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Review (5)
Level4 2015-09-08
天氣咁熱緊係要食返個雪糕呢排有芒果西米布甸味 小清新芒果味不算太甜 但一啲都唔酸配埋個sauce同雪糕 雪糕入面有西米布甸間唔中會有一舊夾雜住雪糕有口感 又彈牙 值得推介 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-08-11
位於淺水灣的新商場 the pulse 吸引了不少別具特色的外國風情酒吧和餐廳進駐,當然也不少得年輕人的新寵!時下當紅的分子雪糕專門店 Lab Made!天氣悶熱得令人透不過氣,真是找不到理由不入內涼涼冷氣。。和吃一口透心涼雪糕 XDD 煙肉煨紫蕃薯雪糕  $44Purple Potato with Smoky Bacon 第一眼看到實物的反應是,很美呀!是我最喜愛的紫色! 有雪糕的淺紫和燴紫蕃薯蓉的深紫色,非常浪漫奪目!另一個驚喜,應該是佈滿在雪糕表面的煙肉粒!出手十分慷慨! 煙肉味道十分濃郁,可惜味道有點太鹹XD 要混着雪糕一起吃。 而淡紫色的雪糕除了很浪漫之餘,還非常重紫薯味道!就好似將原隻紫薯磨成薯蓉來做的雪糕!幸好不會太甜!雪糕內還混入了爆米脆脆粒粒,增添口感之餘還平衡了雪糕的黏性,令雪糕不會太陋。而深紫色的就真的是紫番薯的泥蓉,略甜,帶非常重的紫番薯味道。本來覺得煙肉和紫番薯這個配搭很奇怪,但當雪糕加上味道濃烈的煙肉,半鹹半甜,卻又十分特別! (讚) 玫瑰荔枝分子冰茶  $45(Rose & Lychee Dry Iced Tea)非常特別的一款飲品!首先深紫色的外觀已經非常鮮艷奪目,而你一定會被澎湃,從杯內不斷冒出的煙霧深深吸引著!大量水泡不斷從飲品底部升出水面,就好像一杯被煮滾至沸點似的,不斷在沸騰翻滾的熱飲。其實是因為底部放有乾冰的關係,當乾冰與水接觸便會不斷釋放煙霧和氣泡。非常特別和有創意!因為紫色飲品本身是無味的,味道來自於另外附上的一小杯糖漿,我挑選了玫瑰荔枝味,是一杯鮮紅色的香味糖漿。店員千叮萬囑不可把飲品的圓蓋打開,要把糖漿慢慢地從圓蓋頂部倒進飲品內。你會看到飲品慢慢從紫色轉變到紫紅色~店員也再三提醒小心不要吸入乾冰,因為其溫度過低,有可能會灼傷喉嚨和食道。終於可以一嘗這款特別的飲品!它的味道真的很不錯,荔枝的味道反而比較突出,而淡淡的玫瑰味一開始比較低調,其後才慢慢的綻放出來,越飲越有玫瑰香味。然後我發現杯中還有一朵朵細小的玫瑰花蕾,就好像我們喝花茶時看到的一樣。可見店舖並不是單純用香精調味,還會加入真材實料炮製。淡淡玫瑰花香加上清新甜美的荔枝味,非常有夏日feel ! 從lab made走到沙灘也不過是一分鐘的距離,非常方便。有大好的清涼飲品,當然要拎到沙灘邊曬太陽邊品嚐,對着恬靜廣闊的沙灘,再喝一口,心曠又神怡,很享受這個紫色夏日~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-07-17
Tried two new flavours at Lab Made which are made with Ribena.These flavours are available until the 5th August.++++++++++++++++++Peanut Butter & Ribena Jelly Ice-cream:There was extra cream on mine because I requested for more.The pairing of peanut butter and Ribena was surprisingly delicious because the saltiness of the peanut butter and the berry taste of Ribena was really nice.++++++++++++++++++Diced & Iced Apple Ribena Sorbet:This was more refreshing and girls will love this because it has lots of diced apples in it.++++++++++++++++++ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-02-02
火山爆發,破壞力極強,煞是可怕!是日,一行三人為了一睹火山的魅力,衝著Lab Made Cafe分子吃火山蛋糕$88。Lab Made 分子雪糕專門店今年先後於淺水灣,荃灣和銅鑼灣開了全新概念店 - Lab Made Cafe,出售雪糕,蛋糕和咖啡飲品。火山蛋糕每日限量供應,從黑古勒突的金字塔火山口中望下,可見火山底有白色粗鹽物體。店員表示乃乾冰粒,繼而,在店員協助下,倒入淡黃的蜜糖醬。瞬間 ,基於化學反應,「火山」口急速地冒出黃色泡泡,沿火山口瀉於碟子上,並不斷噴出大量白煙,場面煞是壯觀!若然用上啡紅的雜莓醬,或鮮紅的士多啤梨醬,更能加強仿真效果!不久,火山沉睡了,我們也開始解構個蛋糕。原來火山是由香滑細緻且不太甜膩的朱古力慕絲造成,完全沒有蛋糕在內,而火山底放乾冰位置乃是小妹不太愛的杏仁味軟霜。因剛吃過東西不久,合三人之力,勉強地吃掉。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-12-24
The Pulse is finally opened in Repulse Bay! This mall by the beach has been vacant for as long as I can remember and now there's a new hangout spot in the south side. I stopped by over the weekend to check out what is there to eat and I was lucky that the weather cooperated with me by blessing me with sunshine so it wasn't too cold by the beach in December.To be honest, I totally came here for Lab Made ice cream! Using liquid nitrogen to freeze its ice creams, it produces the smoothest and creamiest ice cream which are made from scratch using fresh and quality ingredients. Flavors change often and currently they are running festive flavors until Dec 31st. Unlike most of their shops which are takeaways, the one here has a seating area inside so you don't need to stand and eat anymore. I chose The Snowman ($44) with white chocolate greek yogurt ice cream snowman on coconut raspberry tart. The ice cream was smooth and creamy with rich flavors while I loved the chips that made up its face. The coconut raspberry tart was too hard and dry though - I would've preferred a crunchier base.Where else in Hong Kong can you enjoy such an adorable ice cream by the beachMy adventure to The Pulse ended perfectly with this gorgeous sunset. Great food, shopping, a day at the beach - what are you waiting for? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)