Le Memory提供新派創意蛋糕,全自家製。除普通磅蛋糕外,更可做出平面2d及3d立體蛋糕。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
各款立體蛋糕 特濃朱古力蛋糕 藍莓芝士蛋糕
Review (7)
Level2 2011-08-05
上網揾左好多整蛋糕既鋪頭,最後我揀左呢間整蛋糕。服務員很好人,不介意我改黎改去,哈最後整左呢個蛋糕,整出黎個蛋糕同我比張圖一樣喔,勁~味道仲好好味添~一層一層朱古力,軟棉棉既蛋糕內裡仲有細細粒脆脆米~正 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-10-09
放學去左坑口做d野,反正黎到坑口,就去呢間買我想試好耐嘅蛋糕.可能鋪位問題.La Memory人流唔係多,但蛋糕嘅水準真係好好特濃朱古力蛋糕:朱古力唔算太苦,應該用左55%朱古力黎做.蛋糕好香好滑,有d似食朱古力雪糕.Yummy continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-09-11
If it hadnt been for Saizeriya, I probably wouldnt have noticed it.It was not well lit, so I had the impression it was a boutique for clothes.The name sounds French with the "La" but Memory is clearly not French, but I am not to comment as people can use what ever names they wish.The shop was empty when I walked in, I enjoyed the undisturbed moment to look at the cakes freely to decide what to get.I got the tofu and chocolate mousse cake and the hazelnut and chocolate mousse cake.Both cakes were made with chocolate cake, the tofu one was sandwiched between layers of tofu mousse, and the hazelnut with hazelnut mousse.Both were decorated differently to be distinguishable.They were both nice and light and not to sweet. however the tofu one was slightly creamier. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-07-29
平時都有幫襯開d cut cake為慶祝朋友生日,今次就訂左個2d蛋糕,朋友仔鐘意叮噹,,於是就比左張圖佢地整1磅都系130 蚊,簡左栗子味!拿蛋糕時非常開心,因為整得好好好靚,朋友仔見到之後鐘意到不得了,唔捨得切開個cake....哈哈..因為有叮噹個樣~栗子蛋糕亦都好好食~玩得非常盡興,,佢地到仲有3D蛋糕! 下次有朋友生日可以試埋~very nice~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-06-12
我食左4款蛋糕分開買既.第一次買左特濃朱古力蛋糕, 之後個次買左黑森林蛋糕同埋 tiramisu,而最近個次就買左豆腐芝士蛋糕, opera cake tiramisu同豆腐芝士蛋糕我覺得麻麻地,因為tiramisu唔夠滑,如果你有食過其他tiramisu,你一定會覺得佢d tiramisu唔似tiramisu,而且佢比較濕,我都有整個tiramisu,我反而覺得自己整既比較好食d,我妹都係咁講(我係跟網上阿貓既正宗tiramisu整既)其次係個豆腐,我覺得味太淡啦,我食唔出豆腐味,但我妹就話有既~而且口感我不太喜歡,同食佢既tiramisu一樣既口感,,可能我本身鍾愛chocolate啦~haa~而家講下d chocolate啦~真係超正~我平時食開平蛋糕,(因為本身冇咩$),所以食黎食去都搵唔到邊到可以食得咁平又咁感動~!!!特濃朱古力蛋糕:我本身食開dark chocolate,唔食milk 同太甜既choc,但佢個件好似為我而設咁,唔太甜得黎又有濃濃既朱古力味wo~表面個層我諗左好耐,應該係 chocolate jelly,但真係唔識整,而且我覺得佢呢件cake既賣相真係得!!而我咁岩今日去左厚德商場既chessixxx度買左件咩咩五重天(應該係朱古力有五層既意思啦),,頭個啖好,但之後食食下就開始膩啦......佢仲要平時$28...入夜先$22...黑森林蛋糕:買呢個既原因係因為佢話入面既車厘子特別煮過,,俾佢講講下都吸引左我買,又唔係貴,試下同平時平個d有冇分別都好,,,點知有出人意表wo~雖然冇生果做裝飾,但咁平你仲要求咁多仲咩呢?opera cake :呢個cake我一直未試過食又未試過整,一黎聽講整又麻煩,二黎又未見有咩蛋糕店可以散買呢款cake(真係唔明@@)..唉..食左之後,又愛上啦,,不過呢個真係滯,冇法啦,一層咖啡牛油一層朱古力牛油wo!! 加埋一定有5層啦~~~搵日要自己試下先得題外話~你就算買一件佢都俾盒你,仲有得堂食,買野個時又送個曲奇(我本身唔多食)同truffle chocolate~(呢個超正!!!)你話啦,我可以話唔抵咩?? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)