6-min walk from Exit B1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
Level4 2024-04-29
Went here with my colleagues for welcome lunch. .I got Poached Hainan Chicken for the lunch set. It included a bowl of soup and ice milk tea as well. The chicken was silky and looked appetising with it yellowish skin. They were meaty and boneless with a tender texture. Appreciated the sweet and sour sauce which enhanced its savoury. The oil rice was a bit wet though. The ice milk tea was in Thai style so it tasted sweeter..The resto didn't turn on the ac at first, so it was a bit hot when we stayed there. It was not too big so one needed to arrive there earlier to get seats. Although the chicken was yummy, I thought the lunch set was actually quite pricey. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-29
真係試下無壞,不過無意慾再試。$80豬手濶可粉嘅豬手腍滑,碗麵無乜味道,不夠熱,可粉有咬口。杧果軟nor米飯非常香,米偏硬,椰汁濃,面頭綠豆(?)粒好脆,$48份量少,感覺貴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We were constantly craving Thai cuisine, and Kin Kao 2 was the perfect place to satisfy our desires. Renowned for its authentic Thai flavors, this restaurant offers amazing dishes at an affordable price. The pad Thai, in particular, stood out with its well-cooked noodles and the distinct smoky flavor of “Wok Hei.” We also enjoyed the delightful beef noodle dish, which we recommend adding a touch of chili to for an extra kick of spice. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-07-22
今日同朋友嚟左灣仔試呢間泰國餐廳,本身以為係好似茶餐廳咁樣調節扣返,但係入到去又有少少賽車,所以我哋冇叫到飯餐,反而散叫咗幾樣嘢,結果發現幾好食,大家都嚟試下。我哋叫咗炒金邊粉、燒豬肉、蟹肉煎蛋餅、最後仲叫咗個芒果椰汁糯米飯。個金邊粉就正常冇乜特別。燒豬肉串都幾好味果汁辣辣地好開胃。蟹肉煎蛋餅,食得出唔係搵咗好多份,有好多但係入面,每一啖都有蟹肉,點埋個辣椒醬,我係好開胃,叫個白飯食就啱晒啦。最後雖然飽飽地,但係都忍唔住叫咗個芒果糯米飯,但係呢一個芒果糯米飯就真係有啲失望,可能唔啱芒果嘅季節個芒果有啲酸,椰汁飯又好似太熱,冇消息嘅感覺,所以大家唔使叫。總觀意見,餐廳食物嘅質素其實都唔錯,如果大家經過嘅話我都可以嚟試吓。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好耐之前系大王東街個邊試過「食飯」,估唔到開左第2間分店,「食飯」系間泰國餐廳,見Openrice好多人推介泰北咖哩湯麵,但暫時未試過,反而試左其他菜式,味道唔錯。《泰式蟹肉炒飯》(加太陽蛋)$98炒飯炒得有鑊氣,粒粒分明,味道唔會過咸過濃味,而且蟹肉的份量比想像中多,見到好多一梳梳嘅蟹肉,加埋隻燶邊太陽蛋,d蛋汁增加了成個炒飯嘅口感和豐富感。《泰東北酸香腸》$88入口覺得好特別,味道系咸咸酸酸,腸仔里面除左豬肉,仲有酸菜粒,酸菜令豬肉味更加濃,而且碟邊有d薑粒同辣椒粒,同腸仔好夾,可以減淡腸仔嘅咸酸味,增加一陣辣辣地味。《椰青》$48好大個椰青,飲落去好清甜,冇up味,食完泰菜,飲返啖椰青,解渴之餘,又可以清走泰菜殘留嘅香料味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)