5-min walk from Exit B1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (48)
Today, I want to share my thoughts on a recent meal I had. I ordered the Grilled N.Z. Sirloin Steak with a side of Tomato Soup. Now, let me tell you all about it, keeping it nice and simple.Let's start with the steak. I asked for it to be cooked medium, but it ended up being a tad overcooked. It seemed more like Medium Well than medium. It was still tasty, but not as juicy as I had hoped. Interestingly, my friend ordered their steak medium well, but unfortunately, a part of their beef was very raw. It made me think of that funny meme where people say, "This beef is so raw, I can still hear it mooing!" Quite a surprise, I must say.Moving on to the Tomato Soup, it was just your regular tomato soup. Nothing fancy or out of the ordinary. Personally, I was hoping for a Cream of Mushroom soup, but they only had tomato soup available today. It was okay, but I was expecting a bit more excitement.Now, let's talk about the drinks. The waiter seemed to be a bit random when it came to picking the right drinks for us. It was a bit confusing. For instance, one of my friends ordered a hot black coffee, but the waiter brought them a cold one. And to add to the disappointment, the lemon tea we ordered with less sugar turned out to be sickly sweet. Not what we were expecting at all.To sum it up, the quality of the beef was just okay. The steak was a bit overcooked for my liking, and my friend's steak had a raw part. The tomato soup was decent but lacked any surprises. The drink mix-up was a letdown too. Overall, there's definitely room for improvement based on what I observed.Food Menu for lunch set continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
So the other day I was craving something a little fancier than my usual lunch spots in Wan Chai. A friend recommended I check out that French place La Fleur. Man is it ever different than the local noodle shops around here! When I walked in I was like "whoa" - they've got it decorated all nice and romantic. Anyway I saw they had a salmon fillet in cream sauce so I thought what the heck, I'll give it a try. Dude that fish was amazing. The salmon was so fresh and juicy. But the cream sauce is what really made it - so rich and tangy, not too heavy at all. It coated the fish perfectly without overpowering it. They also brought out this big basket of French bread still warm from the oven. And don't even get me started on that butter - it was softened just right so you could spread it real easy. The bread was the perfect vehicle to soak up any leftover sauce on the plate. I may have gotten a few extra slices just for that!The food was simple but executed so well. I'll definitely be back to try some other dishes. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-29
朋友帶我地去灣仔一家隱世法式餐廳,去到樓下,原來側邊有樓梯上1樓,地方細細,原來臥虎藏龍佢哋所有嘅菜式非常好味先講個麵包,熱辣辣,係外脆內院嘅法包,加牛油,好好味生蠔好新鮮洋蔥湯和魚湯都超好味✨特別推介:煙燻鰻魚,必食,你完全估唔到係咁嘅味道蒜油八爪魚,超級好味,必食白酒煮蜆,蜆肉非常新鮮,白酒可以浸麵包食,唔好浪費煎鵝肝好香好脆乳豬和鴨腿好好味三款唔同嘅意粉都唔錯,特別係那個雜菌意大利麵另外侍應服務一流 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-04
如果唔係朋友介紹,真係未必會搵到呢一間餐廳。因為呢一間餐廳隱世於一座普通民居大廈。一入到餐廳,仿如進入虎道門,即刻感受到濃濃嘅法式氣氛。必食八爪魚前菜送酒開吓胃新鮮生蠔,可以先問吓老闆有邊樣新鮮西班牙燒豬,皮脆,肉味濃斧頭扒都好好味意粉就一般 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-05-02
雖然管理人同廚都係香港人, 但係啲西餐都做得好出色有水準!有好多功夫既菜式!仲free corkage,啱哂鍾意飲返兩杯既朋友!不過樓底比較矮, 枱唔大有啲密!餐廳有盡量擺枱令到坐得舒服啲, 又有擺吸音板!都有盡力!食埋人情味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)