Exit K, Central MTR Station, Exit A2, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*Bar: Mon-Sun: 12:00 - 24:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (41)
Level1 2024-10-09
我想訂座,提早一個多星期打算訂位食飯,打咗成晚都無人接聽,留言留電話號碼幾次也沒有職員回复,試問呢間餐廳是否已經執笠?第一次想去試試已經有不良好印象,提早訂位又不接電話不回复,太遲訂位又會滿座,想留港消費實在太難。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Saturday lunch time was much more relaxed and had only a few tables. It’s very quiet, as compared to nearly full house during weekday’s lunch.Had tried their Shokado Bento and the Teppanyaki (Thin Roll) set this time. Teppanyaki (Thin Roll) BeefWe picked the US Prime Beef rather than the Hida Beef, yet it’s already nice, very tender and the flavour of the green onions and fried garlic wrapped inside the beef made the beef so tasty. The fried mixed-colour bell peppers were very sizable too. Shokado BentoAll the raw items were very nice. The marbled tuna belly sashimi melted in my mouth. The mini sea urchin on sushi rice was very fresh and sweet. The braised abalone was cooked just right and it’s tender and easy to eat, not chewy at all. I liked the lightly fried prawn with scallops and asparagus. Its taste was good and not too salty. The grilled black cod was alright. When I got to the thick cut teppanyaki US prime beef, I was so full already and that’s a bit bland. I need to dip each piece into the soya sauce that was meant for the sashimi. I couldn’t finish the bento as there were a lot of items there. I prefer the thin roll teppanyaki beef version from the teppanyaki set, as that’s tastier. We also ordered The Soil, a sesame pudding with oreo crumbs on top, with its presentation imitating soil. 👍🏻We were surprised to know that their last order was at 2pm, so early for a restaurant inside a mall. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-17
