2-min walk from Exit L, Central MTR Station
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
19:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
19:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
When going for fine-dining restaurants in Central, the furthest I go is Mandarin Oriental, thinking there is simply nothing beyond that point until near Admiralty MTR station. While I have heard about this sushi restaurant, it is a surprise to learn that it is actually located at CCB Tower, adjacent to another famous Chinese restaurant Howard’s Gourmet under the same group.The staff leads us to the small restaurant which can accommodate only a handful of customers along the nice hinoki wooden sushi bar. There are neat handcrafted kumiko design patterns on the ceiling, showing subtle elegance and premium ambience to accompany the dining experience. Serving us on the day is Chef Omine Kento, who has joined Kanesaka in Ginza before coming to HK.The Omakase ($2,980 each) starts with Bafun-Uni. Coming from Hokkaido, the beautiful orangish Bafun sea urchin is served in its own shell, with the bottom layer is a puree made from yurine, or lily root. The sea urchin is sweet in taste, without any weird notes, and the creamy lily root is delicate and able to highlight the flavours of the sea urchin. Very good.The second course is the seasonal Seko-Gani. Coming from Hyogo, the chef has meticulously removed the meat from the claws of the female snow crab, and then put it back beautifully onto the shell. Underneath is the meat of the crab body, mixed with uchiko, the rich, orange-coloured roes inside the crab. On top of the claw meat is a ball of sotoko, the firm and crunchy roes found outside the shell. With a bit of yuzu juice and vinegar the sweet flavours are memorable. Excellent.The third course is Yaki Shirako. The cod milt has been grilled over charcoal briefly to sear the surface, but able to retain a creamy and velvety texture. With Japanese leek and a thick sauce, the delicate flavours are well-balanced with an intricate umami seeping out from every bite. Very good.The fourth course is Tako. Cutting a piece of the large octopus tentacles to serve, it has a surprisingly soft texture, apparently has gone through a lot of massaging and careful braising process. Biting into the tentacles the sweet taste from the sauce will seep out, with the chef adding some yuzu shavings on top to freshen the palate, as well as a bit of mustard on the side for additional seasoning. Excellent.The fifth course is Nodoguro, which has been steamed with sake. The prized deep-water blackthroat seaperch has delicious fattiness, with the chef using the steaming method to highlight the original flavours to the full extent, supplemented with a bit of the sweet fragrance coming from the sake. Very good.The sixth course is Grilled Sawara. The Japanese Spanish mackerel has been marinated in miso before grilling, with the deep miso flavours infused into the fish, helping to bring forth the umami even more. Paired with some seasonal Japanese vegetables including kogomi and nanohana, this is very good in taste