Exit B2, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
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Review (30)
Got a little gift box of 4 macarons which were nicely packed. We ate it one day after the expiry date. There were 4 flavours, which were believed to be strawberry, raspberry, pistachio chocolate & coffee. The outer surface was reasonably crispy while the fillings were quite a lot and thick! I tried pistachio chocolate, coffee and strawberry and they were all quite nice flavour-wise and texture-wise but a bit sweet after eating. No comment about the price as it was a gift from someone else.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-03-24
今天朋友去IFC分店買macaron送給我,但員工的態度非常漫不經心。該名員工將macaron放上櫃檯遞給我朋友時竟然一下子就放得太出,我朋友仍未來得及接住macaron,macaron已經全都跌碎。我朋友立即跟她反映,但該員工也自顧地和身旁員工聊天當沒事發生。這間IFC分店的員工態度差相信大家也感受過,也聽過身邊不少朋友反映過這間分店員工的態度很有問題。我自己平時也可以當沒事發生,但今次她們這樣的態度對我朋友我實在不能接受。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-11-05
La Maison du Chocolat 地址: 中環港景街1號國際金融中心2樓2006號舖電話: 28014880=====================以前我好喜歡去買cake 同埋買朱古力來放比人,但分店位置唔近我,今日行開ifc 睇apple 機,記憶中有間去左買點dessert原來cake 已經唔再生產, feel disappointed見其他野賣相同跟味都can't draw my attention and appetite ,macaroons 買左2粒 ,特濃朱古力同開心果未食過咁難食,買到返屋企個皮是淋身,filling 死甜到如食白糖,完全食唔到朱古力味,唔酥鬆。開心果味又只係得色無香,中心filling 唔好食,得個甜字taste like cheap cream來到香港越做越差 仲要勁貴 ,連放題任食架macaroons 都好味過佢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我一向很喜歡這間朱古力店的朱古力,他是來自法國的手造朱古力,很欣賞他們家的Ganache 朱古力蓉,是其他朱古力店用機造比不上的。以前他們家還有售賣原個、切片蛋糕、朱古力撻、朱古力/Caramel eclair等等,味道非常出色,可惜近年已沒有售賣了。是次光顧是購買久未嘗試的Macaron,他們家的Macaron也是用Ganache朱古力蓉。可是感覺比起以前稍為遜色了。首先Macaron味道選擇很少,只剩下特濃朱古力、朱古力等味道,可是第一,未知店員是否貼錯日期,食用日期是購買日翌日。第二,Macaron的外皮軟掉了,感覺沒有以前外脆內軟的感覺,較為失色。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-05-30
朋友經過ifc特登買左盒朱古力送俾我包裝好精美 係一盒有12粒松露朱古力一打開個盒已經好香濃朱古力味 即刻食左粒 入口有可可粉嘅澀味 朱古力慢慢溶係口入面 朱古力好滑 重點係唔太流 食完一粒好想食第二粒 停唔到口 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)