7-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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This wine theme restaurant imports more than 100 kinds of wines, and offers wine tasting events irregularly. The ‘wine friendly’ dishes are mixed with teppanyaki and Western elements. In addition, you can select wines for pairing at the wine cellar.
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Opening Hours
17:00 - 01:00
Mon - Wed
17:00 - 01:00
Thu - Sat
17:00 - 02:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
This is the 5th time I’ve visited Vitis, and I must say every single time we just had such a great time in here. Great selection of wines, friendly and warm staffs, amazing and delicious food. Everything is just on point as a wine bar. Yesterday, I went with 2 of my friends to join one of their wine tasting event partnering with Rocca De Montegrosse, an organic wine producer from Chianti Classico. In the event, we got to taste 5 glasses of wines, a glass of champagne, a glass of rosé (Sangiovese), two glasses red Chianti Classico (Sangiovese), with one of them being Gran Selezione 2012 vintage and a glass of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon 🍷 It was such a wonderful tasting set and the owner also shared a lot of the wine making process and details with us so we get to learn more about the specific characteristics of the grape and terroir itself. And I ended the night with my favourite red on the menu, Saint Juliet 2017 from France. All in all, highly recommend this cozy wine bar to all the wine lovers, you will never disappoint!
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🔻好有驚喜嘅wine bar, 因為有隱世美食!食物超高質, “Hamburger Steak” 好食到要encor😋小食就推介”Century Egg with Fermented Tofu Sauce” 同 “Chicken Meatball”🍷方面就有25+款紅白酒可以by glass咁叫 或者free flow! 一定會再去試吓其他嘅嘢食.🔻🍽 Vitis: For Wine Lovers 📌 地址: 中環卑利街35號地舖.#tummysreadyatcentral #tummysreadyforbar
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呢度門口好似一間日式居酒屋咁, 但係入到係一間相當Cozy又有情調既Wine Bar😌 呢度星期一至六都有Free Flow性價比相當高, 基本上飲三杯已經回本😝 不過第一次黎想試下其他就揀左A La Carte Menu, 就算係單叫都唔會太貴, 另外仲有個Food Menu食物都唔馬虎嫁😉Louis Guntrum Riesling Brut 2017Rheinhessen, Germany 🇩🇪($128 / $640)呢款Sparkling 個人覺得偏酸同Dry左啲, 帶有微微既白桃, 梨, 青蘋果既味道😊G.D. Vajra Riesling Petracine 2022Langhe, Italy 🇮🇹 ($168 / $860)呢枝相對地比較Young, 會有黃桃, 杏子既味道, 中調帶有精緻既花香同柑橘既味道, 係比較清爽既一款😌Oliviero Pastoris Erbaluce Di Caluso DOCG 2019 Piedmont, Italy 🇮🇹($128 / $640)呢枝白酒相對地較溫和, 酸甜度剛剛好, 順滑易入口, 果香味都濃郁🤓Japanese Pork Sausages with Oba 🌭 ($88)上菜既時候仲有啲Sizzling 既效果, 香腸勁Juicy, 會見到少少豬肉既肥膏, 再加埋紫蘇葉去提味☺️Hamburger Steak 🥩 ($138)呢款自家製漢堡扒食得出用真牛肉去整, 加埋融化左既芝士同埋濃郁既醬汁好夾😍Lobster Risotto in Clay Pot🦞 ($228)細細份既龍蝦Rositto好香濃蝦同芝士既味道, 細細份兩個人Share剛剛好, 龍蝦肉好彈牙香濃😋呢度無論環境定食物質素都好正, 絕對會再Encore🤩
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位於中環的Vitis門面看起來像是日式餐廳,其實是一間擁有多款美酒的wine bar🍷 除了有大家熟悉的Bordeaux 和Burgundy wine,Vitis挑選了一系列市面少有的美酒,並供應適合配酒的小食🍴 到訪當天我們試了wine pairing,除了好喝好吃外,整個氣氛真的超chill的✨ .Domaine des Malandes Chablis 2022以清爽高酸的白酒作開頭,同時帶點mineral,pair Chicken Prosciutto 特別開胃!這枝也同時 pair了爽口彈牙的 Cuttlefish ,海膽醬汁真的很惹味🔥.Proyecto Garnacha Fosca del Priorat 2019然後是帶點spice和smoky的紅酒,高單寧的特性balance了香口邪惡的 Quail Leg🍗.Carpineto Vino Nobile Di Montepulciano DOCG Riserva 2018比頭兩枝擺放了更長時間的酒,帶點earthy和fruity,配上微甜的鹹魚肉餅也是超夾的!整個wine pairing期間,店員都會友善介紹各款酒的特性,也會和客人聊天💬 Saturday night well spent🍷💯
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一直以黎去酒吧都係飲開cocktail,今次去咗間專飲紅白酒嘅酒吧— vitis 。佢隱身卑利街既斜路上,一不留神就會錯過低調既門口。店內燈光昏暗,富有情調,二樓嘅酒窖有非常多唔同種類既酒。除咗單點、wine pairing之外,亦有free flow $388無限暢飲package,包括紅白酒 、玫瑰酒同氣泡酒,私心推薦(唔好俾咁多人知shhhhhh🥹, i love how cozy & quiet it is🥹)。𖦹 louis guntrum riesling brut 2017 $128𖦹 japanese smoked chicken ham $128第一杯飲嘅酒bubbly、清新,配上好似煙燻三文魚嘅smoked chicken 味覺上非常平衡。𖦹 gigondas cuvéetradition moulin de la gardette 2021 $158𖦹花枝釀油炸鬼 $68𖦹 japanese pork sausage with oba $88呢款來自法國嘅紅酒相當易入口,非常適合配搭肉味濃郁、多汁嘅豬肉腸,帶紫蘇葉嘅香氣。我哋仲有幸試到新菜式 — 花枝釀油炸鬼,酥脆彈牙,佐酒一流。𖦹 chateau leoville poyferre, 2eme cru classe, st julien 2017 $168𖦹 hamburger steak $138最後一杯比較濃烈、富果香嘅紅酒就配搭充滿肉汁、勁厚嘅漢堡扒,上枱時仲熱辣辣出晒煙。
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