3-min walk from Exit D2, Sham Shui Po MTR Station
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
深水埗區係飲食文青集中地,係得呢區開cafe要有相當的信心同實力。而呢間打着土耳其早餐cross 中國四川美食、由特色土耳其茶至咖啡到酒都一應俱備,我就要穿過大街走去另一邊尋訪佢嘅踪影。🥢 土耳其早餐配土耳其甜茶呢個一定係餐廳signature,真心對佢嘅自家製芝麻包大推,本身個包係屬於硬包,但內裡好軟,沾上佢3款土耳其特色果醬超好食! 另外餐內亦有3款土耳其芝士,唔會好濃烈,但奶味香濃。仲有腸呀、青瓜、蕃茄仔咁。🥢 土耳其烤雞肉卷 個夾雞肉卷香,都例牌有芝士,正常發揮。🥢 玫瑰蜜糖雞翼呢個略嫌未夠入味。雞皮係燒得好香濃的蜜糖味,但雞肉本身就入唔到味,可惜。🥢薯條 正常發揮。☕️ Salep 土耳其傳統特飲混合牛奶、肉桂、開心果,要攪住嚟飲,好似飲緊奶昔。☕️ 焦糖泡沫咖啡咖啡面燒了一層焦糖,輕輕敲面飲超香甜。呢間cafe佈置得好有心機,好有民族色彩嘅枱凳都會喺度發現,對於想體驗一個異國風情嘅餐飲。嚟呢度是一個不錯的選擇。
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店舖佈置好有中東風情,雖然有盤膝坐嘅位,但因為食Lunch所以揀枱櫈位方便d。响平日下午兩點去到,好少人環境安靜。兩個人叫左一個Lunch Set,一個單點菜式。#1 自家製鷹嘴豆配芝麻包 個包好出色,暖笠笠咬落去好鬆化,原本係Bagel包體但炸完外脆內軟,口感好似食咸水角咁,好有驚喜!配有3款鷹嘴豆味,味道最突出係黑松露味。#2 川味芫茜口水雞冷意 呢個配搭好新,冇諗過意粉都可以涼拌,川味都幾夾!口水雞手掌咁大塊,口感好似醉雞,汁醬剛好,成個配搭好有驚喜。跟餐配有前菜沙律同一杯熱土耳其紅茶,用餐中途女店員更自動幫我refill紅茶好好另外點了一罐Espresso stout啤酒試試
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昨晚(12號)預約7點用餐,我朋友6點50分到達,我7點到,另一朋友因行錯方向,7點40分才到。旦期間waiter/店主已兩三次催促下單及提醒我們用餐時間只有兩小時。我們也7:30下單……差不多8點40分,說我們用餐時間已夠,擺了張發票在台面,預備幫我們收餐具。刷咭(收據)時間是20:49分。簡直匪夷所思,這是餐廳,不是軍營,大家都是香港人,亦想支持小店,更明白生意難做,用餐時間兩小時是理解的,旦多番催促及提醒,就算賣點裝修成中東style /菜式也枉費。在用餐期間,他每次提醒,我就掃一掃餐廳不是full house的,總有一兩張台是吉的。到結賬時,at least 更有三,四張台是吉的。既然不是滿台,何不讓我們坐多一些(餐內仍有其他客人用餐)。就算真的要兩小時內用畢,也不應用此硬崩崩的的態度對我們 (慶幸也有一位女服務員。遞飲品是有笑容的)提醒一,兩次時間已好很足夠。過多就是趕客。或者他們根本不置在(要有性格的),那就繼續祝他以這樣服務,對待每一個客人吧!
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September the first, we gathered for another new semester. This restaurant is VERY dimly-lit, tbh I think it’s a little too dark for guests with weak vision, but it’s a place full of beautiful Middle Eastern inspired decors. I wish they put more lightings cos I find food more appetising when you can see their colours and presentations better. The cuisines here were fusional and influenced by multiple dishes from around the world. Very special and we expected heavy flavours and seasoning, but the taste turned out milder and adapted for Hong Kong ppl’s liking. The hummus combo was my personal favourite, three coloured hummus: pink beetroot/ black truffle/ pesto (that’s what we tasted like but we weren’t very sure about the actual ingredients). The sesame bread twists were fresh and crunchy, went very well with the hummus. Quesadilla was stuffed with chicken and cheese, hot out from the pan, with a mala dipping sauce on the side, really good, just a little numbing and not spicy. The kebab was delicious, we had both the chicken and avocado versions. It’s wrapped with colourful veggies and the sauce inside tasted very nice. The mains, in comparison, were not as impressive. Lasi lemak and the prawn linguine tasted standard, flavour-wise these two were a little underwhelming. French fries were served very hot and fresh. Really crispy. The sauce was very special as it’s a sweet-ish black garlic mayo. Seldom do we find this kind of sauce in local restaurants. Three of us had the rose water special drink and they all appreciated it. It’s very fragrant and refreshing, sweet with rosy flavours. This Iranian summer drink is called Tokhm-e Sharbati, it has rose water, chia seeds, basil and lime. My drink was a cup of hot pistachio and cinnamon milk, called Salep. It’s apparently a Turkish drink and tasted similar to chai latte, with an additional nutty flavour from the pistachio. Baklava was pistachio pastry. These cubes tasted like honey and were very sweet and sticky. I must admit that the cutlery, cups and plates here were delicately selected and they were gorgeously beautiful.
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