9-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station
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Good For
Drivers Friendly Dining
Opening Hours
19:00 - 02:00
Tue - Sun
19:00 - 02:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
蘭桂坊呢間酒吧嘅Cocktail真係不得了,每一杯都好似藝術品咁靚,仲要飲落去又好味,簡直係視覺同味覺嘅雙重享受呀!重點係佢嘅價錢都唔算貴,非常值得嘅一試。😍PORNSTAR MARTINI呢杯係職員嘅推薦。飲落去,首先係Vanilla Vodka嘅香甜味,再加埋Passion Fruit嘅酸酸甜甜,同埋少少Honey嘅蜜糖味,層次豐富到不得了。🥂SMOOTH CRIMINALGin味唔會太濃烈,反而係Cucumber同埋Elderflower嘅清新味比較突出,再加埋少少Lime嘅酸味,最後用Tonic Water去平衡,飲落去好清爽,好啱夏天飲呀!🥒SINGAPORE SLING (CLARIFIED MILK PUNCH)呢杯飲落去唔會覺得好膩,反而係好滑溜。Gin嘅酒香同埋Yuzu Lemon嘅酸甜味融合得好好,Pineapple同Cherry嘅果香味又加咗層次,真係好有驚喜。🍹MOULIN ROUGE呢杯酒味比較濃郁,但係唔會太嗆喉,Lime嘅酸味同埋Raspberry嘅果香中和咗酒味嘅濃烈,Pineapple嘅甜味就係個亮點!仲有Kaffir Lime Leaf嘅香氣,飲落去真係好有層次,好有風味。☺️SPICY FIFTY啱晒鍾意刺激嘅朋友仔,Vodka嘅清冽加上Lime嘅酸,再加埋Elderflower嘅花香,已經好好飲喇!但係重點係佢個辣!Red Thai Chili嘅辣味慢慢滲透出嚟,同埋Raw Honey嘅甜味互相平衡,飲落去有種又辣又甜嘅刺激感,真係好過癮呀!🌶️ALMOND BOURBON SOUR最後呢杯就係我嘅私心推薦喇!酒香同埋Almond Liqueur嘅杏仁味好夾,Maple嘅楓糖味加埋Lemon嘅酸味,飲落去又甜又酸又香,口感豐富到不得了!最正係上面仲有Coconut Foam,飲落去口感綿密,好似食緊甜品咁!😋
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呢間酒吧氣氛勁好,裝修好靚,超級有feel🥳呢度既signature cocktail我地差唔多試晒,每一杯都好特別!PORNSTAR MARTINI呢杯有vanilla,vodka,lime等等,酸酸甜甜,味道好特別,都幾清新,飲落好舒服😙SMOOTH CRIMINAL呢杯有gin,青瓜,青檸等等,成杯味道更加fresh,真係飲到淡淡既青瓜味,想清新既朋友一定要試呀🤓SINGAPORE SLING呢杯有gin,柚子,檸檬,菠蘿,車厘子等等,成杯都好香甜,岩晒女仔飲😚MOULIN ROUGE呢杯就有xo rum,青檸,紅莓,蜜糖等等,最特別係頂層有奶蓋質地既泡沫,口感好好,酒味幾濃,酸得黎帶啲甜,好有層次🤓ALMOND BOURBON SOUR呢杯就有bourbon,杏仁酒,楓糖等等,面頭都係有泡沫,今次係椰子既泡沫,杏仁味好濃,中意食杏仁既朋友就岩晒😝
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這間隱藏的酒吧位於雲咸街的地下室,進去的路徑就像是一場小小的冒險。走下那條精美裝飾的樓梯,彷彿走進了一個秘密世界,讓人感受到獨特而迷人的氛圍。一踏入Le Boudoir,瞬間被那種隱密而又優雅的氣氛所吸引。 巴洛克的設計 ,柔和的燈光和牆上螢光的塗鴉讓整個空間顯得既神秘又浪漫。這裡的音樂選擇也恰到好處,讓人感到放鬆而愉悅,絕對是一個享受飲品的好地方。我番朋友當晚點了兩款雞尾酒:Almond Bourbon Sour和Pornstar Martini。這兩款飲品的味道讓我印象深刻,回味無窮。波本威士忌的濃郁與杏仁的香氣完美結合,口感滑順,酸酸甜甜的平衡讓人一口接一口。每一口都能感受到那股細膩的味道,酒吧的調酒師顯然對這款飲品下了不少心思。他們的Pornstar Martini也做得非常出色。濃郁的熱情果風味瞬間充滿口腔,甜而不膩,香氣四溢。這杯酒的設計不僅好喝,還充滿了創意,讓人感受到調酒師的用心。他們每逢星期四和星期五還有$350的Free Flow,最適合和一些好飲得的朋友一齊來。我特別喜歡這裡的隱私感。雖然位於繁華的蘭桂坊,但Le Boudoir卻像是一個世外桃源,讓人遠離喧囂。在這裡,無論是約會還是單純的放鬆,都是一個理想的選擇。
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要試一個調酒師的功力深厚 就必要試吓每一間酒吧 獨家嘅signature Cocktail去了中環區雲咸街 Le Boudoir由數位調酒師 獨立設計六杯 signature Cocktail 作為門面.🍸星加坡司令 Singapore Sling 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟作為一杯擁有歷史性經典調酒(小知識 新加坡司令已經由1899年傳承至今)如何傳承文化進行改變 突出,獨有風味 係一個很大的難題及考驗眾所周知 新加坡指令 以Gin 酒為基底 配合菠蘿汁檸檬汁 及三款利口酒 混合而成Le Boudoir 變奏版(Classic Twist)新加坡司令 主打一個字 透明 要達致透明 呢兩個字深信調酒師已經花上很多功夫 用上Clarified milk Punch 手法 將以上種種嘅材料去除顏色 同時保留口感及味道 柚子琴酒完美融合作為Cocktail前調 菠蘿汁酸甜作為結尾 口感順滑 利用柚子取代原有的君度酒 就實屬明智之選 除咗提升獨有風味 同時降低酒精嘅辛辣度 🥴 🫧10分推薦大家飲呢杯Cocktail .🍸Almond bourbon sour 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟顧名思義係一杯 Whiskey sour 作為呢杯調酒嘅基調 進行重新調配Whiskey sour 着重於sweet and Sour嘅比例 搭配 因為甘 往往調酒師 會被這個框架牢牢困死Le boudoir 卻跳出這個框架利用 杏仁及椰子兩種偏向堅果味道 重新將這杯調酒定位 杯中ontop 一陣厚厚嘅椰子Cream 入口淡淡嘅椰子香甜奶油嘅絲滑 其後杏仁中調 威士忌尾調 三者 配合不膩不辛 🫧我本人最喜歡💕..🍸Smooth Criminal 🌟🌟🌟🌟Hendricks Gin tonic 的改版 作為一杯Long drink 利用接骨木花提升層次感 口感清爽容易入口碳酸感十足 接骨木花嘅甜美配搭Tonic 水嘅輕微苦味 層次感及酒精濃度適中🫧吾太喜飲酒又想試 可以呢款 清清的.