2-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station
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Opening Hours
08:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
之前睇「夜粥組」最新《FING!》MV,已經好好奇喺邊間茶餐廳拍攝 🎥 之後BTS提到灣仔區,小編就循依個方向上網搵,發現原來係一間港式懷舊茶居嚟 🤗🥯 自選早餐系列 - 甘哥叉燒包 (2個) 😋😋😋😋第一樣送嚟嘅點心,面層有「雪山皮」,內餡蜜汁叉燒味濃 ☺️🥟 自選早餐系列 - 松露蝦餃 (2件) 😋😋😋😋蝦餃嚟到時熱辣辣,餃皮透薄,蝦肉🦐彈牙新鮮,入口有明顯松露香,調味唔重手 😊🫓 自選早餐系列 - 香煎蘿蔔糕 (2件) 😋😋😋😋夾開啱啱煎好嘅蘿蔔糕較軟身,咬到有白蘿蔔粒嘅甜味~ ☺️☕️ 自選早餐系列 - 熱奶茶 😋😋😋😋套餐可以加錢要中式茶,但小編朝早想飲熱奶茶多啲 😜 奶茶有一貫茶餐廳嘅水準,配甘哥叉燒包就特別夾!😉早餐 💵💵 約港幣$70/人💁🏻♀️ 平日早餐時段有一至三款點心套餐供應,而且唔使加一 😲 就市面上同類懷舊茶居嚟講,價錢算係幾相宜 😎 午市都有套餐,晚市就主要做小炒為主~ 店內有好多舊時嘅海報同收藏品,有年代感得嚟,仲打理得幾乾淨 👍🏻🙆🏻♀️ 最後,喜歡嘅話,歡迎follow!
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懶惰二人組去左太原街飲茶。去到個門口,未入個餐廳已經覺得個裝修唔錯!一入門口就係大大張十二少再加導演簽名海報😍店面仲有其香港電影海報,同好多老香港既飾物。打卡係100分!《蜜汁叉燒腸》 $42皮好煙韌,不過鼓油就稍嫌甜左啲!《鼓汁蒸鳳爪》 $46味道香,個鼓汁調味唔錯,鳳爪口感偏向爽。如果平時鍾意腍身口感既就可能未必啱。《飽魚糯米雞》 $58都蒸到熱辣辣架!個餡未算係好多,雖然就唔係太食到飽魚味,不過味道都唔錯啦!《排骨陳村粉》 $52整體上都係不過不失,都係個鼓油甜左少少!《海膽燒賣》3件 $46都係中規中矩之作,味道上都未係太突出。《甘哥叉燒包》 1個 $13係酥皮餐包果隻叉燒包。個皮鬆脆,味道正常。《正樹古味普洱》$12位🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟整體❤️食物整體偏甜,而且稍為貴咗少少啦!食物嚟講性價比就一般啦。💚環境裝修先係呢度最大嘅賣點,係復古新潮嘅感覺。有好多舊香港,舊電影嘅元素,打卡來講就滿分啦。💛服務方面,點菜用QR code落單,上菜速度快。Rating:懶惰鼠😻😻😻+0.5懶惰虎 🤩🤩🤩+0.5📍瀾之茶叫居灣仔太原街8號海源中心地下A及B鋪💰人均消費:$150⏰營業時間:08:00-21:30
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Chef Ecy’s Dining Experience:🥰 Food | Ambience | Service | Price | Easy Access | Restroom Cleanliness | Wheelchair 🙂 Easy Parking😠 Pet Friendly | Cake Cutting Fee | Corkage FeeThis cafe is located in an alley called Tai Yuen Street in Wan Chai. It can be missed if you walk along the street without knowing this cafe cos there are many booths outside in this market street. It is located on street level, so wheelchair is accessible. You can take bus, minibus or even tram to go there. If you take MTR, it is just 2-min walk from Exit A3 from Wan Chai MTR station. If you drive, there are meter parking in other streets or you can park in Hopewell Centre but will have to walk a distance. From outside the cafe, it is just a normal cafe but after going in, you will be surprised. The ambience feels so good with classic Hong Kong music as background. There are many vintage Hong Kong style decoration around the walls. Singers such as Leslie Cheung, Alan Tam, Sam Hui etc etc… Furnitures are vintage too. I will definitely go back for afternoon tea to enjoy the classic chinese songs 懷舊中文金曲, sitting there enjoying with an afternoon tea set. The atmosphere is very cozy and comfortable. Restroom there is very clean. I can see many waiters and chefs around. They serve normal meal set, dim sum, stir fry, steam rice etc etc…. lots of varieties! In the morning, their breakfast meal set is dim sum selection, congee or rice rolls. About the stir fry beef noodles I ordered, it’s their no 1 signature dish. The beef is very tender and the quantity is generous. The taste is very good too, not too salty… It comes with a spicy sauce which I like it too… Some improvement is the noodle, it‘s a little bit soft and greasy. It is very hot when serving… overall, it’s good! I like the milk tea too… it‘s mild, the tea base is not that strong compared to the other cafe. They do have red or white wines to order as well as beer. But if you bring your own bottle, there is corkage fee. Also, they charge cake cutting too. Overall, the price is reasonable but a bit higher than the other 茶餐廳. I will visit again for sure.
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身為本地人表示不會再來,是朋友來香港陪她玩才來。味道一般,比它好吃的多的是。而家這家價錢太貴了。三個人食了600幾元,只點個點心和麵。不會再來,店內氣氛是不錯,有點復味,是做觀光客生意吧。我看見網路搜尋的評論有很多正評,不過耐心點看,還是有其他比較真實的留言。這個世代買好評確實是件平常事,這價位,真的比他好吃的有太多,就不要浪費錢了。做多一點research 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
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凍凍地搵羊腩煲食,見二人set $398 包卜卜蜆及兩支啤酒幾抵就試試佢牆身貼滿電影海報,十足懷舊感哥哥、朝偉、陳百強etc.仲有yasaki bowling bags 掛飾都唔好意思講我識呢個牌子🤭🤭响食點心嘅茶居試羊腩煲冇太大期望不過由細心店員開始幫我哋分timing上藍妹啤再嚟大大碟生菜開砂鍋蓋😀見羊腩、枝竹、筍、冬菇、芹菜非常足料羊腩冇羶味又夠稔湯底竟然有沙爹味都幾夾Basic配加咗檸檬葉嘅腐乳醬但卜卜蜆就削削地🫠兩人食好夠飽唔使追加牛肉或生蠔整體性價比高晚市不妨去開餐
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