and completes the first half of the omakase before proceeding to the sushi.The first sushi features Kanpachi. The greater amberjack has a firm texture, balanced in flavours with also a lingering sweet taste. Very good.The second sushi features Sumi-Ika. Cutting on the surface of the cuttlefish without breaking it apart shows the skill of the chef, allowing the soy sauce to seep into, instead of draining off the smooth surface, as well as breaking the fiber to make it easy to chew. Very good.The third sushi features Maguro, with the tuna caught in Oma, Aomori. The lean tuna has been marinated in soy sauce briefly to season and soften it to a nice silky-smooth texture that slides down the throat on the bite. Excellent.The fourth sushi continues to feature the Maguro, but this time it is another cut, Chu-Toro. The medium-fatty tuna has a richer taste comparatively, with a good balance so it is not feeling particularly greasy. Very good.The fifth sushi finishes the Maguro trio, featuring O-Toro, the most fatty part of the tuna. The intense flavours of the fish oil permeate on the bite, bringing a sense of luxury satisfaction. I like how the chef selects the cut as it is not feeling like eating a lump of fat. Excellent.The sixth sushi features Aji, one of my favourite fish. The silvery sheen of the skin tells how fresh they are, with the chef cutting it open in traditional style, adding a bit of scallion to season. The rich umami taste is memorable, and it will be my candidate for an encore. Excellent.The seventh sushi features Hokkigai. The chef has grilled the surf clam before making it into sushi, making the clam meat even sweeter in taste but without compromising the nice crunchy bite. Very good.The eighth sushi features Kuruma-Ebi. After briefly poaching the Japanese tiger prawn, the chef removes the shell and cut off a bit of the tail so that the whole sushi does not become too long, a thoughtful way to facilitate the customers. The tail, however, is served on the side so it is not going to waste. Very sweet in taste with a bouncy texture, it is excellent.The ninth sushi features Murasaki-Uni from Hokkaido. While it is not in the best season, the purple sea urchin is still of good quality, with a creamy soft texture and without any weird taste. The chef has prepared a gunkan to make it easier for us to pick up the sushi as well. Very good.The tenth and last piece of sushi features Anago. The conger eel has been steamed first and then grilled over charcoal, with a very tender texture, virtually melting-in-the-mouth. With a bit of sansho pepper to season, the nitsume sauce helps to bring forward the umami but not over-dominating the flavours. The Tamago on the side is also delicious in taste. Very good.My wife orders an additional Ikura sushi ($150) while I opts for two pieces that are not originally on the menu. The first one is Akagai ($150), with the ark shell quite large in size, fresh and bouncy in texture, rich in umami taste. Very good.The other piece is Kohada ($130), which is another of my favourite sushi. With each chef having his own recipe of marinade, here the sourness