4-min walk from Exit E1, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
Fri - Sat
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 01:00
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (78)
由於係用買一送一優惠,午餐唔係好多款可以揀,只能從Chef Special 4款中揀 (韓風海鮮香蔥煎餅/辣炒豚肉配粉絲/辣炸雞丁/韓式辣汁煎餃拌蔬菜),本來想揀炸雞但係佢話今日無,最後揀左煎餅同煎餃。Set lunch包前菜 (韓式三小碟+Kimchi)及甜品(雪糕糯米糍)。本身都無諗住寫食評所以唔係影左好多相,不過好彩有影到主菜,如果唔係都分享唔到呢個咁經典嘅用餐經驗。等咗大約20分鐘,先黎煎餃,$88蚊有六隻,喺中環食Lunch我都唔會期望抵食,所以價錢/份量都唔係大問題。先睇張相,左邊三隻同右邊三隻顏色係咪好唔同? 左邊三隻金黃色,右邊 三隻白雪雪,以為係鴛鴦口味?唔好意思諗多咗。我夾右邊嗰隻黎食,一咬落去我真係想講粗口,入面係冰!凍!的!唔係Room temperature,係真係有冰涼嘅感覺。跟住我就諗,其實呢個係咪冰鎮餃子,即係辣汁同冰餃溝埋等你有冰火Feel,你知啦而家韓國成日都有啲新gimmick可能係我outdated唔識野啫,話唔定佢想學翠華個冰火菠蘿油,黎個變奏版冰火辣汁餃,於是我問我個學緊韓文嘅女朋友,佢話佢嗰隻係熱嘅,我心情即刻跌落地獄---因為我已經吞左半隻,而且呢半隻餃應該係未熟嘅。咁嘅情況,我梗係即刻叫個waiter黎投訴啦,佢講完sorry就收番碟餃,而我地就繼續捱餓食住泡菜等(同埋擔心緊會唔會肚痾---最後無事,我諗佢D餃應該都係一早煮熟左嘅急凍貨)。以為等廿分鐘煎一碟凍嘅餃已經夠離譜,點知低處未算低。。。。。。等左五分鐘多D阿侍應番番黎話已經幫我地heat up咗碟野,再搭多句Sorry。見到面前呢碟野,我真係連粗口都唔想講。從圖中可見 (未加熱前食左兩粒,加熱完食左一粒先影相所以呢張相得番三粒),右邊粒餃子,仍然係白色嘅,因為佢就係之前嗰碟餃,分別就係呢隻餃入面熱到出晒煙,而最大嘅分別,就係連隔黎D沙律菜都係出!緊!煙!呢一刻我真係連個人都出埋煙。你唔換過一碟新嘅俾我都算,最低限度都拎D餃去煎吓丫,而家係你煎唔熟D餃喎,你竟然懶到成碟野連埋沙律菜去加熱?是可忍,孰不可忍?等多15分鐘之後先黎嘅煎餅,係熱嘅,不過淡而無味。雖然唔想承認,但係嗰碟Heat up咗嘅沙律菜都好食過個煎餅。我埋單嗰陣見到附近幾檯客都神情焦躁咁同waiter追上菜,可想而知佢個上菜速度係有幾慢。作為一間標榜自己係中高檔嘅韓國餐廳,官網仲要寫到"Jang’s goal is to become the first Korean restaurant to change the image of Korean food abroad and to be the best Korean restaurant in Hong Kong.",你真係改變晒我對韓國菜嘅印像。我實在想像唔到煎一碟咁簡單嘅餃子都搞到咁,我更加想像唔到個廚師要hea到邊一個點先會將沙律菜煮熱俾個客食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-04-27
Been here a few times and came back for lunch again with 2 colleagues.Hugely disappointed with the service this time. Food took 40 mins to arrive (only two of us got food). The soup is completely cold, main is lukewarm at best. We requested additional side dishes but never arrived. One of my colleagues waited additional 20 mins to get his food.Waiters seem absolutely lost on the floor.I have been here for the last time. Adios! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-12-30
Jang係一間高價的韓國菜,午市埋單都200一個人。前菜可以再添加,主菜未到時,亦會主動添加,服務很好。泡菜一般,反而中華沙律十分出色。韓式牛肉鍋,味道中上,價格中上168,連翠肉瓜都好香好入味,但略微油左少少。奉送甜點雪米池。環境寬敞,午市都適合傾計。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
SUPER quiet here on a Friday night! Been here before on a weekday lunch and its very busy. Surprisingly there were a lot of empty tables on Friday - which was great for my friend and I as we got to just hang out without worrying about when to return the table! We ordered three dishes - both my friend and I weren't that hungry and we usually eat light so three dishes were more than enough. We ordered the seafood pancake ($128) which is so-so only, not that impressive. The assorted beef rice AKA beef bibimbap ($158) was fair - I liked it, and since it was a really hot evening, we told them to NOT serve it in a stone bowl (which they usually do). They were able to comply with our request. We also ordered the Braised Chili Chicken ($188) ...this dish was interesting as I've never ordered this before in a korean restaurant. The chicken was braised with potatoes, carrots and onions and its kind of like a korean chicken chili stew. I liked the stew together with my rice.The side dishes were too salty actually - they had the usual side dishes. Nothing too spectacular.Another thing was - the staff tried to be friendly and helpful, NOTE: TRIED to be.. well I think most of them didn't really understand English all that well so we had to be super patient with them and repeat ourselves at least twice before they could understand what we wanted (i.e. bring us extra hot tea.. or add side dishes..).If there was ONE thing to praise about this place is - its quiet (on Friday nights!) and the decor is nice. Other than that, I'm not sure what would attract me to go to this place again. There are other authentic korean joints around town which I would prefer over this place. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-08-29
話說今日小team lunch, manager每次帶我地去既都係好地方 今次揀左間韓國野食。上到去,人唔係好多,加上book 左位,完全唔洗等就可以即時入座揀野食。一坐低,已經有個前菜放左係度,4個人一份,總共有4款,份量唔算多但岩岩好,味道亦都好唔錯,泡菜對於少食辛既小妹黎講有d覺得太辣。不過整體都全部都唔油膩,好味menu lunch set,都有十幾個選擇,價錢係$138~$228都有。揀左個$188既鐵板韓式牛肋骨配白飯,D肉煮得好稔好juice,份量都唔少,配上一個白飯岩岩好。但食食下就覺得佢其實有d 鹹,食晒d白飯仲有2~3舊肉淨。但都因為好好味同唔好浪費食物,所以都食埋佢除左呢個牛肋骨飯,仲試食左隔離同事既野菜飯,同豆腐湯飯。野菜飯好大碗,好多菜,但對我黎講都係有少少辣,不過我d食得辣既同事就覺得岩岩好,同份量真係好多,佢地一個女仔都食唔晒。豆腐湯配飯,入面唔只豆腐,仲有d豬肉係入面,好足料,湯都好好飲最後,每人都有一個甜品,其實係雪糕糯米滋配紅豆同一d醬,個糯米滋係解凍左少少先serve 既,唔似得某d日本餐廳將佢地雪到變左舊冰好硬先拎出黎。佢少少溶配上紅豆蓉加個醬,超夾味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)