3-min walk from Exit D1, Central MTR Station continue reading
Kashiwaya in Hong Kong is a branch of the three-Michelin-star Kashiwaya restaurant in Osaka. They are known for their high-quality kaiseki dishes and the head chef is committed to providing guests with a traditional experience. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 2 Starred Restaurant (2017-21)
Opening Hours
*Last order time: 21:00
Mon - Sat
18:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (65)
Level4 2021-06-18
Traditional Kaiseiki restaurant located in Central. 中環懷石料理柏屋Book via hsbc premier credit card buy 1 get 1 free promotion. ( $2380 for 2)Overall, the services in here is 💯💯💯. Staffs were very patient, nice and helpful. Seasonal food ingredients were fresh, carefully prepared and well presented. But unfortunately some dishes were not my type😐😐Egg Tofu: “jelly” like, I love it! 👍Clams Fish cake, Quinoa Tofu soup: 👍Five Varieties of Pike Conger ( tartare/ fried/ sashimi/ steam/ grilled): I like how they process the fish in different ways but I don’t like the taste/ texture of this fishSelected Sashimi: yummy!😋😋😋Hassun八寸: the deep fried abalone was super good, my fav in here! The wheat bran cheese sandwich was terrible 😰😰 very soggy and heavy taste cheese. Others were average.Wagyu beef shabu shabu w/ eggplant: this is GOOD👍🤤Fried Ayu fish: freshly fried, another fav in here 🤩Grilled Pike Conger Rice: Again☹️I don’t like this fish........ prefer eel moreTofu w/ red bean dessert & matchaFruit 😋Menu continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
四月嘅menu以春天賞花為主題🌸每道菜式都好精緻,感受到師傅嘅心思同誠意💕懷石料理講究食物嘅季節性同優雅嘅呈現,柏屋完全做到~~!🍴先付螢光魷魚/海帶/筍/筍酢/蕨菜/山椒嫩葉由第一道菜嘅螢光魷魚已經開始令我地驚艷☺️🍴煮物碗海老真蒸(櫻葉)/油菜花/櫻麩/椎茸/柚子花用真昆布同鰹魚碎煮嘅湯底,每一啖都要慢慢飲去感受佢嘅餘韻😇🍴本日刺身刺身新鮮肥美唔在講,拖羅油脂豐富,入口即溶🤤魷魚絲切顯刀功得黎,令人更容易感受到陣鮮甜味🍴八寸鯛魚白子/魚子醬/大葉玉簪菜/櫻花/蠶豆/花瓣百合根🍢厚燒玉子/油菜花海苔卷/煮竹蝦🍢田樂赤蒟蒻利休麩/蜜糖豆用左櫻花同三張和紙做裝飾, 綠色代表夏天,白色代表冬天,粉紅色代表春天,即刻覺得好有詩意😂百合做嘅花瓣仲有淡淡粉紅色,好靚🌸白子係我成餐最期待嘅野食,好咕溜咕溜,食緊布甸咁,仲有Sake嘅味道🥰配埋魚子醬同菜層次就更豐富啦🍴燒物日本涮和牛/筍和牛入口即化,每次食和牛都覺得幸福感隨住啲脂肪湧出黎🤤面頭有三款唔同嘅菜/葉,師傅話要有少少苦澀味先有春天嘅感覺,而且可以解膩☺️🍴鉢物油目魚/煮長芋/油揚蓬麩/蜂斗菜/茗荷山椒嫩葉魚肉嫩滑但唔易散,舊准山配埋醬汁都好好味😋🍴食事櫻花蝦碗豆蛋御飯/海膽/紫蘇菜/山葵/味噌湯櫻花蝦同海膽都鮮味十足,加埋紫蘇葉同山葵,個感覺好清新☺️🍴菓子花見糰子/鹽漬櫻花葉/紅豆 + 抹茶又係綠(夏)/白(冬)/粉紅(春),原來冇秋天係因為秋天嘅日文讀音(Aki)係同攰相似,少左秋天就代表永不倦怠😌連食和菓子嘅黑文字籤都有故事同埋要特別保養,真係好講究🙊鹹嘅櫻花草加甜嘅菓子同紅豆蓉,特別得黎唔會奇怪,唔會好似平時啲和菓子咁死甜🍴水物季節水果🍓🍊🍈🍍食完咁日式嘅甜品,畫風一轉,覺得呢道好西式一啖食晒士多啤梨啫喱加牛乳布甸酸甜度好平衡👏🏻柏屋地方唔大,但環境舒適,服務好慇懃,有賓至如歸嘅感覺 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
米芝蓮二星⭐️⭐️懷石料理☘️五月份菜單主題係端午節,今次有9道菜,由於包糭嘅葉係綠色,所以大部份食物都加入綠色元素,每款食材都係由日本空運到港。首先,第一道前菜已經好精緻,係炙燒鱧魚,醬汁有紫蘇葉配山葵酢煮果凍,味道非常清新,令人開胃。而我最鍾意個鉢物,係日本和牛加羊肚菌,牛味非常濃郁,加上菌味醬汁,一試難忘。懷石料理精粹當然係季節性食材、精美擺盤同器皿都決一不可,加上服務員對每個菜式都會細心講解,值得一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-05-14
I have come here twice and loves both times. It’s very close to the Kyoto authenticity. Staff are super nice, cordial, and helpful. Food is always carefully procured, prepared, and presented. I enjoy every dish. The environment is quaint, so fulfills social distancing and peace of mind. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-05-02
服務態度優良,每道菜式都有專門講解,擺盤精緻,食材新鮮。不過我個人比較不喜歡吃青菜,剛巧現在是‘花季’ 餐單,整個晚上覺得一口青草味😅😅超值的信用卡優惠,餐廳環境比想像中來得熱鬧 一個愉快的晚上⭐️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)