of the gizzard shad is not too overpowering, which would be more appealing to local palate. Excellent.There is also a Toro-Maki included, with the chef chopping up a mix of different parts of the maguro briefly, adding some leek, and then wrapping the mashed tuna in a crisp nori sheet. The balance of the amount of the different fatty tuna is an art and the chef has mastered it well. A great finale for the sushi and for tuna fans it is a satisfying treat to complete the meal.Instead of using bonito, the Soup is made from dried maguro, fragrant and with a nice taste. The dessert is a slice of Melon from Kumamoto, juicy and sweet. It helps to warm the stomach and facilitate digestion, giving a satisfying contention.Service is very good, with the staff attentive and courteous. The chef may not have a lot of interactions with us during the meal but the atmosphere throughout is relaxing. The bill on the night is $6,390 after a 10% discount. Look forward to the next visit and enjoy some sake as well.
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成日覺得廚師發辦一餐二千幾三千唔便。但真心話如果你去過《Kanesaka Hong Kong》,就會知原來壽司可以有咁多豐富既變化,就覺得物超所值!今次我就係試佢地既Dinner set,有壽司、手卷、前菜、甜品以及湯😋1️⃣兵庫縣產津田宇生蠔🦪蠔肉飽滿層次分明,入口則是極鮮甜,配上檸檬,湧現出的清新鮮味,直接逼出你口中的味道。大家都知道,新鮮生蠔最難得就係飽滿口感同鮮甜滋味 呢款就擁有晒。👍2️⃣煮蛸🐙呢款係神奈川縣佐島的八爪魚係大廚以特製醬料慢煮至入味,保持住又軟又彈的口感。嚼落去,先是軟滑之餘,然後就是八爪魚自然的甜味,在你口腔中散開。😋3️⃣喉黒海膽魚子醬手卷🍣 這款Kanesaka hk的原創手卷是一種難能可貴的創新,燒長崎縣喉黑加北海道海膽配魚子醬,海膽滑潤嘅口感程度剛剛好,配伴上魚子醬帶嚟嘅鮮美提味,現實中嘅夢幻滋味!💕4️⃣白海老壽司🍣 選用左富山縣白蝦,色澤鮮豔,入口鮮爽無比。加上壽司師傅在以上面灑上的青檸汁,醒胃又消脂,清新脆口,食後回甘久久。🥰5️⃣中拖羅壽司、小肌壽司🍣 中拖羅肉質肥厚,口感綿密,飽滿多汁,一入口就立即感受到那股獨特的香醇鮮甜。仲有其他好多款不同既菜品,整體體驗非常之好,無論日式既環境、隱密既空間、優質既服務,都非常之好。
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好耐無同朋友飯聚啦!早兩星期前book左位於中環既「Kanesaka HK」,我地今次揀咗Dinner Omakase $2980,食材新鮮又高質,食完已經即刻book定下一次!「茶碗蒸蛋」🍮 蒸蛋入面加入毛蟹、柚子皮,味道清香,無平時蒸蛋個種飽膩感,食落口感綿密蛋香中帶點蟹味,又散發陣陣柑香💕喉黒海膽魚子醬手卷 🍣🤤Kanesaka hk原創手卷!一試即刻同朋友對望,超滿足超好食!長崎縣喉黑加北海道海膽配魚子醬,提味又增添口感,超正!👏🏻墨烏賊壽司 🍣🦑另一款亮點!用上福井縣墨烏賊,中間加入少少芝麻增添香氣,墨魚上再放些少青檸汁,味道清新,墨魚質地緊實易咬,食得出好新鮮!大拖羅壽司係壓軸戲!真是令人一試難忘!食落濃濃拖羅香,鮮甜配香軟米飯,好味到令人想再追加多一道!🤤「Kanesaka HK」嘅食物由師傅一款款係客人面前制作👍🏻期間仲可以同大廚交流一下💓 佢哋嘅手卷真係必試,聽聞仲要係原創!如果想食正宗既omakase一定要試👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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今次介紹嘅就係中環嘅Kanesaka Hong Kong,喺度我地可以品嚐到各式各樣由大廚親手打造嘅精緻壽司,每款壽司嘅製作,都有佢有獨特嘅手法,絕對會俾你一個全新嘅體驗👍🏻。喉黒海膽魚子醬手卷喉黑配上海膽同魚子醬,三者嘅口感互相融合,滑嫩嘅海膽,軟滑嘅喉黒,彈牙嘅魚子醬,每一口都喺嘴裡爆出驚喜嘅味道,既香又新鮮,令人一試驚為天人🥰🥰🥰。 🍣池魚壽司池魚壽司將紫蘇同蔥蓉融入到壽司中,將咬下去嘅瞬間,你可以感受到紫蘇清香同蔥蓉嘅嘅辛香,有種北海道嘅飄逸味道,彷彿你此刻正坐喺北海道一樣😉😉😉。 🥚茶碗蒸蛋 (酒盗)茶碗蒸蛋綿滑嘅口感,加上鮮香嘅鰹魚內臟鹽辛,剛剛好嘅醬汁配搭,每一啖都彷彿帶你走進日本嘅料理世界,令味蕾得到無比嘅享受😽😽😽。Kanesaka Hong Kong採用日本嘅風格裝修,境內清雅。服務員介紹每款壽司嘅製作過程,以致飲食間嘅服務都做得恰到好處,讓你完全可以專注於享受美食。
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為慶生,今次我揀咗一間位於中環嘅名店-Kanesaka Hong Kong。聽講呢度嘅Omakase 食材好新鮮,而且仲係一間日本非常知名既姊妹店,果然名不虛傳!不得不講,燒吞拿魚骹 我覺得係今次既第一名,油香味十足,配上紫蘇葉、蕪蘿蔔蓉一齊食必。難以形容既鮮甜香口!食完個份香濃隔左一陣都仲喺口中散發,而且口感柔軟又豐富,真係由心底讚好食!!肉質緊緻而且美味。其次,佢哋嘅茶碗蒸心有一種鮮香嘅味道,魚嘅鮮味同茶碗蒸蛋嘅嫩滑完美融合,真係令人忍唔住一再夾食!特別推介Kanesaka hk原創嘅喉黑海膽魚子醬手卷,厚厚的海膽與喉黑嘅絕妙組合,口感豐富,既有海膽嘅美味又有喉黑嘅香口,值得為左呢款而黎呢到一試。大拖羅壽司,我實在好欣賞呢度嘅握壽司工藝,每一塊都好精緻。而醬油漬嘅赤身壽司,保留住魚嘅美味,再加上精緻嘅米飯,回味無窮。新鮮食材配上專業嘅服務,一個美好嘅日料體驗,價錢並非問題。無論係為咗自己享受,定係想找個好地方慶祝重要日子,Kanesaka Hong Kong都係一個唔錯嘅選擇
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