9-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sat
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (51)
朋友話想食金城,我初頭聽個名以為係茶記🤣,原來係一間位於中環既沖繩料理居酒屋🏮,店內師傅都係日本人,真係好有feelOrion 生啤 & 桃酒先來杯生啤同桃酒打打底先😂天鷹心🍶宜家好怕飲d好甘口既清酒,呢支辛口飲落唔會話好甜,配日式料理都好夾,飲飲下米香亦隨住散發出黎燒目張魚條目張魚好大條而且燒得岩岩好,魚皮香脆,肉質嫩滑,呢條魚唔算油脂好勁,油份適中,所以食完成條都唔會好膩泡菜納豆腐皮餅腐皮燒得好脆,入面釀左泡菜、香蔥碎、納豆,助酒小食岩晒熊本火炙和牛和牛肉質嫩腍,配以沙律菜、車厘茄、香蔥碎 & 蘿蔔蓉,捲埋一齊食味道真係好夾捲蛋蛋味好香,調味岩岩好,唔會話好咸,放埋d蘿蔔蓉係上面一齊食味道仲正炸沖繩豆腐用上沖繩Shima豆腐,蛋白質比平時既日本豆腐更高,炸完既shima豆腐外脆內軟,仲有個醬汁係底明太子沙律醬燒豆腐豆腐皮燒到好香脆,上面放左明太子沙律醬 & 紫菜條,好好食沖繩苦瓜豬肉炒蛋沖繩苦瓜好爽脆,雖然已經比其他苦瓜無咁苦,不過我都係覺得苦😆燒菇 & 秋葵手羽先原隻雞翼燒得又脆又乾身,肉質唔會話好榎免治雞肉軟骨串燒得岩岩好,肉質仲好juicy,外面香脆,調味亦都調得岩岩好,蘸埋個蛋黃醬汁食,正雞肉京蔥串燒京蔥燒熟後好甜,雞肉同京蔥真係好match店舖雖小,但整間居酒屋既氣氛都好好,師傅仲會同客人互動,食物都好出色,加上無時間限制,唔會卑人趕走,可以同朋友慢慢飲慢慢食都得☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-09-11
9成顧客都係日本人就知道呢間居酒屋好地道,好好味廚師亦係日本人,好似去咗日本咁。夜晚的話最好預先訂位,因為經常滿座。適合朋友同事拍拖嘅飲酒食飯。份量類似日本size,俾local香港店舖細少少。叫咗一下東西食:《ウニ&イクラ&ネギトロ三種つまみ》海鮮非常新鮮,尤其是魚子同海膽都好甜性價比高,好值得order!《鹿児島県豚キムチ》泡菜嘅酸辣同豬肉片嘅配搭唔錯味道比較濃郁,但唔會太鹹,好食!《ゴーヤチャンプル》有得食沖縄名物嘅苦瓜炒蛋好難得!味道唔會太濃,而且唔肥膩。《沖縄そば》沖縄麵亦都係難得一見嘅menu不過個人認為沖縄麵麻麻哋,唔需要試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-14
約日本人食飯, 發覺佢哋都鍾意去日本廚師做嘅餐廳因為一邊吃飯一邊可以用日文溝通感覺親切一點, 這裏的廚師是來自沖繩, 所以食物係非常地道, 佢居酒屋如果去 香港人做嘅餐廳就沒有 地道的感覺了, 所以當你來到這間餐廳的時候 你真的會聽到很多日文, 如果你喜歡練習日文的話 這裏真是一個不錯的好地方, 記得要預先booking因為能夠同廚師一起一邊傾計一邊食嘢嘅位置可能只有五六個, 今晚叫嘅食物不是太多但全部都是好吃的, 訂了枱呀盡量不要遲到, 因為這間店子長期fully booking。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-31
Went to this Izakaya with my friend and sis as my friend was very generous to offer a meal to us🫶. .We started by ordering Kumamoto Wagyu Beef Tataki and Assorted Daily Sashimi. The Beef Tataki was thinly sliced. With a crispy exterior, it managed to keep its interior raw and tasty. It kinda melted in your mouth as well. The sashimi included Maguro, Otoro, Shrimp, Yellowtail and Mackerel. They were all fresh and meaty. The Otoro was buttery with soft texture, while the mackerel was rich and creamy. Next, we got Hokkaido Grilled Scallop, Grilled Ox Tongue, Deep-Fried Octopus, Deep-Fried Shima Tofu and Aomori Raw Yam and Okra Salad. The scallop was succulent with a slightly briny and sweet flavour. The octopus was chewy, whereas the tofu was firm. For the salad, both the yam and okra had a slimy and slippery texture. The yam was earthy and mildly sweet. It was refreshing to have during the hot weather. We then got chicken skewers, including Tsukune, Negima, Kidney, Liver, Cartilage and Heart. The Tsukune was juicy, esp after dipping it with the egg yolk. The Negima was actually chicken & leek skewer. The saltiness of the chicken and the sweetness of the leek combined nicely. At last, we had Grilled Rice Ball topped with Sea Urchin. Hotly-served, the rice ball had a crunchy surface. The sea urchin enhanced its savoury. .The Izakaya was small so it didn't have lots of seats. It included mainly Okinawan cuisine, and the chef was a Japanese, which offered us authentic Japanese cuisine experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
哎呀,食完今晚嘅沖繩料理,真係覺得好過癮啊!首先來一杯Orion啤酒,凍吱吱嘅,一飲落去簡直清涼透心😌。跟住,就係呢家店嘅壓軸發辦,每款生魚片滑溜溜、味道清新,食落心情都好啲。最正嘅係,條鯵魚同鰤魚,你包埋紫蘇葉一夾,咸香混合咗海洋嘅鮮味,好正宗!跟手,炸八爪魚嚟咗,脆口得嚟又唔會油膩,擺喺面前真係少少抵食,不過就算啦。海參腸酒盜芝士啊,厚道綿密嘅口感,霸道嘅海味咁上咁至夾,特別滋味!至於心心念念嘅スク豆腐,我喺呢度又食到咗,鹹香中帶點野性,雖然要小心小魚骨,但都係好過癮!🤤嗰啲沖繩香腸,味道夠曬本味,食落係完美嘅伴酒菜啊。雞肉串則係一絕,配上蛋黃醬,喺口中綻放滋味,太正!苦瓜豆腐炒蛋彷彿讓人吃到了沖繩嘅陽光同海風——軟滑、健康又美味。沖繩豬軟骨麵簡直絕了,啖啖肉感,湯頭醇香,一啖落肚,全世界嘅煩惱似乎都消失咗。今晚食完呢頓,真係覺得自己食盡咗沖繩嘅精髓,由頭飲到尾,每一樣都係那麼嘅滿意🥰!哎喲,我個胃口啊——幸福到爆炸! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)