的午餐 .  幾乎比香港快餐店便宜,煙鴨胸是我my favourite,配香草加辣perfect新鮮美味和意大利闊面有咬口沾上辣汁美味。白汁菌類煙鴨胸長通粉creamy如不吃辣也可以,附送菌類白湯綿滑, 餐廳的高水平但實惠的價$集團的休閒餐廳有很多不同的風格,有港式茶餐廳風格,有港式西式,有港式韓式,港式泰式,甚至中式港式......它們都提供中高級餐廳的烹飪水平,但價格實惠,甚至比那些餐廳還要便宜。他們廚房的廚藝水平還真不錯!如果您只要求以實惠的價格享用美味的食物,但不介意服務一般,而且別無選擇坐在任何地方。你還是可以嘗試一下。但對我來說,我會有另一個選擇:外賣送餐應用程序,至少他們的態度好多了,我寧願給他們額外的小費而不是在裡面用餐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
慈雲山較少數的意大利式餐廳,食物質素相當好,座位較寬鬆,可以令人客坐得舒適。但上不到店提供的Wi-Fi(當然按了指示輸入密碼),只見進度錶一直轉,吃完餐也不能進入,好像最近加入客人掃2維碼自行點餐系統,要留意自己的手機還可以正常使用哦。連餐紙巾也欠奉,會不會是經營有困難?光顧過一些餐廳便是從紙巾開始縮減,之後到其他東西,最後突然結業,真的不想這良店消失。如果帶了紙巾,還是會光顧的,但如果沒有帶紙巾的話,就只有去其他商場內的食肆,因為那些有紙巾提供。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)