6-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station
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Opening Hours
*Reservation is required for patronize after 18:00
Mon - Sat
08:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
最近常常忘記向母親大人要求要準備午餐飯盒, 就跟同事一同出外吃吧。始終覺得在中環吃午餐真的很貴, 所以當今天我們摸上百得廚Jack’s Kitchen, 看到午餐的價錢是hk$70左右還有飲品的時候, 心中是有一點驚訝的!更驚訝的是lunch menu 的多樣性。很多人都點喇沙湯麵, 連餐廳的空氣也充滿喇沙香; 有西式的意粉, 見旁人點的煙三文魚墨汁意粉又足料又大份; 中式, 有海南雞; 台菜, 肉燥飯也在餐單之上。香辣牛肋條飯 HK$66是日想吃飯, 乃揀了個泰式香辣牛肋條飯。牛肋可以煮得更軟身一點, 不過有點咬口也無不可。醬汁偏辣非常的惹味, 混起飯來吃真的會令人停不到口。蔬菜的份量比較少, 只有小小的西蘭花一棵。傳統喇沙油麵 HK$70同事點的是香得誘人的喇沙油麵。試一口湯, 不禁慶幸自己沒有點喇沙, 因為它非常辣! 這個辣可不是自己可以handle的程度。味道以椰香為主, 雖然不似星洲的喇沙般走鮮香路線, 但倒是頗刺激。紅酒燴牛尾飯 HK$70海南雞飯 HK$65另外的海南雞飯和紅酒燴牛尾飯都非常不錯, 價錢又親民, 從此Jack’s kitchen 就榮登「飯堂」之列了!
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Saw that there were a bunch of new restaurants in 118 Queens Road building so I decided to try with my coworkers. We came at 12:30 and the place is half-full. I thought this is a cafe but turned out the decor is more like a canteen for fast food with plastic chairs and tables.When we got in, we could already smell the laksa soup. When I looked at the menu, it seems that some of the items had already been priced a bit more than what I saw in Openrice. We ordered the western dishes while I had the chicken steak with sesame sauce with spaghetti as I was curious on the sauce and also ordered the iced lemon water.The food arrived with a bit entrance - the portion looked big with lots of spaghetti and the one gigantic piece of chicken steak with lots of sesame sauce on top. Sounds good isn't it?Yet, the sesame sauce is actually those japanese sesame sauce that you use for salad! Oh mine, that's where everything went wrong. The heavy creamy taste of the sauce had overwhelmed the whole meal. I never thought I can be so full from a meal. The spaghetti was al dente which was good for a HK style restaurant but the part of the skin of the steak was burnt and I had to peel the skin off. Taste of the steak was very much like those I get from lunch boxes on Chiu Long Street.I was lucky to order the lemon water else I would probably just be done halfway thru.If I knew the sauce is that heavy I would probably tried something else.And for the price I paid, I might be better off buying lunch boxes from take-out places.
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I checked the other reviews and most are about Breakfast, which looks pretty good; so I decided to give this upstair cafe a try for lunch. Plenty of choices from western pasta dishes, salad, to Singaporean Laksa, Taiwanese and even Thai dishes! The daily soup is mushroom soup. You can tell they use fresh mushroom and it's of decent quality. Somehow there is a tiny bit of chinese mushroom taste but overall it tastes quite nice. The carbonara is nicely presented with al dente texture. The baked sole fillet pasta dish looks really good. My opinion is that they can add a pinch of salt to enhance the flavor. It does taste very healthy, no MSG etc. so on that note, I'd still recommend it.We looked around at others' order, including the Thai Style Fried Rice and Squid Ink Pasta with Salmon, all look very appetizing. I think I'll give those a try next time.
