4-min walk from Exit C2, Sham Shui Po MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
06:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Wi-Fi Details
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
牛肉腸 生滾魚腩粥 碎牛粥 艇仔粥
Review (19)
Level4 2023-05-06
【深水埗區】【新荔源】呢排有啲唔舒服,食極藥都係咁嘅樣,所以諗住食吓粥。不過公司附近啲粥舖好似十間有九間都執咗,所以要搭車去遠少少食。搜尋吓就見到深水埗呢邊有好幾間粥舖,是但入一間睇吓,呢間見佢幾就腳同光猛,就用佢。入到去幾有七八十年代啲食堂嗰啲 feel,話明要食粥就整碗 $34 嘅「艇仔魚腩粥」,唔知佢個錢係點計出嚟嘅,不過係合理價錢就算數啦。味道上都可以,係啲魚腩偏少同埋骨多,有少少令人食得唔係好自在,其他方面都好。之後就食個 $20 嘅「鮮蝦腸粉」,嚴格嚟講我係食佢先嘅,因為碗粥太熱,食咗幾啖就專心食腸粉。佢啲蝦唔係平時啲蝦仁咁大隻,係用咗細隻啲嘅蝦,味道都正常。啲腸粉就好似稍為煎過咁,所以好似焦焦哋,有少少脆口。講到自己想食健康啲但又忍唔到口咁叫咗碟 $9 嘅「煎堆」,係真係好鬼油。味道方面就正正常常,冇乜特別。最特別係 $9 嘅枝裝「凍自製鮮豆漿」,九蚊一枝真係好平,飲落都真係中伏,蔗汁溝菊花蜜咁,完全冇豆味嘅。夾埋又食咗 $72,不過平時少食呢啲就冇乜所謂啦。特登留個空間喺尾段係想同啲真係有睇晒成篇嘢嘅讀者講吓,呢篇係 1am0991,即係 1ambackup 嘅第 991 篇。而去到第一千篇之後,我呢個 IG 會轉形式做,敬請留意。。。(地址:深水埗荔枝角道382號地舖)#1amfoodie #foodie #hkfoodie #thatfoodiething #hkfood #food #instafood #yummy #foodlover #globaleats #tastyfood #foodpics #followforfollowback #love #eat #1am深水埗區 #深水埗 #南昌 #新荔源 #新荔源粥粉麵飯 #荔源粥麵店 #艇仔魚腩粥 #鮮蝦腸粉 #煎堆 #自製鮮豆漿 #粥店 #1am0991 #1ambackup continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-12-15
One of the things that I want at home is a cheong fun machine to make rice flour rolls. But until that happens, I'm out there seeking the great substitutes, especially neighbourhood businesses and this is one of them. The best part about this place is not the food, it's the service and the all female staff ensemble I saw. As I don't believe in IPO and multinational corporations to save us, I make an effort to support SME. The ladies were welcoming and offered me a seat while I waited for my takeaway. The food was not bad. The skin was not the translucent thin I love but it was not so think that it overwhelmed me. The char siu lack fat but that's the usual for this dish. Not tender but not dry either. Regular portions for $18, a good deal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
*荔源粥粉麵飯 3個字形容 平。靚。*最近心情鬱悶 腸胃濟濟咁 好想搵粥食而家好多粥店 都唔係真粥 用粉開糊仔眼見都有靚粥 平價嘅維唔到皮 執埋貴嘅成百蚊1碗 食倒個半自助餐揾食評 揾到荔源 好滿意嘅成枱食物 唔使100元 店鋪舊啲 都乾淨 有冷氣腸粉滑 厚身分量足 豬潤鮮味 爽口唔腥 油炸鬼 8pm沽清 呀姐話明天請早牛脷酥$7 甜甜地 都唔錯 配粥食就唔及油條咁夾啦白粥$7 綿 清淡皮旦瘦肉粥$18 艇仔粥$16略嫌粥底味重 粥感糊口 會再幫襯 試埋 盅頭飯 & 生滾湯飯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
 有一天出深水步行街順便食飯遊遊下行到街尾轉角原本諗住睇下搵餐廳食飯係人都知深水步好多餐廳都坐滿客要搵間有冷氣又食得舒適又唔易路過見到有間粥品小店第一眼就覺得好乾淨,環境好好入到去冷氣仲好夠凍,未食已經加分了再睇睇價錢,一條油炸鬼$7,淨炒麵炒河$9呢D價錢真係平到笑仲有一碗紅豆沙都係$11,白粥$7一碗粥品都有20款配搭有2款蒸飯同埋即拉腸粉全部都係十幾廿蚊就搞掂 2個人一人一碗粥16蚊艇仔粥,18蚊皮蛋瘦肉粥一份炸兩$11,豆漿$6 埋單$51就食飽 先上豆漿,濃郁香甜豆味艇仔粥,有肉碎,蔥花,肉絲,魷魚絲,花生等配料  料多唔在講,味道都唔錯,啖啖都係料粥底綿滑,米香就淡左一點,但整體水準好高 皮蛋瘦肉粥半隻皮蛋加肉絲 對比艇仔粥味道會偏淡,拌勻餡料先會食得出味 炸兩脆身,腸粉皮就略為濕身但加埋芝麻醬同甜醬食又係一絕 多麻醬,正! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-07-06
從高鐵回香港,欽州街必經之路。呢間鋪頭中意佢排骨飯,夠味道。雖然不太似排骨,對於多肉的我,甚岩心水。多數人會選擇一大碗的生滾湯菜配飯,但我覺得太多。服務員同廚房阿姐都好有招呼禮貌,街坊生意最緊要招呼同態度,得閒都會黎幫襯下。在路邊,來來去去都多數熟客。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)