🍸Mouolin Rougu 紅磨坊 🌟🌟🌟🌟.利用Rum 酒作為基調 配raspberries 再利用蜜糖進行微調 達致酸甜比例均衡入口帶有彩虹糖味道Aftertaste 青檸葉 refresh結尾比例及層次 可謂相當出色.🍹🥃🍷🍺🍾🍸🍹🥃🍷🍺🍾🍸🍹🥃🍺🍾.To truly assess a bartender's skill, one must sample the exclusive signature cocktails of each bar. Located on Wyndham Street in Central, Le Boudoir features six signature cocktails independently crafted by various bartenders as their hallmark..🍸 Singapore Sling 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟.As a historically significant classic cocktail (fun fact: the Singapore Sling has been passed down since 1899), evolving its cultural heritage while highlighting its unique flavors is a considerable challenge. The Singapore Sling is well-known for its gin base mixed with pineapple juice, lemon juice, and three liqueurs..Le Boudoir's version (Classic Twist) focuses on one word: transparency. Achieving this transparency undoubtedly required a lot of effort from the bartenders. They utilized the Clarified Milk Punch technique to remove the color from the ingredients while retaining their texture and flavor..Yuzu gin perfectly blends as the cocktail's base, while the sweet and sour pineapple juice provides a smooth finish. Replacing the traditional Cointreau with yuzu is a wise choice, enhancing the unique flavor while reducing the spiciness of the alcohol. 🥴 I highly recommend trying this cocktail!.🍸 Almond Bourbon Sour 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟.As the name suggests, this cocktail is a reinterpretation of the classic Whiskey Sour. The Whiskey Sour focuses on the balance of sweet and sour flavors, which can often confine bartenders to a specific framework. However, Le Boudoir breaks free from this mold by incorporating almond and coconut, both of which lend a nutty flavor to the drink. .Topped with a thick layer of coconut cream, the cocktail offers a subtle sweetness and silky texture from the coconut. This is followed by the almond notes in the mid-palate and the whiskey finish. The harmonious combination of these three elements is both smooth and refreshing..🍸 Smooth Criminal 🌟🌟🌟🌟.This is a twist on the classic Hendrick's Gin and tonic, presented as a long drink. The addition of elderflower elevates the complexity and enhances the refreshing quality of the cocktail. The effervescence is abundant, with the sweetness of the elderflower beautifully balancing the subtle bitterness of the tonic water. The layers of flavor and moderate alcohol content make this drink easy to enjoy..🍸 Moulin Rouge 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟.This cocktail uses rum as the base, complemented by raspberries. Honey is added to fine-tune the balance, achieving a perfect sweet-and-sour ratio. The drink has a rainbow candy flavor, with a refreshing aftertaste of lime leaves. The proportions and layers in this cocktail are truly outstanding.
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