2805 6622
Opening Hours
Fri.-Sat. 12:00-20:00 Sun. 12:00-18:00 Mon- Thurs By Order
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (20)
🍰噹噹!呢次我有幸試到Le Goût呢家法式甜品店嘅蛋糕嘅。首先,個Mille-feuille(拿破崙)真係夠晒口感,啲酥皮層次分明,嚟咬落去嘅時候有種脆卜卜嘅爽快,啲卡士達醬就滑溜溜嘅,夾埋真係完美,香草嘅香氣真材實料!諗住唔止一款蛋糕會滿足到我,所以又試咗個Mont Blanc。啲栗子蓉既滑又甘香,真係好得意!係中間夾咗啲海綿蛋糕,可能有少少乾,不過總體黎講,都真係幾對路。🍏再嚟講下個Apple Crumble,上面啲酥脆嘅crumble同底層嘅餅乾質感真係正!蘋果切得啱啱好,質地啱晒口,清甜得黎又唔膩。唔使再諗啦!生日或者想俾自己一個小小奬賞嘅時候,Le Goût嘅甜品一定會係你嘅不二選擇。客啦,不論你鍾意乜嘢口味,喺呢度梗有一款適合你嘅喇!🎉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-15
這是早期吃到的栗子撻 還是愛叫它Mont Blanc雖然這座勃朗峰並沒有白雪飄霜 可是 朵朵栗子花綻放的模樣 是不是也很讓人心動?爲了栗子 專門寫了篇 “甜甜甜特輯 Mont Blanc 最愛的栗子味兒”可點擊: http://blog.yahoo.com/elainexx/articles/1240193就這樣一眼為你淪陷未開口 已深深著迷栗子泥開出朵朵花 綻放心頭左看 右看 上看 下看 360度無死角的美最佳上鏡獎 非你莫屬 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-12
I have heard great things about Le Goût, a tiny cake shop in Tai Hang, so I went to buy a few cakes for takeaway from them one weekend. Apparently the chef trained at L'Ecole Lenôtre, a highly reputable cooking school in France.(1) The Mille-feuille ($42) was accomplished. The three pastry layers were appealingly thick and crunchy, and the custard tasted delightful with a natural vanilla taste.(2) The Mont Blanc ($42) was aesthetically pleasing, with elegant patterns being made with the chestnut purée. Fresh chestnuts were used to make the purée, which gave it a perceptible taste. There was some sponge cake in the middle, which could have been a tad more moist, but the cake tasted good overall. (3) I also had a piece of Apple Crumble ($42). I liked the buttery crumble at the top, and the biscuit base had a nice texture too. The apple in the middle were cut into suitably-sized chunks and had just the right texture. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-04-27
Date of visit : 20 Apr 2013 (Sat) 3:30 pmAverage cost per head : $45Food quality : 9/10Environment : 8/10Service : 8/10Value-for-money : 9/10Overall rating : 8.8/10Le Goût means “taste” in French. Owned by a girl, Carole, with a passion for pastry and dessert and has attended a cooking school in France to sharpen her skill. Right at the corner of Sun Chun Street in Tai Hang, at weekends (as the official opening hours), one can easily spot her baking in the shop for delicious cakes and cookies.As most of the cakes are made by Carole, you won’t find dozens of choices at a time but each of them is made with heart and a personal touch.a) Millefeuille Vanille ($42) – 9.5/10The signature cake in Le Goût. A classic napoleon that is buttery for the 3 layers of puff pastry with vanilla custard in between. The millefeuille was baked in a golden brown and the custard was smooth and aromatic with vanilla flavour. Could take 2 or 3 pieces in a row.b) Cheese Cake ($42) – 8/10This baked cheese cake was with a good balance of sourness, softness and cheese flavour.c) Mont Blanc ($42) – 9.5/10Unlike the usual look with threads of chestnut purée covering the upper part of the mont blanc, the Le Goût version was made with dozens of checstnut flowers which reflect the feminine of the cake shop. Whipped cream, meringue and sponge cake formed the inner part. Perfect sweetness and with mixed of texture.04.2013 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
大坑,天后一帶其實有不少隱世餐廳,今次愛吃甜品的我就會大家介紹位於大坑的Le Goût。金字塔蘋果批。一顆顆金黃色的脆粒堆成一個金字塔,陣陣的牛油芳香撲鼻。金寶內充滿蘋果粒,充滿著濃郁的肉桂香,果肉軟身卻不會爛如蓉,口感也不錯。撻底非常鬆脆,感覺不錯。而且配上雪糕,既脆又軟,味道很好,唯一就是吃的時候,金寶脆粒會散開,要小心。Mont Blanc,栗子蛋糕,$42,把栗子蓉擠成一朵朵玫瑰花,外型非常華麗,單看外表就已經覺得高貴。栗子蓉用上新鮮的栗子磨成茸,味道濃郁而且又軟又滑。最令我驚喜的是原來蛋糕內裡是焗蛋白脆及海綿蛋糕,蛋白脆與栗蓉混合,又脆又軟,非常特別,口感豐富,推介。Chocolate Mousse Raspberry,朱古力紅桑莓慕斯蛋糕,$42,閃亮鏡面的朱古力外層配上新鮮的紅桑莓果粒,造型感覺浪漫,就如一位熱情的少女。濃郁的朱古力醬包著朱古力慕斯,非常細滑,中間夾著數顆新鮮的紅桑莓果粒,酸酸的,與朱古力的甘苦味非常配合,感覺甜而不膩。Mille-Feuille,$42,這裡的拿破崙是招牌,真的非試不可。市面上吃到有不同口味的拿破崙,但他們堅持用原本的口味,把經典帶給客人。三層酥皮夾著兩層吉士醬,面層還灑了店子名字,可見這真的是招牌。酥皮香脆鬆化,鬆但不碎,有點牛油香。吉士口感幼滑,雖然沒有水果的點綴,但絕不失色,柔滑的吉士配上鬆脆酥皮,口感豐富,推介。原來吃拿破崙是有小tips,平日吃起來都是很”論盡”,要不然就是不可以一口同時吃到三層酥皮,Carole立即利用鐵叉,將餅打側,然後在中間切開,就可以分成小件,不會令拿破崙粉碎,又可以一次過品嚐。我本人真的非常喜歡拿破崙和栗子蛋糕,有機會可以一試呀。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)