Exit J, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
A popular lounge in the InterContinental hotell, Lobby Lounge offers scenic sea and skyline view of Hong Kong. The restaurant has a wide selection of food and is available throughout the entire day. Their afternoon tea here is quite popular and offers English pasteries with and Asian flare. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui (2013), Best Western Restaurant (2012-14)
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (304)
Level4 2024-03-15
望住靚海景,嘆afternoon tea超大落地玻璃望住維港景,慢慢享受高級下午茶🫖甜點鹹點分層,再以le Creuset 上碟,每款好食又好睇。甜點鹹點輪住食中和口感,再配以清新花茶 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-04-20
呢日天氣好好, 我決定出去抖下...可能係因為last week同餐廳”限客令”既關係, 到我攞位要入waiting list, 當我去附近商場兜一圈o個陣, 酒店突然打黎話有位, 我好好彩入面d人坐得好疏落, 我就放心d; 跟住嗌左”象牙海岸公平貿易朱古力下午茶”(難得有一人份), 野飲方面我就揀”Fuji Yama”既綠茶; 鹹點我覺得加左朱古力汁既墨西哥粟米卷同埋澳洲帶子個口感好特別; 甜點我揀”熱情果黑朱古力慕絲蛋糕” 同埋 “菠蘿啫喱及椰子奶凍朱古力撻”, 朱古力味夠濃呢間個view簡直冇得輸, 雖然當日冇live band, 不過有得睇住靚景嘆tea, 心情特別好期望兩年後既麗晶會有咁正既lounge啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
“Le Chocolatier Ivoirien by Axel Emmanuel” Fair Trade Chocolate Afternoon Tea⁣⁣$698 for two; $498 for one⁣⁣洲際就嚟close都係心郁郁想趕尾班車食多次呢度嘅high tea!🙈之前都食過覺得有質素保證😛⁣⁣今次呢個主題係公平貿易, 來自西非象牙海岸嘅朱古力🍫總共有5款鹹點同4款甜點, 另外仲有scones😝⁣⁣唔知點解menu係寫原味同提子乾鬆餅, 我意外獲得一個朱古力味😂😂😂好好食, 點埋朱古力奶油就更加夾🥳仲有伯爵茶啫喱同jam揀, 但個人覺得無乜特別⁣⁣我比較鍾意食鹹點, 每款都幾好👍🏻最好食係個鴨肝同同帶子😋帶子仲有配日本清酒豉油朱古力汁, 朱古力味就無乜但都幾特別, 其餘有牛臉頰, 雞胸同龍蝦, 話配左朱古力汁但都唔係好出😂但都好食嘅⁣⁣甜點比較鍾意食菠蘿啫喱椰子奶凍朱古力撻, 酸酸甜甜唔會好漏😊macaron係薑味朱古力好特別👍🏻另外兩款就一般⁣⁣好鍾意佢地用 lecreuset 茶壺好保溫☺️, 揀左marco polo幾清, 食tea好啱😚⁣⁣價錢雖然唔平, 不過個view抵返, 而且座位距離都算遠, 坐近窗邊梳化位好舒服😌 intercontinental dining club仲有75折tim!! 佢地19號之後就close兩年後先再開啦, 想去試嘅記得早d去排隊無得book, 佢地多人排會抄低你電話安排你上lounge等或者你出去行下call返你返來☺️⁣⁣推介: 🌟🌟🌟🌟(最高5星)⁣⁣ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-04-15
趁Intercon 20/4 關門裝修前去食番個tea🥂呢期以朱古力為主題🍫💰$698 Set for two💰$498 Set for one雙數人去食抵好多🙈好彩朋友係會員有七五折感覺無咁肉赤🙈呢度既scone都幾鬆軟平時用開奶油忌廉今次轉左做朱古力忌廉🍫始終都係奶油忌廉最好食🙈今期既咸點都好食😋不過就唔係好感覺到有朱古力既存在🙈鴨肝多士口感綿密 味道濃郁🦆帶子肉質豐厚鮮甜😋龍蝦Tartar雖然食唔出龍蝦味不過夠惹味🦞雞胸粟米捲同牛臉頰酥都不錯椰子朱古力撻同牛奶朱古力奶凍不過不失薑味朱古力馬卡龍酥脆 朱古力餡料creamy熱情果黑朱古力慕絲蛋糕酸酸甜甜解漏飲品揀左Exotique(Fruit&Rose Black Tea)🍵鐘意Intercon用上LC茶壺保溫一流👍🏻加水多次仍然好有茶味整體黎講呢個Tea不過不失唔會話好有驚喜既然佢即將關門裝修兩年😿唯有食番個Tea紀念下💕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我們對上一次來high tea 已經是2012年的事了!這些年多謝你給我們這些香港女孩很多美好的回憶,今天你的離去讓我和大婆二奶突破重圍,不怕人群聚集,排長龍後享用今年生日飯,也讓我們渡過了一個寧靜又愉快的下午。 Say goodbye to Intercontinental!突然在我腦海中浮現這首歌,希望我們友誼永固,長食長有!😆😆😆🐷🐶🐭🎶時光可變 世界可變人情亦許多都變遷友共情不變 那種真 找不到缺點你我再次相見 隨年和月身心雖秏損 友共情從難扭轉心內那熱暖 仍是純真未變Now and then Think of you and meForever friends forever will beTime is changing but nothing to be blamedCos our hearts forever sing🎶 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)