4-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
Let's Jam is a Western cafe in Tsim Sha Tsui that specializes in serving homemade jam themed food. One of their signature dishes include their toast with 9 different flavors of Jam on top. They also have savory food like salads, pasta and risotto. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (841)
Level3 2024-02-07
仲記得之前去一起果醬尖沙咀店食晚飯,覺得呢間餐廳好特別,估唔到之後要食佢地果醬同食物就要入西貢先有得再食。好難得係尖沙咀有一間小店經營,環境特別絕對係尖沙咀一片小淨土😚好多人都食過佢地最出名既果醬九宮格多士,外脆內軟嘅多士熱辣辣真係好好食,口感👍佢特別在一次過可以試哂一起果醬九款果醬味🍎🍍一起果醬全部都係手工製果醬,所以食得出係天然甜味冇添加糖。👍特別想推介佢地既熱食:黃金蟹肉軟殼蟹意粉同埋慢煮厚切安格斯西冷扒配蘋果玫瑰汁⭐黃金蟹肉軟殼蟹意粉👍👍👍👍⭐慢煮厚切安格斯西冷扒配蘋果玫瑰汁👍👍👍👍👍原本以為一起果醬係主力賣咖啡同甜品,對主菜無期望既我點知覺得一起果醬主菜比九宮格多士更吸睛!!🤩如果大家有機會去西貢,都可以試下,係西貢環境同一起果醬間鋪更加夾👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-31
想一次過試晒佢哋啲果醬既可以叫依個果醬九宮格多士。由方形吐司麵包切成九個小塊,每個塊都塗滿不同口味的果醬,如草莓、藍莓等。多士烤得外皮脆內裡鬆軟,每格唔同口味果醬都幾好味喎,個人較為喜歡木瓜雪耳、玫瑰蘋果同桂花雪梨。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日去咗間餐廳,幾有型嘅擺設,感覺滿滿的。🍽 先講羅宋湯啦,簡直係湯中溫暖擁抱,材料豐富得嚟,湯底香濃,每一啖都飲到瓜粒同菜粒,齋飲都飽肚。至於果醬九宮格多士,講真咁多口味一次過俾我揀,真心有啲手忙腳亂,但每款果醬都各有特色,個人至like玫瑰蘋果,清新得嚟夠哂特別。海鮮意粉上菜嗰一刻,個龍蝦味已經四周飄散,個人最鍾意嗰兩粒煎香香嘅生蝦,啖啖肉感,正呀!🍤 玫瑰蘋果醬雞翼都勁正,玫瑰同蘋果醬真係match到好,微甜又帶點香氣,開胃到不得了~ 點都唔至得厚味,得意得意!總結落嚟,係店裏面食到嘅每樣嘢都有自己特色,惹味得嚟又唔失格調。下次仲想試下其他款果醬,而家先知道原來果醬可以玩到咁多花樣!👍👍👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-12-25
嚟到尖沙咀山林道,下午時間想搵個地方飲杯咖啡食個甜品,入咗一間叫一起果醬 lets jam意外地發現入面嘅鬆餅同埋嘢飲都好出色,而且仲10分抵食!我試咗唔同嘅果醬,蛋黃醬都好難忘。仲有d 小食,大家可以試下I went to Tsim Sha Tsui. In the afternoon, I wanted to find a place to have a cup of coffee and a dessert. I went into a place called "Lets Jam". Unexpectedly, I found that the pancakes and drinks inside were very good, and they were also very affordable! I tried different jams, and the egg yolk sauce was also unforgettable. There are also some snacks =) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
超級驚喜👏🏻「全天豪華黑毛豬扒全日早餐」,佢嘅「自家製煙肉」再配上「黑毛豬扒」,真係超級出色,份外驚喜!當然仲有佢最出色嘅果醬厚多士,今次揀咗士多啤梨醬,唔酸唔太甜,好好味。😋呢間小店除咗喺西貢之外,尖沙咀亦都有一間,佢唔喺大街,由山林道行過去有條小街,地方清靜,又人細嘅感覺,好Chill😍呢間小店除咗主打嘅果jam 厚多士外,今次發現佢嘅all day Breakfast亦都真係認真唔錯,真係有心思個喎! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)