5-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Additional Information
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 00:30
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Augus Rib Eye Salad Seafood Platter Lobster Foie Gras Mushroom Soup
Review (120)
Level4 2025-01-22
Visited this Portuguese resto in Wan Chai with colleague. .We both ordered Lunch Set 7, which allowed us to create our own plates by choosing two items. My colleague selected Signature Roast Piglet and New Zealand Thin-sliced Sirloin with Gravy. The roast piglet had a crispy skin and a generous amount of fat, making it quite indulgent to have. The sirloin looked firm. I selected Ling Fish Fillet with Lemon Cream Sauce and Lamb Rack with Mustard Seed Gravy. The fish fillet was slightly flaky and the sauce was a bit overwhelming. The lamb rack was tender and nicely-marinated, just that it is was a bit greasy. The lunch set included soup, salad, dessert and a drink. The soup was broccoli soup, which was quite creamy.The salad featured imitation abalone slice, with the veggie having a slightly bitter taste.For dessert, we enjoyed refreshing melon, a healthy way to conclude our meal..The resto was elegantly adorned with Western paintings and flowers, creating a pleasant dining atmosphere. The attentive staff promptly cleared our dishes as we finished each course. Also, there was no service charge for the lunch set. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-02-03
今日同朋友去咗灣仔嘅La Maison食晚餐,真係一個好浪漫嘅體驗!餐廳位於一條靜中帶旺嘅小街,門口嘅燈光同裝修充滿法式風情,入到去感覺好舒服,啱晒情侶或者三五知己聚會。我哋點咗個做前菜,拼盤好豐富,有生蠔、龍蝦、帶子同大蝦,全部都好新鮮!生蠔鮮甜多汁,帶子嫩滑,龍蝦肉質彈牙,配上檸檬汁同餐廳特製嘅醬汁,真係令人胃口大開!主菜方面,試咗個,乳豬皮燒得超級脆,肉質嫩滑多汁,外脆內軟,配上少許香料同醬汁,味道層次豐富,令人食到停唔到口!甜品方面,我哋試咗個,一切開個蛋糕,濃郁嘅朱古力醬即刻流晒出嚟,朱古力味香濃得嚟唔會太甜,配上雲呢拿雪糕,冷熱交融,口感一流,為呢餐畫上完美句號。服務方面,侍應生好有禮貌,會細心介紹菜式,上菜節奏亦掌握得好好。唯一可以挑剔嘅係,餐廳嘅座位唔算多,建議提早訂位。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-28
灣仔速食lunch,book咗位,樓上餐廳,冇乜人,坐得舒服😌,揀咗乳豬$158,另一個餐雙併乳豬肉眼扒$138。有餐湯蕃茄湯皓酸,有蒜蓉包,仿鮑魚沙律🥗走汁唔錯😌fusion,乳豬脆皮有肥膏啱我,反而係雙併得1/6 size,但雙併就可以😌雙重享受😎,餐飲咖啡☕️一般,甜品puff都一般 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於舊式商住大廈內嘅一間隱世葡國菜小餐館,由本地兩夫婦主理,感覺溫馨。逢星期四至日更有live band演出。價錢亦都好經濟實惠,前菜$68起,主菜$158蚊,甜品$78。午市時間亦都有供應lunch set,$98起。🥖新鮮烤麵包配牛油及自家製麵包醬,每人$15。麵包上桌時溫熱,外脆內軟,內有堅果同果乾。白酒煮蜆$168,粒粒都好厚肉鮮甜。紅酒燴和牛面頰肉,煮得好冧,牛味濃郁。全晚最驚艷係葡式燒乳豬🐖1/4隻 $370,外皮脆卜卜,十分肥美,脂香十足,配德國酸椰菜、乳豬甜醬同黃芥辣。甜品方面,🍷紅酒啤梨🍐$78,傳統又多功嘅一個甜品,保有啤梨嘅清甜,啤梨下面伴有一塊同樣用紅酒會過嘅橙片,柑橘皮嘅少少苦澀又為呢個甜品加多咗一個層次。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-02
~ 海鮮拼盤有龍蝦、海蝦、帶子和翡翠螺,一大盤份量足、新鮮,要挑剔的話翡翠螺的份量有點多。。。如果將翡翠螺量減半並改為其它海鮮品種會更加分。~ 燒白鱔非常新鮮、肥美肉厚,唔錯,要挑剔的話缺了點點炭火燒烤的味道,這個是香港做餐廳的無奈(因為受相關飲食條例的規限)。~炸馬介休球 一客有5 粒,香脆內軟,味道合格,馬介休球是一道非常受歡迎的傳統葡萄牙小食,做法是直接用馬介休(或用鱈魚加鹽醃過),再蒸熟拆絲,加上薯泥,同時將洋蔥、芫茜或三色椒切碎先炒香一拼攪勻,最後弄成橄欖形狀或圓球形,最後炸至金黃色便可以。吃時能咬到一絲絲魚肉為最佳。~ 燒葡國腸燒腸比預計淡口,伴青蘋果不錯、醒胃消滯。~葡式椰菜用乾燒的方法煮,第一次咁食法,入口有點點乾身,味道尚可接受。~招牌葡式烤乳豬 (1/4隻)師傅烤肉功夫掌控一流,入口皮脆肉滑,配醃椰菜味道會更上一層樓。~葡式焗鴨飯傳統的葡式焗鴨飯會先以鴨架熬成湯後,再注入炒香的葡國米中,然後一層飯一層鴨肉絲地鋪在缽中再用焗爐焗香。這𥚃的焗鴨飯入口滿滿米飯和鴨肉絲獨特的鴨羶味,再配以葡國臘腸的鹹香,紮實而不花巧的美味。~草飼羊𣕧配燒汁用的是成熟的羊,入口有咬勁和羊羶味,配厚身紅酒一流。~法式焗梳夫里梳夫里份量足,加上鮮忌廉一齊入口軟滑好味道。要挑剔的話這𥚃的梳夫里太有質感沒夠”梳乎”~ 心太軟伴雲尼雪糕流心朱古力蛋糕入口 creamy ,合格綜合是一間非常用心經營的小店,出品穩定,週末有 live band 演唱英文老哥,氣氛唔錯,支持小店! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)