4-min walk from Exit B2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
18:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (49)
Level4 2024-02-10
Have been longing to try LucAle for long and glad I finally got to try tonight.It is really hidden, taking over the venue which used to be the Fish School.Since its recent renovation, the restaurant is brighter than before.We dined with our little children who lacked patience. I was initially worried if they would be noisy for such a fine dining restaurant, but it turned out the environment was much more relaxed than I thought. Staff was friendly indeed.We ordered the Sciilian tuna with avocado cream as well as the Parma ham with burata cheese as starters. I particularly liked the sauce who came with the tuna.The highlights of the meal were definitely the pastas. The tagliolini pasta with lobster in a paper box came with a surprise in presentation. The chitarra style spaghetti with black truffle was creamy and rich in flavour. Shrimp ravioli with pan-fried shrimps was also worth trying too!We managed to enjoy the soft and tender 24-hour slow cooked beef cheek followed by tropical egg as dessert to complete the meal. We love presentation while my son was having fun knocking the egg!If anyone is looking for an authentic Italian restaurant in Sai Ying Pun, this has to be on your must try list. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-08
餐廳後巷滿佈烏蠅!!本身以為黑色一點點嘅係咩嚟,原來全部都係昆蟲。加上餐廳油煙味超勁,令附近烏煙瘴氣,不知所謂。用西餐扮作高級,但惹埋一大堆昆蟲烏蠅,令環境污染十分嚴重。野食好唔好食已經係其次,我見到附近環境已經覺得好噁心🤮So many flies around the restaurant, it’s really dirty and makes me feel disgusting. I really don’t like understand this restaurant which states in the back alley of the residential area. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We happened to stumble upon this restaurant after searching for a pasta place. It was highly recommended by a blog post. However, the overall experience did not match our expectations. We were informed by the server that there was a fee of HK$28 for free flow still or sparkling water and that tap water was not available. However, the bottles that they provided the still water in were neither sealed nor packaged. Our server was not friendly and when we only ordered 2 pastas and 1 side, he was quick to inform us in a somewhat condescending tone that "the portions are small but it is your choice". We had ordered a ravioli and wondered if he meant that there were only a few pieces. When we asked him, he bluntly said that we did not order the ravioli and seemed quite annoyed. When we clarified that we had ordered the shrimp ravioli he subsequently qualified that they had previously had multiple versions of ravioli including pumpkin ravioli, beef ravioli and lobster ravioli, the relevance of which we did not understand. Upon finishing our meal we noticed that all other tables had a bread basket. We asked another female server who had helped us with our bill whether we had to order the bread separately and she seemed surprised and asked whether it wasn't given to us and she told us she could give it to us immediately. However, as we were already done with the meal, we decided just to leave. Overall, the experience was disappointing and we would not be returning. While the pasta itself was decent, it felt overpriced and our total bill came up to HK$671 for 2 pastas and 1 side. You would get better value for money and probably better service elsewhere. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
❀ LucAle #西環 ❀❗️前酒店主廚開辦正宗意大利餐廳 極速獲米芝蓮推介❗️——————————————————位於西營盤嘅一個小巷入面,獲得米芝蓮推介👏🏻由兩位意籍大廚主理,分別為曾經喺香格里拉意大利餐廳Angelini工作 Alessandro Angelini ,以及Luca De Berardinis🤩LucAle 致力為客人帶來最地道嘅家鄉美食,意大利粉全部都係自家製,食材大部份由意大利空運到港🇮🇹 環境唔算特別大,但有種輕鬆bistro感覺。喺度慶祝生日,即使細細間都會唱生日歌。.✷𝑀𝑒𝓃𝓊✷☞ Burrata “Deliziosa” (300 Gr.), 24 Month Aged Parma Ham $288/full $178/ half (4/5)Burrata cheese同Parma ham真係絕配🥳Burrata cheese夠creamy又重奶香,配上鹹香pama ham好好食,用嚟搽麵包重好食🤤想fresh啲嘅仲可以配橄欖蕃茄。.☞ Shrimps Ravioli with Pan Fried Shrimps, Porcini Mushrooms and Artichokes $278 (3.7/5)佢哋應該最近換過Menu,之前網上見到嘅海膽/龍蝦意粉都冇咗🥺見menu推薦呢款蝦肉ravioli決定試吓。外型好可愛,不過個人始終覺得意大利粉al dente嘅口感整成餃子皮有啲太硬太厚🙈餡料似蝦滑,但唔算好有彈性。醬汁帶有菇味,略嫌唔算特別夾。.☞ 24hour slow cooked Beef Cheek with Celery Root cream and caramelized Kumquat $308 (3.6/5)得三細嚿,定價不便宜,近筯位會腍啲,但有啲部分會鞋少少🙈配上牛肉汁,味道未算太有驚喜。反而伴菜嘅西芹忌廉蓉好香滑,幾出色。.☞ LucAle’s Style Tiramisù $108 (4.1/5)全晚最出色嘅必定係呢個進階版Tiramisu😚表面先有塊香濃朱古力焦糖脆脆,入面除咗有香滑用蛋黃製作嘅tiramisu之外,仲有咖啡啫喱、榛子粒、濕潤手指餅。咖啡味幾突出但又唔會太苦,不過就未必啱鍾意重酒味嘅人。——————————————————✨整體味道: 3.8/5 ✨環境裝修: 3.8/5✨服務態度: 3.8/5✨性價比: 3.5/5✨再訪興趣: 3.6/5 .💞整體來講剛剛從意大利回港,感受到餐廳充滿正宗意大利特色,但可惜今次選嘅主菜未算太啱胃口🙈不過提拉米蘇就真係好好食👍🏻可能會想再訪食提拉米蘇及俾多次機會其他類型嘅意粉。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-08-09
上個星期睇到有人推介就去左試呢間LucAle,我地叫左1. Sicilian Fresh Tuna, Avocado Cream, Soy Sauce and Amalfi Lemon Dressing2. Pan Fried Italian Sea Bass with slow cooked Porcini Mushrooms, Herbs Cream and Oriental Arrabbiata Sauce3. “Rangers Valley” OP Rib Steak (1 KG)4. LucAle’s Style Tiramisù吞拿魚就算係正常發揮喇,幾好味。份 sea bass 做得幾好味,皮焦肉嫩,同份薯蓉&菇好夾。不過份扒就……唔覺得有1KG,望落似係得7到8成份量。同埋做唔到 medium rare... 變左 medium ,仲要無乜牛味,所以呢份扒就真係令人幾失望。最後,佢地個 Tiramisu 就好香同好好味。講多少少服務…就覺得算普通喇,唔似有相應價錢既服務質數。短期內唔會再試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)