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雖然,我在上環區工作已有好幾年,卻喜歡週末走到中環一帶尋找美食! 我更是中環皇后大道中 118號多間餐廳的常客! 這座商業大廈位置方便,各式其色的餐廳林立! 不停有新餐廳進駐! 令這裡充滿商機!位於 4 樓的 <百得廚>,亦是我喜歡幫襯的餐廳之一! 老闆娘以禮待客,又會問候一下熟客,跟食客互動,氣氛不錯! 店內簡單的裝潢,食客亦可一邊品嚐美食,一邊看電視!最近,再幫襯食早餐時,發現餐牌上,添加了斑蘭窩夫早餐! 連飲品方面,亦有加入斑蘭葉的薏米水,好有新加坡風味啊! 斑蘭窩夫早餐 $32 配鮮果 (需時 10 分鐘)就算來不及到這裡食早餐亦無有怕! 下午茶 2:30 ~ 6:00 也有供應,而且是同價 $32! 當廚師 Jack 焗製斑蘭窩夫時,洋溢滿室斑蘭香氣! 焗至金黃色的窩夫,窩夫邊滲出斑蘭的天然綠色! 窩夫鬆軟中帶微脆,甜度剛好! 淋上有點鹹味的花生醬及甜美的煉奶,鹹甜交集! 最欣賞廚師的心思!把橙、哈密瓜、火龍果,切成大小均稱的立方,12 粒水果立方拼湊而成的立體方磚!當中,切橙是最花功夫! 他的心思是無可置疑!Double Like! 令人容易進食!況且,健康又討好!整份早餐富有水準! 熱薏米水 (原價 $20) *跟餐熱特飲+$8質感濃稠,米白色看似混濁,卻是入口順喉!加入斑蘭葉及糖冬瓜,味道清香微甜! 薏米份量充足又大粒! 至於,午餐方面,供應:飯/ 意粉/ 新加坡叻沙 $58 ~ $68。難得見到樓上餐廳有新加坡叻沙,就算怕辣也勇於一試! 這裡的新加坡叻沙,傳統口味叻沙配料包括:蝦、鮮蛤 (即獅蚶)、魚片、豆卜、雞蛋,還有:鮮排骨、墨魚丸、牛丸、吉列豬扒、海南雞...等多元化口味! 我卻被排骨豆卜叻沙吸引住了! 排骨豆卜叻沙 $60叻沙的靈魂是湯底,椰奶香氣洋溢! 真惹人垂涎!湯底帶點辣度!惹味醒胃! 排骨用上新鮮肉排,富有肉鮮味! 豆卜都幾飽滿! 聽老闆娘說,檬粉配叻沙是最正宗! 檬粉吸收湯底精華,食得滋味又滿足!另一位女食客則覺得馬來西亞嚐到的叻沙,比店方甜一點!凍青檸薏米水 (原價 $24) *跟餐凍特飲+$10青檸帶出清新果酸,入口冰涼! 薏米煮得軟腍,好喝又解辣!老闆娘的確無介紹錯!不論早餐抑或午餐,廚師也絕不馬虎!大眾化價錢已嚐到合口味的美食,值得繼續支持!
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118皇后大道中大廈 食過數間rest, 今次再睇 open rice 發現4/F這間新開的再打去訂位(中環已沒多間可以訂位), 有便決定去eat fri lunch。同樣熟悉門面位置(因為全楝都劃一間格), book了12:45 已坐到7成咁制. 安排於角位近窗位置便開始看menu, 4個人分order了(1)三文魚墨魚面; (2)紅酒燴牛尾飯; (3)泰式香葉肉碎炒飯x2。 煙三文魚墨魚面~相頭比食過的較為深色, 味道不錯。紅油燴牛尾飯~ 牛尾肉質不夠"林" 且唔夠入味, 個汁咸淡適中。泰式香葉肉碎炒飯~略有香味但飯粒較"林" 不爽口, 味道且亦清淡不是一般泰食的濃味。份量相當多如果女孩子略細食可以order 一口個share。還有是日湯~忌廉紅蘿蔔湯(忘記映相), 看上有點似木瓜湯但沒那麼杰比較稀, 味道則似紅蘿白味。價格一般相宜而選擇亦不太小, 還有其他新加坡類粉/檬選擇。而且係中環尚有留位的rest 實在買小見小, 所以 我就mark住jack's kitchen 為飯堂, 你呢??
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