Restaurant: JOMO Kitchen & Health Hub

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

Additional Information
Credit card is accepted for $100+ bill.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (433)
假日過來朋友家玩,先到附近「JOMO」吃個午餐,來到將軍澳近海傍的位置,這邊的餐廳氣氛不錯點了「All day Breakfast」&「煙燻三文魚忌廉芝士Sourdough」,「All day Breakfast」的顏色很漂亮:炒蛋、牛油果、大啡菇、三文魚蓉、烤蕃薯等,味道算是不錯;「煙燻三文魚忌廉芝士Sourdough」上面的三文魚份量好像不少,但跟「All day Breakfast」裡的三文魚蓉基本上都是一樣的,印象中之前來吃,三文魚好像是一片片的魚肉,不是碎三文魚,個人認為一片片口感還是比較好,Sourdough很好吃,麵粉味很香。飲品點了「Cold Brew coffee」&「Dirty」,「Cold Brew coffee」的質地細滑,味道平衡得非常好,朋友喜歡得在我們order甜品「伯爵茶戚風蛋糕」時,他又加點了一杯來到JOMO,不管吃得多飽,真的都不想錯過它的戚風蛋糕,軟棉棉的蛋糕,味道是不太甜而又濃郁的茶香,蛋糕裡面混著碎茶葉,把味道的層次提升不少。小小的一件,連加一是$60,價錢不算便宜,否則會想再encore one more continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好耐以前來過一次這裏食午餐,那一陣子的感覺也很好,不過就要等好耐今日。今天難得可以一早老公揸車去將軍澳食早餐,第一時間就諗起這裏。喜歡這裏,是因為近海旁,店子內充滿微笑的陽光☀️。今次我們叫了兩份All day Breakfast🍳 ,一份素食,一份有煙勳三文魚,加2杯咖啡。Jomo All day Breakfast 🍳 with Smoked Salmon $138這份All day Breakfast 有晒我最喜歡的食物,煙三文魚、牛油果、酸種麵包、炒蛋、大啡菇⋯⋯特別喜歡他的煙三文魚,不太鹹,伴上適量的洋蔥🧅,更加美味。之後飲埋喜歡的flat White,令人愉快的時刻。每天一早可以享受一個喜歡的早餐,實在令人精神抖抖。欣賞這間餐廳仍然保留住簡樸的味道,期待下次再去,加油! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢個係今年生日食嘅第三個蛋糕🤣同樣都係戚風蛋糕,不過唔同口味▶️ 伯爵茶戚風蛋糕 8‘’好巨型🎂適合10-12個人食用外表白雪雪,灑上少許花瓣作裝飾,望落簡單優雅切開係軟綿綿嘅戚風蛋糕,切嗰下已經feel到蛋糕好有回彈力,「反彈」返把刀上嚟🤣戚風蛋糕口感濕潤,冇前嗰兩個蛋糕咁輕身,同樣軟綿綿但比較幼細同有質感睇得出用咗好多茶葉製成,差唔多成個蛋糕佈滿茶葉🍵伯爵茶味極度濃郁,當然仲食到蛋香味,同時唔會好甜外層係忌廉,佢寫話係用黑糖口味嘅法國忌廉,但係自己食到微微咖啡味🙈男朋友仲加咗麻糬俾我,佢啲麻糬好大粒,成個蕨餅size咁,全部聚集喺中間咬落煙煙韌韌唔太黏身😋唔係鬼口水type,而係比較乾爽滑捋捋,加咗令蛋糕更加豐富!屋企人一齊食,全部都大讚佢伯爵茶味夠出夠香一個簡單唔花巧但高質嘅蛋糕🍰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-12-13
靚景好Chill架海邊Café一直都好鍾情將軍澳澳南海岸架餐廳,難得今日朋友仔帶埋佢隻狗仔入來搵我小聚,所以都係揀返澳南海岸架一間叫JOMO架café。其實呢間café 真係好Chill,對住個海景,藍天白雲~~真係好似咩煩惱都無曬咁😊我地3點幾搵左outdoor坐低,點左2杯野飲同埋件cake。抹茶蛋糕不過不失架蛋糕野飲凍mocha & 凍 green tea mocha有時去一間café佢個環境仲重要過佢架野食,不過,呢間架蛋糕同野飲都算係晤錯啊,有機會都會想Lunch 來多次試下佢其他主食。==============================JOMO Kitchen & Health Hub將軍澳澳南海岸唐俊街23號MONTEREY Place 地下G01號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-02
尋日朝同朋友咗扮文青。一早10點幾,將軍澳南嗰邊唔係好多餐廳cafe開咁早,所以都係是但去一間。呢度朝早時段有供應breakfast 同brunch ,或有少少蛋糕選擇。呢度食物質素正常操作,不過坐得都舒服,閒日早上唔算多人,有室內外位,室外位可以放狗,又可以望到海濱大橋,最好就係用嚟hea同放空。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)