到訪呢間2019年已經開業嘅餐廳。我同朋友大約晚上7點黎到,全間餐廳只有我同朋友兩個人。心裡面多少有啲覺得奇怪,但仍然照坐低。睇一睇餐牌,價錢同地理位置一樣非常高級。當晚,我哋叫咗兩份龍蝦同飛驒牛嘅鐵板燒餐。食物質素嚟講,食材係貴價,選用澳洲南龍蝦同日本飛驒牛,食物都非常新鮮。龍蝦肉質彈壓。牛肉方面,我地選擇一份西冷同薄燒牛肉。西冷五成熟,肉質紮實,唔鞋口,但就太油。薄燒牛肉裡面包住蒜同蔥,不會食落唔夠香。擺盤都算精美。但整體黎講冇咩驚喜,而且整個套餐食落嚟,覺得好油膩。飽腹感有八成,但當中有兩至三成係因為太油,所以覺得好滯。最後個甜品亦係最失望,只係俾咗幾舊蜜瓜同埋哈密瓜加幾粒藍莓。說實話,比得一個相對高嘅價錢,餐廳係咪應該提供返一啲自家製嘅甜品搭配時令生果?如果只係需要普通果盤,我去酒樓食都有啦。呢個位我覺得完全唔配合食物嘅價錢同餐廳嘅地理位置。餐廳嘅廚師表示佢地有落廣告,請傳媒宣傳餐廳。但整晚都係得我同朋友,及另一枱情侶客人。如果真係想出奇制勝,餐廳要考慮一下調整個餐嘅搭配,先對得住比呢個價錢嘅客人。如無意外,應該唔會再翻轉頭食第二次。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
未諗到情人節💘去邊到慶祝,食咩好?有個好提議!有無黎過Landmark 嘅 Kakure呢?依加推出咗個情人節menu~ 除左可以品嘗佢地嘅Tapayaki,仲可以係另一邊Bar到坐底談笑風生 ✌🏻 即場仲有調酒師為你度身訂造,做一杯你專屬嘅cocktails 當然signature cocktails , off menu mocktails都有 ☺️可以盡情享受日本唔同類型嘅酒。𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗪𝗘 𝗢𝗥𝗗𝗘𝗥六道菜情人節晚餐 988 per head ✨ 前菜精緻既前菜分別有鮮甜甘香既白子甜美軟糯既甜蕃薯帶有辛味醬汁又爽口既小八爪魚口感爽脆同時又有d粉嫩口感既海帶軟綿清香唔油膩既鮟鱇魚肝每道前菜都係點到即止 👍 ✨ 鱈場蟹天婦羅香脆既天婦羅粉包住鱈場蟹腳,味道好濃郁 😌 同時有其他蔬菜天婦羅作配角,得到平衡作用又有各種唔同口感。佢地有用栗米芯做天婦羅,爽脆既口感非常合適 ❤️✨ 龍蝦鐵板燒龍蝦肉同龍蝦膏一齊係鐵板上燒到七成熟, 爽口彈牙既口感, 再加埋蝦膏個種香濃, 呢道龍蝦鐵板燒真係好值得黎食!✨ 美國牛柳鐵板燒上碟既牛柳粒, 粉紅色既橫切面, 真係好吸引🤩上碟用上一大片岩鹽色既板, 加上芥末同秘製燒肉汁, 色香味俱全 😌✨ 愛知縣錦爽雞肉鵝肝黑松露飯,味噌湯成個套餐既份量控制得好好, 咁講係因為當你食埋呢個飯, 就啱啱好飽啦~ 黑松露碎既白飯味道啱啱好, 唔會過重。煎得香脆既雞肉竟然仲同時可以有爽既口感 😆 煎到金黃色既鵝肝都好正, 配埋白飯食就啱啱好, 唔會有油膩感 ❤️‍🔥✨ 抹茶奶凍呢個抹茶奶凍感覺好得意,表面除左好濃既抹茶之外,仲有一層非常薄脆脆地好似白朱古力既面,層次豐富咗 💚頭先都講過可以去埋佢地個bar 🍹🍸 第一杯由Moscow mule搖身一變, 由Vodka , Lime, Ginger Beer 轉用 Japanese Whisky 做base, 配上柚子汁, 一杯濃厚日式風格既Tokyo Mule 就誔生啦!🍸 唔飲酒嘅朋友可以試下 off menu 嘅mocktail。例如依杯相對重花香味, 甜味十足。用上日本蘋果, 香檸,Rose Syrup 加 Soda。⭐️ 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐥 ⭐️凡惠顧六道菜情人節晚餐,每對情侶將獲贈 Kuoca Beurre 護手霜乙份。數量有限,送完即止。Kuoca Beurre 係一個韓國品牌,主要係用唔同嘅食材去調製hand cream ~ 係咪好特別呢 😆依加連卡佛都有賣。ᵕ̈ ᑋᵉᑊᑊᵒ ᵕ̈ ᑋᵉᑊᑊᵒ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
喂喂喂!今次我去咗家小店,簡直係平民美食嘅天堂噃!🍜🍲 我第一啖嗌咗個車仔麵,叉燒好入味,軟滑得嚟彈牙,啖啖肉感,真係嘆為觀止。個湯頭鮮甜,一啜入喉,個心都暖笠笠咗。轉個彎,又試埋啲炸物,啲魚蛋金黃酥脆,一咬落去啲汁液四濺,啱晒我哋呢啲嘴饞鬼。食得我兩隻眼都笑埋,滋味正!😋最後我攞咗個豉油雞飯,啲雞皮滑溜溜,肉質嫩滑滑過女仔嘅面頰,豉油滋味淋漓盡致,飯粒每一粒都飽滿哂,一啲也不遜色。唔使啲高深莫測嘅食評術語,只係簡簡單單嘅一餐,但就係咁,就係享受生活嘅寫照。你問我正唔正?兄弟,呢啲嘢絕對係廿四孝味道,一試難忘,快啲拉埋啲臘友一齊嚟攬炒啦!👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)