Restaurant: John Choy Cafe. 2015

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

8-min walk from Exit A, To Kwa Wan Station continue reading
Opening Hours
08:00 - 18:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus BoC Pay WeChat Pay UnionpayQR PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (31)
Level3 2024-11-08
平民高質咖啡店,2015年開業,仲開班授徒。間舖無乜裝修,行過睇門面以為茶記,入到去見到40款咖啡豆先知堅👍有D外面少有🥰例如妓藝等,叫咗杯洪都拉斯雪麗酒桶發酵咖啡(HK$90),真心好香好滑,完全出到威士忌,蜂蜜及雲呢拿味,連奶泡都有味道🤗真係飲過最好飲,實力表現👍個鸭胸三文治(HK$35)都唔係hea,烤底仲將鸭胸切絲入味D,配埋青瓜,食落唔膩好fresh,同咖啡好match老闆話下次試埋貓屎同藍山咖啡就可以升仙簡直度我入局 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間已經唔係第一次幫襯佢有好多款唔同既咖啡豆,有成40款可以選擇!就連奶泡咖啡都有12款口味而我⋯如果見到有玫瑰味,一定唔會錯過唔係間間cafe 有Rose latte 架⋯ ☕️熱玫瑰味奶泡咖啡$40 👍大家有睇黑白大廚🎬既都知啦,飲前要👃🏻聞一聞嘩!聞落果陣玫瑰香,就好似面前有支玫瑰🌹咁第一啖係滿滿既奶泡,意外地滲住玫瑰味,少少但唔會過分既甜味⋯好治療🫧到咖啡啦,飲落唔係好重玫瑰味,但after taste 好濃烈,而甜味低過奶泡,反而平衡返🍽️非一般三文治(餐肉拼芝士)$40 👍朋友居然叫三文治🥪⋯心諗一定好普通朋友堅持叫我一定要試試點知⋯有驚喜🤩(所以最後一舊先影相,本身有4舊架)麵包烘得鬆脆但唔乾每一舊都充滿餡料,份量足普通既餐肉&芝士,又意外地夾如果早餐/小食黎講一流總結:可以再幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-15
慕名而來,因為講真係香港有得堂飲【貓屎咖啡】嘅餐廳,似乎比較難搵,所以專登走過嚟品嘗。舖頭喺街角地鋪,又係獨立店舖,有佢嘅特色,舖面都唔細。因為冇乜人,專登揀bar檯可以望下出面。老闆比較豪快率直,會催你落單:「點呀?度掂未呀?」相信熟落咗嘅客人感覺就會好啲。咁就即點杯$115印尼貓屎咖啡 + 雙拼鴨胸炒蛋三文治$35,都係第一次飲咁貴嘅咖啡。咖啡比三文治早到,清徹度還可,反影到對面大廈,溫度就頗熱(雖然仍可接受),但呢個熱度可能有啲問題。正所謂有期望就有失望,好抱歉,真係唔覺有乜咁特別,係連標榜獨特果香都唔係好覺,我覺得同其他cafe嘅single origin沒什分別,我就飲唔出分別(可能我唔識嘢啦!)呢杯咖啡,絕唔係劣,只係唔值。本值3分,但由於價錢超過一舊,總體被迫拖抵一分,只值2★。飲完咁我知道呢間店嘅路線喇。三文治出場,呢個竟然有驚喜,用心制作,厚切炒蛋包住切條嘅鴨胸,烘底多士,成份熱辣辣好好食,座底4★!呢區唔會太多人流,舖頭如唔太多人嘅話環境都唔錯。Bar櫈就麻麻地,一定要一隻腳踩住自己張櫈,另一隻腳踩另一張櫈咁會舒服啲。舖外原來都有Bar檯,食完咁啱有人坐出面,雖然隔咗塊玻璃窗,但都好近面對面好似搭檯咁,呢下我好唔中意,好彩都準備走。以後不時或者都會再嚟encore飲啡嘅,就今次嘅經驗,下次都唔駛試(本來想試)嘅另一貴價咖啡【牙買加藍山咖啡】喇〜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-06-14
Took a casual day off work to take my dog to the vets, found this place to get a cup of coffee. They have a very wide selection of beans to choose from so I suggest take a long look if necessary before going to the service counter, you don’t want to hold up the queue during peak hours, right?The food selection is more snacks to go with the coffee and not a wide variety but you can pick and choose from noodles or toasted sandwich (recommended).I ordered an Apito Caramel coffee, it was rich and smooth but not what I am normally accustomed, next time I plan to go for something a little stronger from the other 39 beans I could have chosen. For the decor it is surprisingly big on the inside, it has outdoor seating on both sides of the corner of the shop and also a little pet (tortoise) garden. For drivers there is a meter parking at the start of the road but there is also street parking if you want to risk it. The seating inside has a monitor for cameras filming the street to keep an eye on your vehicle. The owner and even some of the regulars are friendly and we chatted with them. I believe this place may have got some poor reviews in the past based on some misunderstandings. If you want a place to chill this can be it, but not during peak hours! You may have time but others may not…. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-06-08
因為之前睇過網上有部份評論話佢地態度惡劣所以嚟之前都有少少擔心,但都係好想試下佢地嘅虹吸咖啡, 所以都係決定親身嚟感受下用餐感覺良好喎, 職員亦都無唔禮貌但當然並唔係一間好寫意輕輕鬆鬆坐半天嘅CAFE 模式店內較窄, 所以主要都係嚟飲杯咖啡食件三文治就要離座嘅模式今次去有8成客滿, 大部份都係 '街坊' 嚟 (因為個個都好熟傾計)相信有一大班熟客亦有其原因.....講返咖啡同食物咖啡今次試咗焦糖泡沫+肯尼亞豆, 但我覺得個焦糖味有少少遮咗咖啡本身嘅香味, 下次會試返原味另外反而件公司三文治有意外驚喜多士應該兩面都有塗過牛油, 所以唔乾同埋好香脆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)