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Review (8)
Level4 2011-02-24
路過這家店子, 點了一個套餐, $35一隻熱狗, 一款小食及一罐飲品.美國風味熱狗雖是即點即製, 但十分鐘又未免耐了一點. 拿上手無用置疑是熱辣辣的, 材料十分新鮮但醬汁不夠. 熱狗腸不錯, 似乎是進口的貨式. 小食點了華都夫沙律, 以椰菜絲及紅蘿蔔絲為主, 如果不是有沙律醬配搭, 相信會頗難入口.整體來說還算不錯, 但要留意是沒有堂食的, 而附近也好像沒有可以坐下的地方, 比較不方便. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-08-05
上回試過此品牌在灣仔的分店,怎知道在光顧坑口的分店時,灣仔店已經結業了,相信不會是我食到人結業吧!時間趕急的要吃個午餐,吃熱狗也不錯,根據上回在灣仔店吃過的經驗,令我覺得這個品牌很不錯,灣仔的小店有數張小圓吧枱,但此店就連什麼枱也沒有,教人真是吃得好不狼狽,但唯一抵讚的是,那托盤實在是很隱固。也要談食物了,今回都是吃套餐,但小食及熱狗也轉了,價錢一樣也是三十五元,在云云的小吃之中,選了炸西蘭花芝士球,套餐有四小件的西蘭花芝士球,一口咬下,外層夠脆,吃起來有點像麥記的蘋果批皮,芝士汁的芝士味不算太香濃,但也挺Creamy,芝士汁之中有點有咬口的西蘭花,帶上一點蔬菜的草青味,總體來說都不錯。熱狗要了美國風味熱狗,熱狗一條份量也不少,熱狗同樣的是塗了牛油來烘,包身熱辣而鬆軟,吃起來有包香及牛油香,如果店家再烘多一會兒,使外層再脆一點再多點焦香,一定更好吃,製作美國風味熱狗的肉腸是口感軟腍的豬肉腸,用上熱水灼着備用,所以腸衣不會很脆,而且本身它的腸衣及腸肉都屬軟腍的一類,熱水的熱力令肉的油脂呈半融的狀態,配起大量的生洋蔥粒、蕃茄肉醬及芥末,又酸又甜又有點辛的味道,真的非常合拍,整體感覺真好。汽水要了零系的可樂,但店家說它們轉了供應商,零系的百事入口比較酸一點,但原罐上夠冰凍,其他的也沒什麼好評了,另外也要一讚店員的服務態度,是非常之客氣及好禮貌,這在一所熱狗店是想不到的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-07-09
呢堆小食檔開咗幾個月, 都未幫襯過 Just Hot Dog, 咁啱想食香腸, 本來想在 MOS 坐底食熱狗餐, 但 MOS 唔係熱狗專門店喎!一於响 Just Hot Dog 叫個餐當晚餐啦!我叫咗原味熱狗餐, $35 有一個熱狗 6選1, 任選一款小食 (大部份係炸物, 有沙律), 再加一罐飲品. 小食我揀咗煙肉薯仔沙律.個熱狗味道好好, 最欣賞佢地將青瓜切得好細粒, 好整齊, 但又不失嚼勁, 青瓜好脆口, 加埋茄汁, 酸瓜醬, 芥辣, 成個熱狗好好食. 同埋佢地個廚房好乾淨的, 飲品會分開另一個膠袋裝, 我諗係唔想整凍個熱狗.食完熱狗好似唔夠飽, 再食埋薯仔沙律, 真係好頂肚! 個沙律唔多美奶滋, 但就好香洋蔥味, 店方會送埋一小盒沙律醬.下次會再幫襯, 好可惜無得 Dine-in, 相信熱騰騰的熱狗會更加好味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-06-13
JHD and PHD are both fast food restaurants, one specialising in hot dogs the other on pizza.Not long ago, its first branch was in the industrial area of Kwun Tong, it was on my to eat list, but Kwun Tong was a bit far fetched.JHD has proved itself by opening branches in Wan Chai and other places.For hot dogs, there are only six choices, US relish dog, hot chilli dog, cheese, sweet grilled dog, fresh farm dog, and japanese dog.The choices of sides are endless, there were so many I wanted to try such as the Gustuv fries (garlic fries), chicken bites, banana foster (fried cheesecake) and the salads (egg salad, bacon potato, and Waldorf).I opted for the US Relish, although I couldnt find any relish in the listed ingredients: signature beef sauce, diced onions and herbs.When I got it, I could only see the ketchup, french mustard, onions, I couldnt see any beef sauce or was the tomato sauce meant to be beef sauce.All the items on the dog went well together, the crunchy onions and the french mustard.For the side order I chose the mini potato cakes as the salad was sold out.They were thin flat pieces. It was good they were thin because it wasnt so oily, and there was hints of black peppar in it too. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-05-25
今日成日都要留係屋企整蛋糕~為左後日既PARTY努力,求求其其係樓下買D野食~見東港城有新野就試試,其實之前已經食過燒烤風味熱狗,但冇影到相~今次就影左同大家分享田園風味熱狗+蒜香脆薯條$35如餐牌寫的一樣,有鮮洋蔥,青瓜,番茄,美國風味腸跟沙律醬,口感清新~不會有膩的感覺,個人認為比之前所吃的燒烤味熱狗好至於薯條~第一口吃沒錯有蒜香,但愈吃愈似薯格的味道~蒜香漸漸消失,很大包而且薯條很實在~中間都是薯仔不會有空空的洞,我想整包份量大約是m記的2倍~而之前我吃的是薯絲餅~炸完拿回家吃很油~薯餅的表面都油油的,不建議大家選這個可樂是罐裝的,像其他快餐一樣用水開稀~而且雪得冰凍下次我想會試試日風那個的 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)